Reviews from

in the past

scared me right out of my over the knee baggy jorts when I was 14. Playing it now it is just not scary, but the gameplay is fun, with neat melee mechanics and interesting enemy AI. I also enjoyed the story, and get to appreciate it more now that I'm not a stupid teen.

Overall, Will probably play it again as a treat.

Normalde en ufak korkulu oyunda elleri titreyerek oynayan biri olarak bu oyunun korku kısmı beni hiç çekmedi açıkcası. Combat sistemi beni aldı götürdü slow motionda adam vurmak kadar zevkli bir şey yok (robot düşmanlar yüzünden 1 puan kırdım)

They need to start making shotguns like this again

The best enemy artificial intelligence ever in this game is so good that it scares you even more than it hurts.

Una idea muy interesante para la época y con muy buen recuerdo de este juego.