Reviews from

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Despite the overwhelming side content, I cried like 10 times and love all of these characters to death. The combat is even better than Remake and the 3 extra party members are also great.

Can't wait for pt 3!!!

'- You are practically painting.
- I'm exited
- Such a puppy.'

The best Final Fantasy game in the last 20 years.

Only 25% in as of March 2024. I liked some parts of this game, it was sort of visually jarring; for some reason I didn't find it to be very good looking in the open world. It feels dated to me. After 10+ hours and it feeling like a slog, I'm shelving until later. I also might've been a bit burned out after recently finishing Remake. Maybe one day.

This game lingered in my mind for months. I can understand why some don't like the pacing, but I grew to love it. Felt like watching a long-running series with a mix of plot focused and "filler" content that made the world feel large and interesting. Adored the character writing, got really into the combat, and I enjoyed being able to choose between pursing the faster paced story sections or the more laid back fill-in-the-map content.

First off, I love you Tifa. I understand why some people might not care for the amount of side activities to do since it can stall the story, but as a person who enjoys exploring large and interesting worlds, I enjoyed it all the way through. A satisfying and emotional story with just a few small things here and there that I didn’t care for.

Square Enix went all out on this one. Can't wait for the final chapter.

Final Fantasy VII Rebirth is the second game in the Final Fantasy VII Remake trilogy and a massive step up from its predecessor. As someone who has never played the original, this game made me understand why its so beloved and often hailed as the best game of all time.

Remake was a game that took quite some time for me to get used to because it was so different from everything else i played up until that point. When i completed chapter 9 half way through the game though, was the point that completely changed my view and made me see a new side of the game, a lighthearted, beautiful, weird but amazing side. Something i have never seen in a game before.
Rebirth continued that way. Rebirth is a lighthearted, beautiful, hopeful tale that will make you smile from ear to ear for dozens of hours.

Final Fantasy VII Rebirth has impeccable worldbuilding, storytelling and character writing. Never before in a game did a place feel so real as the planet in Final Fantasy VII. With that, a very deep and interesting story accompanied with the best cast of characters in any media in my opinion. I love literally dozens of characters in this game and all of them have so much depth. You wouldn't think so when you first meet them, Aerith seemed at first sight just the overly happy girl with a high voice and Yuffie like the over genetic kid, but they are so much more than that. Every character has mutliple layers of depth which make them feel more real. This is because every character in your party has one on one time with the other characters in your party, which adds a lot of depth to them. Besides that, doing seemingly meaningless things like looking for shells or playing cards really make you feel like your friends with the party. The characters in this game are so great that i find it difficult to make a top 20 of them. I never thought you could develop this many characters to be great, but i'm glad i was proven wrong.

The combat and the side activities are also incredibly fun. I finished the game with 82 hours played because i wanted to do as much as possible without losing track of the story. I missed Rebirth so much after completing it that a month later i put another 30 hours in the game just because i had so much fun.

The open world has many awesome activities that are often silly, like playing piano are going to the gym but it adds to the heart of this game. Accompanied with an impeccable soundtrack with about 200 songs that are all amazing, there is not a single location in this game where you don't here an amazing piece of music.

It has been 2 months since i played this game and i still can't get my mind of it. I never expected this game to be favourite game of all time, but here we are. When i saw the reveal trailer, i didn't even know this game was going to exist. Final Fantasy VII Rebirth is one of the best games of all time that is bizarrely consistent for over a 100 hours with top tier OST, characters, story, gameplay and side quests. Nothing in this game is boring and i found something that perfectly encapsulates my kind of fantasy. If you ever thought that you liked fantasy, but you weren't satisfied with fantasy like LOTR of Game of Thrones, play this game. This game will make you smile till your face hurts, you will laugh, and you will cry. It is a rollercoaster of emotions. This is one of those games that becomes a part of you. In any case, it has become a part of me, and i don't know if there will ever be another game that tops this one. Can't wait for part 3.

-1 for making me play as the stupid cat

This game was extremely confusing in parts, but the addition of an open world, fun over-world puzzles, a perfected combat and level up system, amazing characters and character development, etc. made this the ultimate experience. Yes, the story was confusing, but for some reason it was able to be overlooked because i could still figure out what was going on enough to enjoy the game.

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Just like this entire FF7 Remake series this review will be split into 3 parts. The Story/World, The Character Analysis, and The Gameplay. This is going to be a LONG one so grab your popcorn, grab your candies, grab your comically large sodas, cause this one’s a doozy. Before we start, I’d like to preface this by saying that I have played and completed the original FF7 and it is one of those games that hold a special place in my heart. Everything from the world to its gameplay and especially the story is why I view it as one of my favorite games I’ve played. I also 100% FF7Remake in its entirety and that was one of the best games I’d have played on the platform at the time, my feelings for it haven’t changed drastically since my initial first playthrough and I hold that game in such a high regard. It had its problems but I think its strengths outweigh the negatives for me, which is important to note because no matter how I feel about Rebirth I can say with pure confidence that this game is fantastic and don’t let anyone try to convince you otherwise. If you genuinely believe this game to be awful then you need to actually play an awful game to know what that definition even stands for. Along with Remake I’ve also played through the Intergrade Yuffie DLC and that was also very fun and gave a character like Yuffie who didn’t have much in terms of the original so much more development. But more on that later, I’m here to review what’s probably one of my most divisive games I’ve played this year. Coming off the shoes of Remake, Intergrade, and now this do I feel like there’s merit in retelling the FF7 story again? Well, the answer is yes… and no. Oh yeah and I feel like this should be obvious but I’m going to say it here anyways, this review will contain spoilers for the FF7 series entirely. So yeah, you’ve been warned. With that being said, without a further ado, “let's mosey”

The Story/World
The ending of Remake is one of mystery, as the whole gang finally defeated the huge crowd of whispers at the end, they’ve essentially stopped any sort of course correction in the plot. Now it’s anyone’s game as to what can happen, and what will be waiting in their future? No one knows. At this point I didn’t want a faithful remake anymore and I was fully invested in the idea of this being a reimagining of the original ff7 with brand new twists and turns for me to see and experience. But what we ended up getting was… not that. I won’t be going over the entire plot of Rebirth since that’s not why you’re here, you just want to know my overall thoughts on it and I’ll just say right now if there’s one word to describe this whole experience is uncertainty. Let me explain, I think this whole remake series doesn’t know what it wants to be, and after playing through rebirth that became obvious for me to notice its glaring issues. It shifts between brand new content not seen in the original and also staying as faithful as possible to the original game without shaking things up. I think the biggest criticism people had with the Remake was that Midgar had so much “padding” but I’d argue that was all just world-building and it offered a fresh and brand-new experience to both old and new players because they got to see more sides of Midgar that were never explored in the original. There was actual merit in playing the Remake and I highly appreciated that since at that time I was already so familiar with FF7 so playing through what was essentially the same game would just be pointless to me. That’s the crowd where I stand in, if the ending of Remake didn’t play out differently then I’d be fully on board with a full faithful remake of the original FF7, but that’s not what happened. Rebirth instead tries to have its cake and eat it too. While at points this may feel like a brand-new experience a lot of what happens in this game's story is just beat by beat in the original, with some slightly new scenes thrown in there. I think they took the criticisms people had with Remake and just decided to play it safe entirely, almost like this is exactly what the hardcore fans have wanted from the beginning. This wouldn’t be a bad thing if the Remake didn’t end on the note that “anything can happen” if Zack can live, what does this mean for the gang? What does this mean for the entire FF7 universe? Well, I’ll tell you, alternate universes. Yup. That’s right. The ol multiverse plot hole that more and more games are getting way too comfortable using. The reason why Zack is alive at the end of Remake is because that isn’t the timeline where he died, it’s the timeline where he lived. And this would be more interesting if they had done something with it at all. It just feels unnecessary and such a cop out for what we were hoping for at the end of Remake. So not only is our conception of this Remake series tainted with convoluted and pointless multiverses but it makes the original look better by comparison. Even looking past this incredibly stupid plot, what does Rebirth do for the locations and areas seen in the original FF7? In some cases, it does a lot and really fleshes out the area in a great way that makes sense for the narrative. But others… it misses the entire point of what made the original as iconic and amazing as it was.

