Reviews from

in the past

i would love to finish this game but act 3 is such a pain to even think about getting through

feels like taking a shot of pure gaming.

Holy hell this is a long game. I've been playing on and off since launch, starting a new playthrough a couple times, and had a completely different experience each time. And I still haven't made it to act 2. Buy the damn game.

really really fun game, act 3 is just too overwhelming 😭

Una obra de arte, nada mas que añadir.

Unfortunately, I have never been able to run it at its full capacity but I've enjoyed every bit I have played as a DND fan. Have finished Act 1 multiple times but never completed Act 3.

I've gotta just sit down and put more time into this game

Really good game, definitely worth to buy.
Act 3 was disappointing and the final boss was extremely bad. Somehow didn't romance anyone.

best co op dnd game i have ever played

the best game dnd game out there!

Larian deserves all the recognition. While I didn’t enjoy this game as much as most ppl, I don’t regret the journey at all.

+ Masterfully crafted world filled with unforgettable characters, attention to detail, and how you have so many different paths/ways to play. Only made possible by a collective effort of over 2000 individuals.

- Encountered multiple instances of being soft-locked, crashes, and some needlessly frustrating battles almost made me to consider dropping the game but I decided to press on, never back down never what. On the bright side, these crazy moments made me priceless memories such as somehow cheesing my way through the steel watch factory, temple of bhaal, and final boss 😭

shadowheart<3 i am completioning tf outta my first playthrough if it kills me

Baldur's Gate 3 is definitely an achievement for Larian that will likely catapult them to new heights, but for as much as the game tries to tie itself to the legacy of Baldur's Gate and Baldur's Gate II, it doesn't have the spirit of those games. It's its own thing, closer, by all accounts, to Larian's well-regarded Divinity series than to the titans that have spawned numerous spiritual successors over the last 10 years or so in particular

In another world, where those two games weren't foundational to the gamer I am today, I might be able to look at this game with the fresh eyes I know so many others are seeing it with, but that's not the world I'm in. If you're looking specifically for a Baldur's Gate 3 because you loved the tone, writing, and gameplay of the originals, you probably won't find any of those here

If Larian truly meant to make a worthy successor to Baldur's Gate I and II, they would have done well to properly study what made those games, as well as their many spiritual successors, so great—instead, we have a game that has the surface trappings of Baldur's Gate, but none of its soul

If you don't have the history that I do with the original games, or you're a fan of Larian's other isometric offerings, you might find plenty to love here, and if so, I'd recommend checking out the many other positive reviews, because I do think there's a lot to celebrate here. I'm just not the one to celebrate it

omg i love u astarion youre my man

its very obviously good just not really for me.

A masterpiece from top to bottom, BG3 is just everything you could ever want from a video game. A genuine contender for the best game ever, the world, the characters and the setting are all just astonishingly good with there being incredible replay value taboot. Shavah Orpheus!

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The best RPG I have ever played and one of the best stories I've gotten to experience. So many opportunities and so many ways to encounter them all. It's beautiful in all it's grand design.

HIGHLY recommend playing Dark Urge, you won't regret it.

Baldur's Gate 3 é incrível, uma obra-prima que traz perfeitamente a essência dos RPGs de mesa para os videogames, algo que só a Larian Studios conseguiria fazer. A forma como conseguiram capturar a imprevisibilidade das campanhas de RPG, proporciona uma experiência única e épica.

Mesmo não sendo muito fã de batalhas por turno, tenho que admitir que as lutas em Baldur's Gate são muito fod4s. No começo, podem ser um pouco complicadas, especialmente para quem nunca jogou algo assim. Mas depois que você pega o jeito, é só sucesso.

A uma grande variedade de coisas que se dá para fazer em batalhas, como por exemplo; combinações de habilidades dos personagens da sua PT, usar o ambiente a seu favor ou fugir quando preciso. Isso é um dos pontos mais ♥♥♥♥♥ do jogo na minha opinião, pois incentiva a experimentação e faz com que cada batalha única, até mesmo as mais inúteis.

E pqp que história f0da. As quests principais e secundárias são ABSURDAMENTE boas. A qualidade das histórias, somada à liberdade gigantesca do jogo, cria uma experiência única, cheia de escolhas que realmente fazem diferença na história.

A música e a dublagem são excepcionais para a ambientação ÉPICA que o jogo trás. O fato de ter um personagem importante que canta a própria trilha sonora só porque é super narcisista é o tipo de detalhe que a Larian Studios manda muito (e ainda é uma das melhores músicas do jogo).

Os personagens da sua PT têm personalidades únicas, podendo até criar rivalidades entre eles, o que aparece em diálogos aleatórios durante o jogo.

Cada um deles tem suas próprias histórias, que podem ou não ser exploradas com as quests de companheiros no jogo, que podem ser simplesmente ignoradas caso prefira. Tudo depende de você, assim como quase tudo no jogo.

It seems cool and I can tell it's a great game but I don't really like it.

It makes me feel incompetent because the combat is impossible for me even on easy mode.

I have never seen anybody mention the combat being hard so I'm not sure what's wrong with me.

Think I got a cursed copy.

Ben Drowned 2?

holy shit. this is genuinely the best piece of fiction i've ever consumed. from the storytelling to the soundtrack to the characters to just the ambiance in general, everything was impeccable. the characters in this game affected me in a way that no others have, and I think i'll remember them for the rest of my life. the replayability is insane, there's always more to do and discover, and I plan on starting my third playthrough soon :)

It's okey, didn't loved it.

BG3 success as an CRPG above the others is more of production value than any other thing. The combat system is really good but the fights are very tedious. The flexibility is pretty awesome but the quests, level design and the writing is subpar for me.

I really hate a lot of the characters here, and some of them besides being horny/quirky don't add much to me.

Honestly the best character is Lazael, she challenges the player (in good ways but also in racist ways) and her storyline should actually be the main focues instead of the squid gang trying to kill humanity. Specially after the ending, Lazael basically peaces off to actually liberate her people. Like I actually wanted to go and do that!

The Githrianky storyline is really the most interesting part of the game, and it should actually be the center of it all. An impostor goddess that is lying to rule over the race that is supposedly created to destroy the evil squids and big brain is super interesintg but's just a companion quest that is not even resolved at the end, she just leaves to do the fun thing actually lmao.

some of the combat encounters in this game are out of this world. insanely fun ride especially on honor mode

not too far in but, HOLY SHIT ITS SO GOOD.

literally dungeons and dragons

This game is from the future, I don’t know what else to tell you. Baldur’s Gate 3 was a game that I never heard of I’ll be honest. When it won game of the year I didn’t really care, spider man 2 was good but I knew it was not going to win. Went into this game not knowing about the turn based combat and it did not bother me at all. This is also a game where I can do anything and it is not illegal. The story is amazing, the score is excellent, and the characters are crazy horny. You literally DO IT with everybody you meet pretty much and sums up character development and different feelings. By the end of this game I was sobbing, this game made me feel things so much. One of the best games I ever played that I will always go back to. Masterpiece!