Reviews from

in the past


It really was kinobringers

they finally locked the fuck in. so much less fluff between story beats, a really fantastic core cast, and the best villains in the whole thing. the stretch from crown of the immaculate to the end, and then the entirety of 5.3, are the most invested ive been in a game in a long time

The Deconstruction of the Light vs Shadow trope, and a magnificient story, everything is so well written, it really shows XIV's true potential.

The setting, ambient and problematique are absolutely charming and captivating, the music is also absurdly iconic and masterfully composed, just bravo.

On the other hand, it has some pacing issues, but that's the only con i can find.

It's such a masterpiece and gives us one of the best villains in the whole franchise.

Well-deserved praise. Cried a lot. Screamed a lot. Earlier parts though? Nightmare-inducing. Jesus Christ.