I want to bring up 1 great example and 1 bad example of each point I’m trying to make. Let’s start off with the good one, Costa del Sol. This was a very nothing area in the original, other than the very good music the gang would just stop by here as a resting point and then they’d take off. In Rebirth this acts exactly the same yet there’s more room for development between the gang as their stay is much longer and we really see that whole tropical paradise theme play into itself. Without going into gameplay too much, this place also offers a lot of great minigames to keep the player engaged and sell the idea of it being a resort where people come to play and relax. I think this was a great break in-between chapters and allowed the player to rest themselves to not get burnt out with the amount of story content being thrown at you. So honestly, I really enjoyed my time with this revisit to Costa del Sol there’s enough new here that I felt like the entire chapter itself was amazing and left an impression on me for what I’d assume the whole game would be like. Now we have the bad example, Dyne and his Death. I'm not really a big fan of how Dyne was handled here in Rebirth, I think making him so insane to the point of not even being able to talk to Barret normally is what really kills it for me. Dyne wasn't like that in the original, he was more so a broken man, barely emoting and full of regrets. The way Rebirth depicts him as a full-on psychopath and I think it misses the entire point of why Dyne was such an important part of Barret's life. In the original we're told about a man who shot and killed 3-4 innocent civilians at the golden saucer and the only description we have is a "guy with a gun for an arm" and the only person who fits that description is Barret to the player. And its not certain whether or not Barret really did do this because keep in mind we didnt know Barrets backstory in the original until after we find out he's innocent. In Rebirth we see from the very start it wasn't Barret who shot those people so Rebirth trying to play the whole mystery with the characters thinking it WAS him or not is stupid, and it doesn't work anymore. We find out his backstory BEFORE we enter the golden saucer and it completely kills off any mystery or doubt we may have had towards Barret. You see the thing is, Barret and Dyne were basically very similar, especially in the way they acted and you see that a lot in flashbacks but with how this remake really wants to ramp up the tragic factor it gets to the point of being overly emotional you know. And they also changed the way Dyne Died, in Rebirth he gets shot to death by Shinra soldiers, not too different from how Zack got killed. But in the original he basically took his own life by falling off a cliff. The whole talk of him having so much blood on his hands that he can't even hold his daughter/losing everyone he loved is what got him to break. Rebirth takes this scene and then tries to be really annoying about it, Dyne saying how he took his daughter away from her when Dyne in the original never mentioned this kind of thing at all, once Barret told him that Marlene was alive he was just shocked, and couldn't believe it. The whole scene is very simple, but it’s that simplicity that makes it more impactful to me. This rendition of it feels like they want to make you cry so bad but I’ll be honest with how overly blown out of proportion it is I couldn't help but not feel much. I love the voice acting of Barret though, his actor does a fantastic job at selling the emotion but Dyne goes too overboard that it misses the original point of this scene. This is where Barret gains that character development and it sucks that this is how they treated it in the remake. Another big thing too is when he died that was it. There wasn't another fight like right after it, the game knew when to stop for a moment and let it sink in, but in Rebirth I just beat the guy and now I’m thrown another boss fight like right after, I think the chapter should've ended there. It completely kills the mood and overall impact of the scene and it baffles me why they thought this was a good idea. Other impactful scenes such as Nanaki’s Realization and Aerith’s death are ones that Rebirth chooses to mishandle in such a way that even when it tries to please the audience that wanted a faithful remake they still fumble the bag.

So, the question I ask is, what’s the point of this remake series? If the whole point was that this was supposed to be a new experience for both old and new players, why can’t it decide what it wants to be? With most remakes of games, I feel like they have a purpose, a reason to exist, RE2 Remake was meant to be a reimagining of the original RE2, and it does so very well to the point where it feels like a brand-new game entirely. FF7Remake was exactly that, it was a reimagining of the original FF7s portion of Midgar, it followed similar story beats for sure but what you’re playing is a brand-new game. At many points in Rebirth, it just feels like I’m just playing the other parts of FF7 again except with mishandled recreations and slightly expanded bells and whistles. This game lack’s identity, it doesn’t know what it wants to be and it constantly shifts between it being a faithful recreation and a brand-new retelling of the original story. And THAT right there is what I have a problem with, I know already people are going to misunderstand my words and think I must hate this game, but that’s not true. I enjoyed my time with Rebirth, my main issue stems from the identity crisis its going through, similar to Cloud it doesn’t know what it wants to be and trying to please everyone in the end while completely straying away from what its true intended purpose was, is a level of aimlessness I feel from the main director Tetsuya Nomura. Who if you recognize his work has a problem with making shit so convoluted and messy, I mean look at Kingdom Hearts, I don’t want to hear someone tell me this shit isn’t convoluted because KH1, Chain of Memories and KH2 are the only ones that don’t spiral into convolution. But I’m straying away from the topic here, if you want a complete experience where it doesn’t feel like these games are trying to tease you all the time, you should just play the original FF7. Let’s return back to my thesis though, coming off the shoes of Remake, Intergrade, and now do I feel like there’s merit in retelling the FF7 story again? I said the answer was yes and no, and what I just explained in this story segment is the no, but now I’m going to get into why I also think it's yes.

The Character Analysis
Yeah, this is the main reason why I said yes. Despite everything I’ve said about these games aimless plot, if there’s one thing that Remake brought over and is done even more well here is the character development and character writing. Everyone and I mean everyone in this game shines in one way or another that it's something that I can’t say was ever the case for the original FF7. Rebirth does well to give all the characters the development they need while also making fun character moments and interactions for the whole gang to get involved with. This more than ever feels like a group of friends more so than the original game ever made them out to be, and I love it. To make this simple we’ll just go through everyone in order and talk about their differences and similarities from the original.

