Reviews from

in the past

Bury the book
Infinte rng takes over my mind
Fallen short on energy, summon the strength of booking
Restarted I am Critcarded
A Bennet’s Burst In dark divide
Catalyst memory
Polar Star chasing time

Inherit the reset, Surrounded by swirl
Can’t Book Away
Keep resetting the chamber, Keep reading the line, between the pages
Funnel away
Through vacant floors, i won't surrender
The truth funnelled in eyes of GODBA
Disappear into Billbilli
Lost Resets left behind.
Kazuha's pulling enemies
Riptide, I've come to take what's mine
Restarted I am Critcarded
A Bennet’s Burst In dark divide
Catalyst memory
Polar Star chasing time

É um jogo interessante de início, há um mapa gigantesco que é expandido a cada atualização, com cada região possuindo suas peculiaridades que genuinamente chamam a minha atenção, sem falar da trilha sonora que eu considero muito boa. A história é relativamente simples, mas há alguns momentos interessantes.

Além disso há a mecanica dos elementos e as suas combinações, somado a cada personagem possuir um dos 6 elementos do jogo. Nisso também que há tres atribuições básicas aos personagens: main dps, suporte e healer. Claro, há personagens que estão no meio termo dessas ou então que realizam todas elas. Como é possível utilizar até 4 personagens em uma equipe (apenas um de cada vez na tela), da para criar diversas equipes em que eles possuem sinergia entre si para ter um melhor aproveitamento deles na gameplay.

No entanto, tudo isso gira em torno da mecânica Gacha (para quem não sabe, é possível colocar dinheiro no jogo para pegar os personagens, equipamentos e até materiais coletáveis caso seja do interesse do jogador). Nesse sentido, tudo pode ser reduzido a um grande vazio caso o objetivo de alguém seja apenas obter um personagem especifico, já que para isso serão necessárias dezenas de horas de exploração das regiões do jogo e eles normalmente apenas ficam disponíveis para se obter por cerca de 3 semanas(voltam, mas demora bastante).
Outro ponto a se considerar é a própria gameplay e o endgame do jogo. Apesar de mencionar que ela pode ser diversa, os combates do jogo quase não possuem dificuldade alguma, sem contar o endgame do jogo que é basicamente farmar meses um set de artefato específico e pegar a cada 2 semanas as 36 estrelas do abismo em uns 15minutos( que seria o ápice da dificuldade do jogo).

No geral, é um jogo que tenho certo apreço e que certamente joguei por mais tempo do que listei aqui no site. Por outro lado, é inegável que, apesar de certas qualidades, torna-se monótono com o passar do tempo.

This game is probably the only game that can keep me coming back consitently and it is for good reason to. The world is amazing in my eyes with a beautiful story and great exploration and characters.

Since 1.0 never got a seperate update I will say here that the Mondstat Arc is good, not the best but the characters and the region is one of mt favourites and it means a lot to me personally so I will always have a bias to it.

Bon jeu si cetait pas pour les pdf

Gacha Bullshit. Don't even bother. It slows down immensely after ar20. Left after a week and a half and not only never coming back, but warning off everyone mentions the bull to me.

I'm really into the character design in Genshin Impact, but around Adventure Rank 23, I hit a wall where the game started losing its appeal. Honestly, it's all just gacha bullshit. I've never been a big fan of that.

I have never and will never play this game

Spent over 3000 hrs in game. I miss the prime genshin day 2021-22. The game started to feel boring after the release of the new 3.0 region Sumeru and the world quests, even main quest seems repetitive. The exploration in games doesnt feel like exploring and instead feel like just grinding to reach 100% exploration mark on the map. There is no late game content for the hardcore players and even the hardest challenge in the game"Sprial Abyss" can be easily clear with the starter character like Xinaling. Every quest seems boring and feel like button clicking simulator and why it cant be like persona or any other jrpg. They need work on the story telling of the game so bad and genshin is only fun if you have someone to explore the world together. Even though it will not feel like its prime day again, the game is constantly getting regularly update and it’s very f2p friendly. It will always be one of the greatest game ever made in my heart and I miss the day that i played together with my love one.

I hate the community, I hate that it could be so much better and I hate the gacha greedy scheme

mid dookie shit. has too many characters to properly flesh out all of them (gacha). although is sometimes entertaining and has its moments

I can't tell you why I play this game but something about is so good maybe it's the story or the Character(HOT MOMMY) but it's a game I play Every day which properly isn't that good for me

Kawaii cocaine for girls with father issues

I don’t like it. Nor do i like paimon.

i fucking hate it
But i can't stop now

Graphics, atmosphere, good story.

Problem, it's a gacha with all that comes with this kind of games. It must also be said that Mihoyo is quite stingy with the game being their most popular game.

They don't give away almost any protogem lest they go bankrupt.

Gráficos, ambientación, historia buena.

Problema, es un gacha con lo que todo conlleva este tipo de juegos. También hay que decir que Mihoyo es bastante rácano con el juego siendo su juego más popular.

No regalan casi ninguna protogema no sea que se queden en bancarrota.

GAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! las tetas de la shogun

chega ao ponto de tu querer espancar o diretor desse jogo junto com o ceo da empresa

game peaks with the lisa missions you can stop after that

Combat is nice, characters are nice, world exploration is nice. Artifact farming and endgame is unforgiving garbage.
Gacha is fine, for gacha standards. Story is also nice, although really text-heavy.
The reason I dropped Genshin and stopped playing was because I lost all motivation to keep playing after missing too many time-limited events that play a huge part in fleshing out characters or the lore as a whole. No plans of reintroducing such events as replayable content (except for ONE statement in 2022 that lead nowhere). Stay away if you don't like some character being blank canvases due to their character development only appearing within events.

Non mais c'est bon, dès qu'un jeu demande d'explorer son monde je me sens obligé de bien noté

Todos os jogos de gacha devem morrer.

(Saiabam desinstala essa porra)

I recently came back to this after quitting during 2.7 and I mean. There's been some QOL changes and artifact grinding is less of an absolute pain with strongboxes. Haven't reached Fontaine yet but Sumeru is gorgeous. The exploration and world design is the main appeal of this game to me as well as cool characters. Ultimately though this thing and its God awful fandom peer pressured me into spending 500 usd between 1.0 and 2.7 so I still dislike it inherently. However I'll give it the benefit of the doubt and say it is a better game than it was before