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I played this for a project I'm working on with some friends and wooooow this is noooot for me lmao.

Analog Horror type beats have never particularly been my thing but I can vibe with a kinda "x but it's off and kinda creepy" type experience especially if it eases you into that experience after instilling a false sense of security with you.

The problem here is that it kinda just goes down the list of the most obvious creepypasta tropes that you could possibly go for from the word go, like you would think that maybe it would hold off on some of its more creepypasta ass shit for at least a little bit but nah, I feel like it's designed that way to keep a youtube/twitch audience engaged (and I mean it has a streamer mode so I definitely think that's what's up).

It especially feels bizarre when the 3rd act of the game actually feels like it does something far creepier and far more interesting with its concept and the kinda connection and trust we allow programs to have on our computers without fully really thinking much about it sometimes.

It just all feels squandered in the way its all wrapped up and presented. Like if this leaned far more into stuff like the complete access/building you something from that, I really think this could've been something way more interesting than it was but I feel the ARG/Youtuber/Streamer/Game Theorist bait it lays out constantly just had me rolling my eyes the entire time.

Defo for a certain audience and hey more power to them but like I need a little more from something like this. I will say, the visual design and audio design though is perfectly done and I do really think that this person has a lot of potential to make something really special.

Also Kinito asked me what my favorite game was, I said Koudelka and he pulled up Control so frankly he's a fraud.


KinitoPet is a charming, deceptive, and surprisingly immersive psychological digital horror video game that is impactful despite it's short runtime. The game presents you with a simulated personal computer, where you find yourself downloading a virtual assistance program, none other than the titular character KinitoPET, a pink axolotl AI companion that is eager to make you their newest friend. Whilst KinitoPET has a friendly demeanour at first, it’s not long until his demeanour changes and you find yourself at the mercy of his antics.

This premise may seem formulaic to other digital horror experiences but I assure you that the metaphorical and literal fourth wall breaks that KinitoPET is able to achieve is incredibly personal and is worth experiencing first-hand. KinitoPET will ask you questions, it wants to learn your name, your address, your fears… and it uses these answers against you. But it also goes one step further, manipulating your peripheral devices such as cameras and monitors, accesses your computer and altering files on your desktop to create a horror experience that transcends the boundary of the simulated computer.

As I mentioned briefly, this creates an incredibly personalised experience that uses your system, your sensitive information, and your responses against you, and combines them with elements more typical of digital horror games to create something unsettling. KinitoPET also has replayability, with multiple endings and secrets that fans of the game will want to discover first-hand.

The audio and visual design is incredibly effective in capturing that early era of personal computers, and the aesthetic of KinitoPET himself, the website, and the interactive games throughout are incredibly endearing to the time period but also subvert drastically in moments to create jarring moments of fear. If you’re a fan of digital horror I think this is a must play and at a fair price I would highly recommend this game to fans of the genre.

This game is kind of like the digital equivalent of one of those haunted houses you go to during the Halloween season. You go in, see some cool visuals, get spooked a little, and before you know it it's all over.

KinitoPet has lots of merits but it falls flat as a horror experience. The old internet aesthetic is very neat and some of the 4th wall breaks give some chills. However the abuse of jumpscares, flashing images and creepy faces(Analog horror tropes) makes it a really annoying game to sit through.
Not to mention that it almost crosses the line of fake malware. The developer really has potential to make something unique and great in the future, but overall the premise is much more interesting than the execution.

I was a fool to think this wouldn't be scary

Vapid with a neat parlour trick or two; you'll like it if you liked Pony Island, and you won't if you like this genre but want something else out of it

Just not my vibe. I think the problem with KinitoPet is that it is so clear from the get-go for what its goals are, that so many of the scares don't work. Like, obviously it is a game that is pulling from your files and trying to scare you in that "meta" way, but those type of scares only work when you are NOT expecting them, not when it is a focal point of advertising.

You also have to build these scares up, really let the player sink into the comfort of the world before you start throwing jump scares and cryptic gore at them.