Cloud Strife was always a very non-caring sort of mysterious guy in the original, he didn’t emote much and a lot of what made him interesting was the various situations he was put into. That’s still the case here, he’s just about the same in terms of how they handled him only with more headaches and vertigo. Everyone who’s played the original though knows exactly why he is the way he is though, and this game basically throws more and more hints towards the player for them to start picking up on the little details. Though in Rebirth he’s actually shown to be emoting a little bit more and it's really good to see, especially in the beginning half where you can start to notice he’s becoming a little looser with the gang and opening up to more things. This all basically falls apart when his Sephiroth DNA starts to take into effect and really starts to fuck with him, both in how he acts and what he says. We see a glimpse of this in the Gongaga reactor as he mindlessly kills off the Shinra soldiers in cold blood and he even attacks Tifa after thinking she’s one of them. This was the biggest point in the story that caught me by surprise because THAT was NOT in the original. We basically get more instances of Cloud losing himself in Rebirth with Sephiroth taking control and the subtle nods to it are seen throughout the whole game now as opposed to the one or two times you see it in the original. I will say though they have no problem with showing Cloud attacking Tifa and killing mindless Shinra soldiers, but he doesn’t attack Aerith in the original after obtaining the black materia. He basically goes insane to the point where he’s beating the shit out of Aerith and it's hard to watch honestly, but in Rebirth they just fall down in the temple abyss. I guess since they thought replicating the original would be too graphic but it did make the whole sequence feel more unsettling and unforgettable than how Rebirth handled it. There’s more to Cloud than meets the eye and I think with how this retelling throws so much hints towards the player the surprise of it all will probably lose its shock value when they do reveal the big twist. Other than that, though, I think the characterization of Cloud was done very well.
Barret Wallace is without a doubt the best character in this entire remake series. He was great in the original and has only gotten better here. Even though I don’t like how they handled Dyne in Rebirth, the way he reacts to him and his overall emotion that comes from it is still great. I cannot deny the amount of effort that was put into the development of his character here, everything to his interactions with everyone, him showing more of his humane and fatherly side, and even the times where he’s allowed to be a goofball just like in the original. It all comes together to make one of the best characters in Final Fantasy. When there’s so little wrong with a character, I feel like there’s not much else that needs to be said. He’s peak your honor.
Tifa Lockhart is a very special character; she was integral to the original when it came to being the glue that put avalanche together. Always keeping everyone in check and acting as a sort of mature level headed girl who always looked out for everyone. You see a little bit of that in Remake but I’ll be honest it feels like Remake was the Aerith game rather than the Tifa one. She may have had moments in that game but they’re nowhere near on the level that Rebirth does for her. Rebirth finally gives Tifa that much needed development she needed in Remake to flesh out her character more and make you care about her more. Tifa is a genuinely kind hearted soul who always wants to be a crowd pleaser and it’s that trait she mentions that she hates about her. You see that a lot here, from trying to stop Cloud and his random outbursts of violence to doing someone else’s job so that they don’t get fired from it, you see more and more of her acts of kindness and it makes me wonder how the hell can anyone hate her. That’s not all she is though, because she is capable of being silly like Aerith and when those moments happen throughout the story it really stands out to me. Tifa is lovely, and she was my favorite in the original due to who she was and what she meant for the team. I’m glad Rebirth helped show a new audience on why Tifa Lockhart is so beloved as a character. I’m not even going to mention the fact that she’s attractive cause you already know that, everyone knows that, that’s like saying the sky is blue.
Aerith Gainsborough is still as amazing as she was in Remake, but has an even greater focus given how the main events play out. I think there’s not much to say about her because everything that made her great in Remake is just here again and It’s the reason why she’s my favorite. I guess if I were to mention one thing is that her positive and upbeat attitude when things are looking down is a stark reminder as to why she’s important to the overall gang. She IS the life of the entire gang and many of the games key moments center around her and how much she values the time she spends with her friends. Learning more about the world and how to save it. Which is why her death is so impactful in the original, and they utterly butchered it in Rebirth with the multiverse thing. I feel like if they were going to do this scene it had to be 100% faithful or just completely different, this weird in-between they went with made me feel nothing for it. And it pains me since this was one of the most iconic scenes in the original and they fumbled it so badly here.
Red XIII (Nanaki) is a character I’m a bit mixed on how they handled Rebirth. So, throughout the game you hear him talk and its like this sort of mature very wise sounding voice but like once we find out who he really is in Cosmo Canyon it turns into this very naive sounding teenager. You find out in the story he’s 48 which is 15-16 in human years, so in retrospect I guess it makes sense but I’m not sure. It just feels a little off hearing it since you get so used to how he sounds at the start of the game but it's not like it's just a voice change, his whole personality and demeanor shift and it's not anything at all like what happens in the original. He basically kind of downgrades me to the point where he acts more like Yuffie when Yuffie is already supposed to be fulfilling that role as a naive sounding teenager.
Yuffie Kisaragi was always a character that was weak in the original given how you could playthrough the whole game and not even have her join your party, yup she was entirely missable, so with Rebirth incorporating her into the main plot I was surprised to see how well they managed to actually do it. She doesn’t join immediately and instead the game sort of builds up her joining the gang that it feels very natural and I very much appreciate that. If the Yuffie DLC isn’t anything to go by she already had way more development to her in that DLC and Rebirth basically doesn’t forget it, and brings it up when its needed. She fills the role as the naïve sounding teenager who acts a sort of annoying little sister to cloud and the gang. She definitely brings that youthful energy to the whole cast that further encapsulates the feeling of everyone being a huge family. Like yeah, she can get annoying at times but that was literally the whole point of her character inclusion and I think they managed to write her into the story very well.
Cait Sith is definitely more memorable here than he was in the original ff7, and the whole plot point of him betraying the gang was done much better here as we see everyone start to warm up to him only for him to break their trust. I knew it was going to happen and the game even throws nods to this by Barret completely not being on board with him joining us, but it was still nonetheless a good scene. And him being Scottish was an interesting choice for the voice direction.
Cid and Vincent are ones that I’m not going to write much about since their inclusion is very minimal in Rebirth but Cid in particular, I like what they did, he basically shows up much earlier in the story when the gang has to travel to Cosmo Canyon and his character is nothing short of entertaining. I love this guy, can’t wait to see how the 3rd game handles him and Vincent's stories.

That concludes this very long character analysis for Rebirth, if you couldn’t tell everyone gets time to shine and everyone basically feels like a much stronger version of themselves from the original (maybe say except for Nanaki) but that’s all I have to say about the characters. I think this remake series did a great job in fleshing out everyone to the point where this gang feels more of a family than the original ever did. Now we get to what most have been probably waiting for, the gameplay.

The Gameplay
This game takes Remakes combat and expands upon it in greater ways while also fixing that games shortcoming. One thing I’ve definitely noticed while playing is that everyone gets a chance to be controllable throughout the main story, with many varied party combinations. You’ll be forced to learn everyone sooner or later and I appreciate that, it means no character gets left behind or benched for the most part, you have total control over your main party through most segments but sets of party members will be put into play given where you are in the narrative. The inclusion of synergy attacks is awesome and does a great job in giving us even more character moments with the whole cast, which Is always welcome. Combat wise this is the best, and I still think the ATB structure is the way to go for offering a fun and tactical way to play through the game. Now let’s get into the really new stuff that is the open-world gameplay, when you step out of Kalm and see the world it's ginormous. It's when you actually start exploring is when the scope sort of breaks down. This game unfortunately falls into the same trap that many open-world triple A games do where every objective and everything there is to do is marked on your map, with little to no room for exploration. Especially because everyone’s favorite AI navigator is back, Chadley. Who I feel completely kills off any sort of discovery you can have with the world. It doesn’t help that there is now a gender bent Chadley known as MAI is 10x more annoying and unnecessary as Chadley was. Like I really don’t see the need for this character since she offers little to nothing new and is just another form of Chadley, it just feels unnecessary. That being said I don’t think it’s a bold claim to say that most triple A games just sort of mock your intelligence and have to hold your hand to do every little thing. I know the reason why its like this is because of accessibility but my argument here is that this is a SEQUEL game to a game people should already be familiar with.

