Reviews from

in the past

Really really super good.
This has to be one of the best horror game's I've played in recent times. Its super fun and with the mechanic of it using your computer to the fullest is so awesome.
The soundtrack is really good, and I love the 2000s computer aesthetic.
Spoiler warning from here on out:

The fact it turns on your camera half way is actually crazy, freaked me out. Same with the "Where is my location" into your search-bar, that was actually freaky.
The part where kinitopet like comes into your bedroom is so creepy, especially with how disturbing he is. The hide and seek part was so scary. And the ending is so good. It feels like the portal endings which I love. The secret ending too is amazing. This game honestly is perfect besides the fact that its too short. I completed the game in 2 hours with the secret ending. Please do more with kinitopet it is peak!!.


Damn, I just finished Buddy Simulator 1984 and this game immediately lost so much of its charm. It's still got some cool tricks though won't deny that

My friend harry is giving my computer viruses what a dastardly man

Se me ha pasado el tiempo volando y no he dejado de estar tenso. Toda la estética está chulísima, y en general el juego mola mucho. Aún así lo he sentido como un juego de sustos sin mucha más chicha. Creo que le ha faltado mucha más historia detrás para que me llegara a encantar.