I will admit, it got me once or twice, and thought some use of the outside of game mechanics was clever but was almost instantly let down by use of cliche horror. Not bad for the price, but I think these experiences need to be longer and more curated.

kojima if he developed metal gear solid on pc

for what it set out to do i think this game is essentially perfect. I loved all the things it did to mess with my computer the entire game just felt like a playable analog horror video it was so cool...
only thing i will say is that the endings kind of suck and I left feeling not a whole lot after doing them all. It left kind of a sour feeling despite the entire game up to that point being fantastic, but it does anything but take away from the positives. Great little experience i think

game becomes so much funnier when you have a stupid desktop. like, "oh no, evil corrupted weezer!!"

idk how my homeboy marwan played this cuz yknow

i thought this was super cool! fun little experience that you should play if you're at all into mid 2000s internet and such.

i will say i dont think it was super scary but at the same time i think all the scares did work well so idk

It does almost nothing new but it's so lovable, and does a lotta cool stuff. Not really scary minus a couple loud bits, I just love the meta computer stuff it was doing the most. A good bundle of fun worth supporting

Every so often someone comes onto a game dev forum to be like "hey guys, I wanna make a game that messes with the player's computer! how do I do it?" and then every reply is like No Don't Fucking Do That, You're Basically Making A Virus

Well, KinitoPET goes ahead and does it anyway, and you know what? It's a lot of fun. KinitoPET isn't flawless or particularly deep - it's pretty short and ends when you think the game is just getting going. Plus the scares that don't fall into meta PC fuckery like asking you to open command prompt to give Kinito special privileges, are pretty much generic creepypasta stuff you can find any Itchio horror game. THAT BEING SAID, I still absolutely think it's worth checking out and there's clear passion here, even if the idea isn't used to its full potential

Is it a scary horror game? No but most modern horror games aren’t. Is it really really cool? Absolutely. I think too many people are viewing this as a game that’s trying really hard to be scary and failing when in reality I think it’s just trying to be a cool project. Some of the stuff it did I’m still not sure HOW it did and that’s really cool. It’s a really great time but don’t expect to be screaming in your room over it.

Solid 4th wall breaking horror game that has a lot of visual flare and tricks to make up for a notably bland overall experience

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when it asked me to draw my best friend i drew kinito getting shot and he liked it so much he hung it up in our private house later
I want one of those plushes BAD I don't care if its haunted or whatever

pior que eu gosto de você queridopet

really good horror game, i absolutely LOVE 4th wall breaking horror like this!! especially with how kinito plays around with your files and pc :3 Def in my top10 horror games. i chose "stay" btw kinito is very sweet and normal <3 .

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Congrats on being the first game to make me genuinely question whether or not it's malware.

Really really super good.
This has to be one of the best horror game's I've played in recent times. Its super fun and with the mechanic of it using your computer to the fullest is so awesome.
The soundtrack is really good, and I love the 2000s computer aesthetic.
Spoiler warning from here on out:

The fact it turns on your camera half way is actually crazy, freaked me out. Same with the "Where is my location" into your search-bar, that was actually freaky.
The part where kinitopet like comes into your bedroom is so creepy, especially with how disturbing he is. The hide and seek part was so scary. And the ending is so good. It feels like the portal endings which I love. The secret ending too is amazing. This game honestly is perfect besides the fact that its too short. I completed the game in 2 hours with the secret ending. Please do more with kinitopet it is peak!!.


overwatch 2 en jeux favoris? oh honey you don't know me

my new best friend.

Ok, but in all seriousness, I did genuinely enjoy the game. It's a very unique concept to me and I would absolutely love to check out anything that's like it. I feel as though I cannot say TOO much since it would ruin the entire game, so all I'll really say is that it is definitely worth checking out personally (instead of watching someone).

UPDAATE i decided to replay the game since i really enjoyed it and found some weird stuff that werent there in my first gameplay. so now i guess im doing some sort of arg.. this game gets even better!!!!

Another "i wanna be different" game

kinitopet scary as fuck when you dont have a vc in your ear telling you its cringe