Well, whatever the tutorials breaking the pace up aside, what about the side quests? Are they any good? To be honest I don’t really care about the quests itself but what I really love about them is how each is now tied to a certain character. We get to see even more character interactions with them and cloud in a way that helps further boost their relationships. Speaking of, the whole relationship system is new in this game and I really like it! It’s just about the same from the original where it felt like all your choices mattered in how some would alter your relationships. All for the Golden Saucer date and sky wheel ride which are just as great of a reward here as they were in the original. While we're on the topic the Golden Saucer was home to many minigames in the original, and they didn’t slack with anything here in rebirth, there are SO many minigames and for the most part they’re all great fun. I think the only one I didn’t really enjoy was Queen’s Blood. I think it’s a fine card game but having it be mandatory to progress in the story was a bit too much, I think they could’ve gone without it and it was just an optional thing. From the Chocobo Mario Kart races to the fall guys inspired frog mini game, there’s always a new gameplay style introduced and I think this game does its minigames very well. Cannot wait for the snowboard minigame in the 3rd game.

In terms of overworld exploration I sort of already mentioned how everything is marked in the map but I also think there’s just way too much to do in this game that it can get exhausting if you’re trying to do it all. Especially since this game is huge in its length and that’s just the story, if you stop and do any of the optional content you’ll have even more hours of playtime. Which I won't lie just kind of feels like busy work, every area has mako fountains, towers to find, and combat challenges to do. After a while you just kind of expect the same things for each area and while that is the whole point of an open-world it loses its charm as soon as you hit the next area and you gotta do it all over again. The rewards you get also don’t feel like its worth going out of your way for since it's just some materia and the occasional folio. Oh yeah gone are the long upgrades for each weapon they now include a skill tree for each character known as “folios” by increasing your party rank you unlock even more abilities that your gang can use in combat such as using weak elemental magic without wasting MP. This was a solid addition and I think its much better than going into your weapons and having to upgrade every little feature about them like how Remake handled it. This is more streamlined and easier and it works.

I guess that’s… it. I would talk about the music but it’s a final fantasy game. Do I really need to? Yall already know that shit kicks ass. I don’t need to talk about it, this is already long enough as it is. Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth was a game I had high hopes for but a lot of it didn’t really hit the mark on how some of its executions were handled. It’s still an amazing game but it's not something that I can effortlessly replay like the original FF7 was. And the story is just so awful to me that other than the solid character writing I might not have stuck around if the gameplay wasn’t as good as it was. If you played and enjoyed Remake, you’ll most likely enjoy this one too, but whether or not you agree or even like what the story of this game does then that’s really all on you to decide. The original is one of my favorite JRPGs and I have a lot of sentimental value towards it so to watch it get butchered like this was hard to experience at times. On the surface though I think Rebirth is a fantastic game that you will definitely be getting your money's worth if you choose to buy it, or if you even own a PS5. Which if you’re even reading this you do.

A 10/10 game marred by an interminable, poorly executed final hour. The best combat in any Final Fantasy ever, a Yakuza-tier collection of mini games, and the best graphics I've ever seen. If only Chapters 13 and 14 didn't exist.

Final Fantasy VII Rebirth is a good game, but lordy lort there was an unnecessary amount of "busy work" just to extend the games length

godspeed to anyone wanting to 100% this game

Improved on the original remake in almost every way. The best exploration of any Final Fantasy game. I'm not a purest with the story so I liked seing all the changes. But, goddamn, a 12-phase final boss?

A really great game, but if you get sucked into exploring it takes a really, really long time to finish. There were some story changes from the original I didn't care for, and generally the story stumbled here and there. I think I liked Remake better overall. Music was good, challenge was spot on for me, and I had fun when I played... but around the 70 hour mark I was really just ready to be done with it.

After 4 MONTHS of trying to beat this game, I've finally done it. What an amazing game, Sephiroth is the best Video Game villain of all time and OMG the Rufus and final phase Sephiroth fight was so hard and annoying to beat. When the final part of the remake drops, imma probably put that game on easy mode just to get through the game at this point. Put in total of 59 hours towards the game and I was glad when I was able to finally beat Sephiroth. Can't wait to play the final remake in a couple of years.

I need to think on this one for awhile but...CHRIST

A brilliant, but bloated beast that collapses under it's own weight.

it is practically everything i could have asked for. i have my issues, but it feels like a dream come true, so i can not be too harsh on it

The highest of highs and the middlest of mids, this is a game without peer in so many ways. It’s overstuffed to exhaustion, but its character moments are enough to frequently move you to tears of joy and sorrow. It took me 75 hours and
almost four months to finish, and I nearly gave up after the halfway point. However, after an interminable final chapter or two, I already miss my “friends” and want to go back to complete all of the content I missed in order to spend more time with them. If that doesn’t tell you how conflicted I am about this game, I don’t know what would.

Pretendo escrever uma crítica mais elaborada sobre esse jogo, mas por hora é uma das melhores coisas desse ano. Me lembrou demais os Resident Evil do Paul W.S. Anderson em tom. Amo a direção das cutscenes desse jogo, o uso da câmera subjetiva, close-ups e extravagâncias. Amo a forma como ele estabelece uma jornada de RPG mais voltada à aventura e à experimentação de mini-games e mecânicas inconsequentes e menos ligada ao enfadonho tripé do "grinding - level-up - dungeon". Amo como o jogo transpira Kingdom Hearts por todos os poros, assume o Camp que sempre esteve em Final Fantasy VII e não busca emular uma suposta seriedade à altura da história.

No fim ele condensa Final Fantasy aos seus elementos recorrentes mais fundamentais e extrapola isso de um jeito magnífico. Nomura entende muito bem o que Final Fantasy é como fenômeno e sabe cultivar a mitologia dos personagens do VII, reencená-los e transformar as bases do jogo original. Trabalho primoroso, extremamente vulgar e belo!

This review contains spoilers

There’s gonna be spoilers in this, so just a forewarning

I absolutely thought this was going to be my game of the year before this came out, I was incredibly excited and ready for it, playing it, unfortunately let me know this was not going to be the case.

The unnecessary and, quite frankly, annoying change to the story jumping on board with the trend of Multiversifying every damn property. The bloating of the open world to have pointless locations to tick off your completion of an area, the silence of characters as they’re exploring unless on a side quest (not even a slight murmur of conversation), the ramming of mini-games down your throat at every point, It became too much, very quickly.

I DID enjoy the game when I was focused on just enjoying the combat and the “look and feel” of it all, it definitely felt like a step up from Remake in terms of gameplay - but it just needed to be reeled in from so many of the choices it made.

So I'm a start of this over 18853 word review written on a laggy android over the course of 15+ hours stretched thin over a week that I am and will forever be a final fantasy and final fantasy fan hater so like yeah ironic that it's this game that no cringe shit unironicaly saved my life and changed my view on my life n shit but yeah weird how the world works if you actually read this enjoy the unintelligible yapping gibberish filled with typos that is this "review" :3 that I had to delete and also copy and paste so I can be my 200th game played on this site n shit so yeah :33

See now this is how I expected the og to feel like man like ion hate the original but like if this is what it was like id get the hype behind it like this game tied with 16 with having my favorite overall gaming experience ever dawg this game felt like a journey for me like I wish I felt like this for every game man like im not even a ff7 fan let alone a final fantasy fan in general i hate all of em except 16 and the ff7 remake before this and i dont count crisis core cus Zach is too good to be lumped in with allat hes a god among men dawg i love Zach but anyway this gon take me a while to write fuck me basically so imma give a lil lore before I actually review the game I before game came out like a few months I just barely finished the og which I didn't even start off with like I played the remake before which just made my whole experience even worse and on top of that when I was emulating the original I was on my old Android which go figure a few days before I dropped hella hard which left a giant like half x shaped crack on my phone that left dead pixels on my screen so like imagine tryna understand the already confusing and let's be honest not very good story of the original while not being able to read half of the dialogue so like not understanding shit def makes an impression on you overall love for a game y'know but after that I got a new phone a lil bit later and since I saw in the remake that a dude named Zach survived which I truely didn't get the momumental impact that would have on my life yet since the I only knew Zach as the gongaga guy from vinesauce and i was like huh I wonder what game that was from and i saw that it a psp game and i was like oh shit i can emulate that and holy shit did i have an experience with that game man like Zach's tied with dante as my fav character in anything ever which lowkey I kinda think zach is my fav character ever like i love dante but i dont feel the same emotions with zach like everytime think of Zach I be giggling and blushing and kicking my feet like a lil girl on top of hating final fantasy and its fans like zachs so goated man if i wasn't identifying as vergil I'd def be Zach but sadly hes cursed to be final fantasy character so i cant identify as one of those loser freaks im sorry zach but i cant be seen as a geek even if its for you but yeah that game also cleared up any confusion or questions i had with the og like why does zach have clouds buster sword oh its actually his why does cloud have solider strength if he never got into solider oh he and zach were experimented on and that also why hojo said he was a failed experiment why is tseng and aerith so close in the og and remake oh its cause tseng and his gay hair delivered Zach's notes to her and thats also why she mentions being in a will they wont they relationship with a soilder and whu she had a strong connection with cloud for no reason which may i say i hate the love triangle in these games even more now like that your bois girl cloud get yo breedable femboy ass away from her like you big biddies over there go away and fuck aerith for that too like but tbh i would also thought he was dead but still anyway yeah love crisis core and i love zach but then i saw that middle of playing the game that a remake came out and it had a new cast which i I don't mind i obviously only care about Zach and sephiroth and i love remake sephiroth's alot more than the og not that hes bad the remake just played by my fav superman even if i grew up george newborn as superman funnily enough but then I saw a comparison and let me say right off the bat that i absolutely hated it like why tf did they make hin so nasally and weak and like hes not even that bad of an actor but like why did they do zach like that every emotional part sounds like a comedy bit or that he knows hes bad but doesn't care like its so weird but like i manipulated myself into thinking it was okay since i knew that was gonna be what he sounded like in this game so i was like whatever I'll deal with it so yeah good way to segway into my actual review so yeah when i started this game up you can imagine my excitement Zach's in the game and on the cover and theu finna remake what I've been told is the biggest moment in gaming history which is aeriths death so i was like bet put this shit in dynamic difficulty since in goated like that and you can imagine my excitement when I see that we start off this game in Zach's alternate dimension which was a lil weird and confusing but ill get into allat eventually but yeah seeing zach i was just waiting for his nerdy ass to speak and when he did i was like hol up thats not reunions actor did they recast him fr and he kept speaking and shit and i was like holy fucking shit he has a good voice director he actuals fucking amazing now like imma go off now like zach in this game genuinely exceeded every expectation i had of him since i knew his nerd voice would bring him down by like 90% but he gives so much to zach man he's genuinely just as good as the og which is and will forever be the highest honor i can bestow upon anybody like hes genuinely amazing and im so so so so fucking glad hes as good as he is like i whole ass got goosebumps just thinking of him man and he gives my favorite quote in any video game and in anything ever for the rest of my life i think like i 100% related to zach hes my literally me charcter but this game 1000% cemented him as my favorite person ever man like they used him so well man like when i was playing i genuinely got through this game suffering half the time just to get to him man like him saying i got you aerith while rubbing dirt off her cheek and when he said thank you to nanaki like hes so good man I'll try to remember what points his scenes play but I'll prob just talk about him at the end like overall type shit and also why that girl with the bisexual flag on her hat featured alot in this game fr she feels like a industry plant but shes bisexual so i like her anyway yeah after the prologue I played through the whom tutorial shit they had in the demo since i liked sephiroth alot its so cool to see him normal and cracking jokes n shit and seeing the very obviously cloud shinra solider like nice attention to detail but yeah great intro the whole sephiroth massacre was great still like Crisis core more but why put two legends against each other but yeah i love seeing the new combat in this gane with the updated synergy mechanic from intergrade which i guess ill talk about the combat get it out of the way yeah 10/10 combat man like the amount of shit you can do and the level of depth is cool it isn't completely like crazy and you cant do crazy shit like in 16 but still it doesn't have to be i like how everyone basically has a stagger or defense or counter option like how tf like they went all out for this game like i haven't even done all the limit breaks n shit mostly cus i stuck with barret and cloud the whole time and using yuffie and camit when i got him like the fact i never got bored or felt like overpowered or underpowered is great man and the level three limit breaks are hella nice even if i never used the but anyway back on synergy attack their def my fav new feature like its just so good man nothing else to add and the whole way to level up the characters with the while books n shit is cool and I love the way every character plays like to make cait sith that fun to play is crazy but yeah back to it imma be skimming through alot of this game like the open world shit till the end or sum idk im just writing how i feel like i didn't plan this shit at all im just winging it thugging it out type shit but yeah i like the opening in kalm its cozy af anf cloud still being paranoid AF is great like he had tifa flash her tig ol bitties to prove shes real like shoutout to him but yeah i like the introduction and the intro to queens blood which ill talk about in the yacht later but yeh and the intro to the whole persona affinity mechanics cool feature i like it and i liked the dude who helps you sneak out who you find out in a later mission is actually ex solider and you see him turn into one of the robed men like thats cool same as the last remake i like how absolutely everyone has a actual character and backstory behind them but yeah after leaving kalm n shit I liked chocobo billy n his story with his dad and the chocobo rancher from the last remake nice side story and it made me play more racing so thats nice and i think the chocobo travel is great in this game and how each one is specialized for the part of the map your on like that adds alot to the experience and shit but hate the mini game you have to do to unlock chocobos its always hella annoying and fuck it ill just get the open world and chadley outta the way im 60/40 on the activities are like just kinda meh i dont really care for the ubisoft towers or the fights where you have to do specific shit for them or the whole moogle mini game like its just tasks to make the run time even if you can unlock materia n shit like its not enough to keep me interested like i only enjoyed the summon shit and how you gotta hit buttons without seeing em and how it make the fight to unlock the summon easier like that's a good incentive right there and i dont like how every activity forces you to pull up a toy gun and talk yo chadley and his girlfriend like i hate chadley so much i wanna beat him to death with rocks like you lucky you gave me bahumet son other wise you would dissolved in a barrel in the middle of the desert but yeah i hate chadley his lil trial simulator activity was fun at least for the most part the summon duo battles you do late in the game are hella hard therefore not fun but yeah the normal summons are hella fun and the music is hella inspiring like i remember when fought alexander i didn't have any of the lil activities to make it easier so i did it max difficulty and shit took mr deadass like 45 mins and i shot hin with barret who was at like 200 health right before he did his super move like i felt hella cool and in the same fight i summoned Phoenix who like turned to the camera perfectly timed to the music beat drop like that shit made me lock in fr but yrah anyway back to it yeah after like hours of grinding and completing hella side shit speaking of which i loved the side mission that introduces you to the protorelics and its plot surrounding that fav world activity definitely and thr side mission with those dudes you met in the midgar tunnels were great i love those guys but yeah after crossing the swamp and fighting that dope ass serpent boss who i cant remember the name and seeing the visual of the monster impaled on a tree from the og was cool and i liked the whole mythril cave sequence and the lil spice with the traversal playing as barret and shooting shit was cool and i love the turks ofc and elena was so good i love her charcter and her bedazzled laser mauser was cool shes so retarded too like the like "dont harn the ancient" as she lebrons james a grenade towards her directly like only at her so funny yeah to junon i liked it it was cool i loved the image of that long ass schlong cannon in the original so it def lived up in this game its so cool and the area okay still a victim of the slog that is world activities but its chill I love that they made a minigame of being a frog since they were my fav silly guys in the og i be using of gif of then dancing like that's my most used gif ong and the sidemission where you play as them is aight and that mission/mission with the bisexual industry plant girl are fun and her theme is great i named it bisexual anthem cus that's funny but yeah I love the change of the story with that mayor girl who knows who you are and replacing that random lil girl drowning with yuffie getting attacked by that monster you fight in the og and i love the callback to the cpr minigame so fun and yuffies charcter is so good man shes just as good as she was in intergrade and she was my fav character in the crew in the original so thats nice but ill save my praise for the end and i liked that lil nanaki voice tease which i personally noticed in the trailer since i spent hours on my PlayStation just watching it over and over again bit yeah i loved roche too hes so raw like i wish i had his swagger ong and i loved that lil mission with thr dog with that banging "bawow" music like i just stood there listening and jamming like that shit was fire that was the only exception i made when i looked into it up to see what the girl was singing about fr i couldn't understand her back to it that dolphin race minigame was hella fire and the whole upper junon section was just 🤌🤌🤌🤌🤌🤌🤌🤌🤌🤌 man i was deadass jumping in my seat the whole time like you dont know how much big cannon makes my brain excited n shit and the music is just 🔥🔥🔥🔥like dont kill em now and the whole rufus wutai subplot is a lil half baked like im just supposed to know a charcter from a mobile game and be invested and not confused with the whisper shit involving him on top of that and when i searched it up the common theory is that hes actually rufus like ?????? So weird but I love seeing rufus so its fine and the whole dress up with tifa and aerith is cute its a nice switch up from the i like it a lot and that nazi looking sergeant lady gave me a boner so thats nice and barret having his sailor uniform from the og is so fire and i absolutely love that they made the dancing minigame mechanics into the whole military ceremony whatchamacallit was one of my fav parts of the original so to make it a new version of it in this game and to add a whole new feature of collecting different trooos and making your own formations with their own difficulty was so fucking satisfying for me man y'now a brotha only hit 3 good notes like who's surprised y'now who's the fucking goat at fortnite festival like when my squad and tifa and aerith started jumping with joy and shit my ego was hella high like yeah thats all me fr and the scene where rufus is like im not retarded i know its yall but its fine lets be chill was really cool i like that story decision alot and the new war with wutai starting with his silly ass firing what's basically a nuke from sister ray is so cool you not gon see me complaining about that like i hate yuffies dumbass for tryna kill him ong and forgot to mention i loved seeing rude and elena like rude being apart of a bald club is so funny and elena getting hammered cus she fucked up is a nice lil character moment and I FUCKING ADORE THE SHINRS TROOPS SO FUCKING MUCH man like i love love love them like i rarely used potions since in stingy but when i tell you i used all of my small potions and like 20 hi potions to keep them alive even if they only lost like 5 health i love them so much and i saw a post before this part cus ofc i got spoiled but i did partly predict this part when i saw the trailer since i be noticing shit Ong but i thought the crew was gon be the one you do the ceremonie with so yeah partly wrong but anyway I saw a post that said they should be the crew f the highwind like if that happens ill genuinely take everything I said about final fantasy being shit back like genuinely not taking back about the fans tho i stilk think their annoying ass weirdos who hate change but yeah the fact their almost guaranteed to be the sub crew in part three make me so happy man like the actual heartbreak i felt when i had to abandon them man ill never forgot it i didn't even feel that way when clive died in 16 i live them that much like their so good but yeah and that roche fight was peak too loved the jazz and i used that charm he gave me hella like i had that silly lil guy equipped for the longest time but yeah i loved the yacht sequence i like the change from the military boat alot makes more sense and i like the queens blood tournament and that boss girl who may i say i elect the hottest female ive seen in a long long time like who told square enix to cook with olive oil with olives harvested from the garden of Eden like holy shit yeah fun moment i remember only losing to i think chadley like hella for some reason but when i got to the girl I beat her in like 3 turns but yeah i guess ill talk bout queens blood so when i heard the creators talking about queens blood i was scared since the last final fantasy i played with cards was ff8 and thats one of my least favorite games of all time and i hated the card game too so when I played at the start i was dreading it and the tutorial didn't really help with my confusion but trial and error really made me into s fucking queens blood god like i was basically tearing through of all Kalm just beating the same people over and over to better understand the game and when I got to junon i only struggled with those twins fuck those kids but i got to the yacht my ass was overqualified af shitting on motherfuckers left and right and after that i just got better and when i got those card that kills replaces your previously placed card dawg i literally never lost except for one time with that dude in the suit in the gold saucer but ad you can imagine when i beat hin and got his card which i would say is the best in the game you know a brothas ass felt like god but being that good i got bored and i stopped and sadly never beat the queen blood queen but maybe one day since I haven't played the game since i beat it y'now keep it a one of a kind experience type shit but i will one day so yeah queens blood surprised me by being fun in a actual good game unlike triple triad in ff8 so yeah red xii and his disguise was funny af i love that part truely embodies "what the dog doin?" And thay combat sequence inside the shio was phenomenal and i never use that word dawg when jenova appeared and her intro theme sounded like her normal theme turned into a heartbeat beating faster and faster and ynow since im no ego fucking great at the game i got her into her second stage in like 50 secs and when her theme turned into girls who ethnicity ion even recognized chanting jenovas theme hella loud like dawg i was so hyped I again beat her ass in like 2 mins like god it might've been hella quick for me i loved how short and sweet i accidently made it 100/10 sequence so good but yeah costa del sol i honestly though this sequence of the game was just okay like its main appeal is obviously the actual resort so expanding it to the outside of that resort isn't really the best but i loved the resort alot tho the minigames the vibes the music and the lil segways obviously but yeah i loved seeing johnny again he was great in the first remake and you can't go wrong with yuri lowenthal i used to be his nunber one hater but I've come around to him but yeah i love the lil costa del amor stuff like with cloud and barret it was fun and especially with tifa and aerith their chemistry is so 🤌 perfect id honestly prefer they be in a relationship without cloud being involved then the shitty love triangle with all three but that probably means cloud be with zach and my goats zach my be fruity and silly but he a straight solider 💂‍♂️🪖🎖️anyway yeah really fun sequence wish the pirate ship gun game was a lil more polished but a brotha got a trigger finger so mwe chilling and i love the whole alternate constumes you can choose like having tifa and aerith in a bikini and CLOUD SHIRTLESS like full honesty i got hella boners the whole time i was in costa del sol and even right now just remembering i hate myself but a brotha be thirsty i have bi shame but anyway yeah ill save my thoughts on all the minigames for whatever i do at the end but yeah I'll say tho the special queens blood was hella fun i had a friend with me and we synced up fr like he didn't even know how queens blood worked but we still figured it out ong and the piano minigame is great but like i said im saving my thoughts oh and that girl that was going after Johnny was bad af just felt like saying but yeah i liked the part with hojo and his hoes glad they kept that and the callback to crisis core with cloud using and umbrella as his sword i wish i could use that as like a skin n shit but yeah the beach scene after was cool like the optionable choice interaction with aerith is like her too 3 best scenes like why tf is that optionable it feels like a wast but whatever i can t imagine anybody didn't talk to her so yeah that mountain fight with the robot dropped by the turks was aight it was a lil too chaotic for my taste but we see more of the turks so that's nice and that first scene with the weapon whale was great and i liked yuffies lil speech was great I liked it the lil traversal part with yuffie and that grapple hook was cool but like what's up with every game having a grapple hook thats weird imo and that minecraft minecart minigame was hella fun i wish you could replay it Ong but yeah i also loved cloud jr he was great and he even emotes like cloud and i thought that he was a new addition to the game but apparently he was in the og and im just retarded so thats fun and yeah the whole plot around barret and his hometown is done so fucking well man his story and his scene with dyne was honestly in my opinion the best part of the gane but ill get to it soon but yeah everyone's reaction to him entering the town is so 🤌🤌 like when they started pouring like juice on his head i was like oh shit they really gonna do this shit they got the sauce no pun intended but yeah i think there's a lil combat sequence in a cave that's whatever but yeah my hype was insane since the original the golden saucer was my number 1 fav part of the original man like i was hyped for that shit too back then and when barrets started talking bout his backstory n shit and it was exactly the same i was like oh my god man they got THE fucking sauce and when i finally arrived to the saucer and you see all the fireworks and holographic shit 🥺🥺🥺🥺 i felt like a kid going to Disneyland which like no shit but you know what i mean and that like musical part with all the girls and the honeybee inn dude was 10/10 and i was so happy to see cait sith and seeing that he was a mascot was cool and i was thinking hol up is he actually gon be good so i was excited and when dio showed up and made me into the lil og silly guys and i started breakdancing and fighting hin i was like damn lets go dont like the fighting minigame tho but yeah I was not at all dissapointed about the golden saucer my expectations were actually succeeded like hella man i wanna go in depth with the minigames but like i always say ill save my thoughts for the end but ill say their 🤌🤌🤌🤌 but yeah going to the hotel and shit and seeing cait sith was great man his character us done so well like I think hes my fav silly guy in final fantasy other than og ff7 frogs hes so good and lil meow meow fortune telling is so cute he really got that :3 in em greta character and random but that hotel clerk guys voice turned me on just felt like mentioning it and obviously having a zach scene is gonna make me happy and seeing how good he is with marlene make me teary eyed man hes too good for final fantasy FREE MY BOY 😭😭😭 HE DOESN'T DESERVE TO BE APART OF THIS GAME FRANCHISE but yeah the date id obviously great but i got aerith so it was less exciting i was praying for tifa and when i got her i screamed hella loud my momma thought i got hurt so thats funny and that girl in the hotel whi exchanges gp is bad af but yeah really fune date i loved the miniganes like i said and the golden saucer is evidently my fav world section and the different versions of aeriths themes make me feel sad such good music but yeah after allat and seeing dyne and barrets parts start and when you go to find him i was hella hyped and i also liked seeing dio put bands on our arms to see if were telling the truth more than him throwing us in a fuck you pit so yeah and the whole desert prison area was great that jazzy music that was playing was 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 and gus's character was peak and i thought he was voiced by roger craig smith but turns out he was actually the dude from dying light 2 and in that i also thought he was roger craig so that's funny but yeah blah blah blah BARRET oh man was i excited to see how they handled dyne like in the original yeah it was a lil cheesey but i thought it was great and thought it was the only serious moment that was actually good other than aerith's death but yeah when they showed the flashback to dyne and barrets seeing the town get attacked was great and the moment they lose their arms was cool so i already knew this shit was gon be goated and when it let me play as only barret i was ready for peak and man🔥🔥 was it not the peakiest of peak on top of a peak like dynes actor need to be talked about morr hes so fucking good and the dialogue for the whole sequence was just tugging at my heart strings man like i was so locked in the fight i royal gaurded all of dynes shots one time and felt so hyped all of a sudden LIKE IM SORRY IM SO FUCKING SORRY BUT DYNE TURNS INTI AKIRA AND USES HIS METAL ARM TO FIGHT BARRET?!!??!?!!?!??!? LIKE IT SHOULD BE RANDOM AND DUMB BUT IT JUST WORKS AND IT WORKS SO FUCKING WELL I FUCKING LOVE THIS SEQUENCE SO FUCKING MUCH WORD CANT DO IT JUSTICE THE RAW EMOTIONS I FELT MAN 😫😫😫😫😫😫😫😫😫😫🔥😫😫🔥😫 and the whole time hes recounting stories of him and barret like 😭😭😭im tearing up just thinking about it man and after the fight barret has a heart to heart with dyne and instead of saying he want to kill he repents and accept thay hes too far gone to be redeemed instead of jumping In a cliff he defends barret against shinra gaurds proceeds to fall on barret cus of his wounds and says " you carry that guilt, that weight" and barret gives a bloodcurdling scream that has lived in my head ever since Fucking Masterpiece man I wish I could ever even make a sequence 1% as good as this one and after the fight with Palmer was fun i liked how he snacked his booty and gives you rage thats fun but it'll never compare to the fight that came before it and dio coming to apologize and give the crew the buggy was cool and him fighting rude was fun I liked seeing elena drop at terminal velocity on the buggy that was funny and the lil arcade shooter minigame was fun but yeah the rest of the world section was aight the deserts fun to explore cus if the buggy but nothing too crazy so yeah gongaga imma say that the aesthetic of gongaga and the environment n shit like that was great and the music is 🔥🔥 but actually exploring and traveling gongaga is uhh 😬 yeah not that fun but its fine since we see cait sith being silly and picking a big ass mushroom and i fucking love seeing cissnei keeping jer promise and being a protector of gongaga and that crisis core theme playing the background shit made my heart stop when they started playing it and i like how cait gets noticed by cissnei since she prob know hes actually reeve nice attention to detail so yeah and i love the scene of aerith seeing zachs parents and not saying anything like thats such a fun concept man and i loved how she didn't say anything about zach like it pissed me off a but but its fine since she said xach prolly got hella hoes which make me happy and sad like he could have hella hoes but he chooses one type shit and clouds reaction to zachs name is so sad man my boy has been gaslighted to the max I hate it but yeah the reactor section was fun the puzzles sere boring but I liked the boss fight with the robot from intergrade nice to see her again she bad af and the boss theme was hella hype it being a remixed version of the airbuster theme was hella clean but yeah i liked cloud going crazy outta nowhere cus sephiroth said so and slashing tf outta tifa was great and tifas dio in the lifestream which i assume is a tease to the part that'll happen in three with clouds goofy ass in a wheelchair is great i love how they show that the white whispers are the good guys tryna change fate for the better without explicitly stating that we love show dont tell round here partner and the weapon whales are really cool I like em but one thing im still 50/50 is cid and his lack of backstory or charcter moments n shit like every character/side charcters have some kinda story or backstory or sum but neither cie or Vincent really get much if anything which is weird cus you think 2 future party members would get a lil something but its fine after all this game is bloated af anyway so adding rocket town would be alot on top of alot but yeah him being just a glorified air taxi and the fact that hes supposed to be or turn into this bad mouth sailor who's in all honesty is verbally abusive to the only woman in his life takes a bit getting used but his voice and design is peak i like that he actually looks his age now lile goddamn that mf was fucked up in the og but he's chill now and im also glad i when i searched this up i wasn't the only to notice that while flying the tiny bronco I had my spidey senses tingle and i realized hol up is this a fucking tease or test for the highwind traversel and the whole open world itself like instead of the psuedo-open world this game has like im excited af especially with the dope ass music in the background looking foward to that the most for the 3rd game but yeah cosmo canyon was good i really liked the flying chocobo traversal and the robot protorelic minigame was but yeah the reveal that red xii was faking his voice the whole time which i caught on too during the trailer they dropped that showed the clip of his voice crack in the beach section ong inbe noticing and def and inspired choice to make his voice be like a cute femboy like im not complaining at all 🤤anyway yeah interesting choice for sure wish either of his very attractive voices wasn't on a dog but its fine ill live just not very happily😞 but yeah i love cosmo canyon like bugen looks great and sounds exactly how I imagined him and the music is just 🔥🔥🔥 like i hated the og cosmo canyon theme but his one is a completely dif story this shit is goated AF but yeah i loved the scene where bugen explains the lifestream shit looks hella cool and the bonfire scene was great and i loved seeing those floating lamps things I recognize from tangled grat movie btw anyway yeah I also like how they cut that random part where barret randomly says hes reforming avalanche like dawg tf is you talking about but yeah aeriths eyes also look really pretty in that scene and her scene just felt like mentioning like aerith's consistency gets good scenese like back to back man thats crazy that the cave section was great also i liked nanaki traversal of being spiderman that's fun and playing with only him and barret was a cool lil way to spice the gameplay and the music was cool too but what's new and the scene where nanaki finds out his dad is actually a hero and died for the greater good was 🤌🤌 and i lowkey thought they were gonna get rid of his dad but im glad too see his petrified ass still had it in em and that gi boss was goated like i said forcing me to play only two characters and i only ever used one on my main team was great but yeah i love the extended lore of the gi and having them being crucial to the plot by making them the creators of meteor and them asking for it so they commit suicide was such a cool and intriguing addition really love it ill save my thoughts on allat tho as always and speaking of always guess whos scene steals my attention and heart ZACH🧡🧡❤️🧡❤️ IOVED HIS SCENE WITH BIGGS LIKE HOW ARE YOU GONNA MAKE BIGGA LIKE MY 5TH FAVORITE CHARCHTER like the main thing i liked about him in the remake was his voice i want his voice so bad buts hes done hella justice in this game for no reason like him thinking fate chose him and not knowing what to do with that information and feeling useless because he doesn't feel like a leader aka he thinks he just a actual fucking side charcter is so good and zach tryna cheer him up and inspire him is 🤌🤌🔥🔥🔥🤌😫🔥🤌😫 i fucking love zach and his lil walking conversation with biggs and hows hes hella confused about cloud was good man and may I say biggs having the tuffest fit in the whole game is crazy shout out to him and seeing that bisexual girl with the hat tryna start avalanche was great nice lil character moment and like i said zach desperately tryna to inspire biggs is so good and biggs saying the world is lucky to have him is so true YOUR TOO GOOD FOR THIS WORLDS ZACH MY BELOVED🧡❤️❤️🧡❤️ i love zach man oh amd that part earlier where cait sith gets picked uo by his neck was cute and hella silly i forgot to mention that but yeah nibelheim was good i like the water chocobos and the lil side mission with the chocobo master dude i like chocobo racing and the change to make nibelheim into a treatment center for mako sickness is cool i like that and I love seeing cait sith being a silly bull and using a computer n shit and his lil solo part where you can roll as him and throw boxes n shit was very nice and silly and the boss was fun with Vincent speaking of which vincent like i said with cid is hekka underdeveloped and he gets a cute moment with cait sith climbing on him and shit and his boss fight like i said was fun and the lil detail that his guns have materia in em like everyone elses weapon was good and his theme sounded hella spoopy so thats nice to see and the roche fight after was fun and seeing him turn into a robed man was crazy yeah also the side mission with tifa cat that ends with you playing piano with a buncha cats was great and that scene of viceroy dude delcaring war on shinra was interesting I'm excited to see what theyll do with that whole plot line in the third game anyway the scene where vincents just like im with y'all now was funny and the homage to the og bronco failing was nice and ofc going back to the saucer is gon have a brotha excited like a mf and it didn't disappoint bruh like the whole corneo vs dio plotline even if its a lil ridiculous like corneo has a lil too much screentime for my liking like his main appeal in the remake was that he was weird but yeah I liked aerith pinching caits cheek it was very silly and i love the second date i thankfully got Barrett which is the one i wanted to see the most since i never got to see that one in the og and it was good barrets comment the whole time and the fucking play man is so 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 like i love how they did that sequence so much its like my top 3 in this game if you exclude zachs scenes like the whole corny Shakespeare dialogue and the damsel in distress is funny the voice actors were hella funny especially cloud he was so good ong and like since i got aerith and im not tryna steal zachs girl I chose barret since im also not a white woman and didn't choose nanaki and barrets reaction was funny af like this whole part is funny af and the whole button prompt minigame was great and i loved that the positions of the buttons on screen were where the buttons are located on the controller shoutout to that makes it feel more smooth and jesus fucking christ aerith singing that promises song was fucking beautiful like I was genuinely tearing up man i aint have those kinda sad sorrowful feeling from just singing dawg like such a beautiful moment and seeing cait being the host in his silly lil carnival outfit I love his fit and the corneo fight was fun seeing all the corneo themed enemies was nice and seeing the sewer monster appear for the main boss was nice and him turning on corneo was funny and the cait betrayal scene is so well done like i feel angry and sad and its set up so its surprising while not being out of nowhere and stupid and unjustified like i believe cait genuinely did it because of his love for his team and its def altogether better than the og who keeps a child hostage so he gets what he wants and never gets punished or called out for that ever and ofc the turks appearing for a fight will never be a problem for me and the fact the corneo announcers stopped the fight before it happened so that the avalanche crew could rest like thats hella funny and that rufus fight 😫😫 so good like he may have whooped my ass in remake but you bet i got my lick back in this game his ass never even got me down to half health and his music being an updated version of his theme in the remake but with FUCKING CHOIR is so cool like when cloud said you got my number yet i felt so hyped man such a good fight man that zach scene that haooened whenver this chapter is so good like him talking to Marlene and her saying if she wake uo shes gon get killed and saying she capping and when she says she not hr completely believes her like ZACH FUCK YOU FOR BEING A GOAT 24 FUCKING SEVEN I DONT GET IT 😭😭😭😭😭 AND HIM BEING CONLFLICTED ON EITHER HELPING CLOUD AND AERITH OR HIS NEW FRIEND BIGGS LIKE ZAAAAACACGHCGSBAHBSD PLEASE STOP BEING GOATED 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 man hes too god for this world and since i might as well mention it since i forgot where this scene plays but when hes tlaking to marlen about aerith liking cloud she says he like loves him like 😭😭💔💔💔 and he just continuess with his life basically going it is what it is BEACUASE HES GOATED LILE THAT MANS DON'T TRIP OVER SHIT LIKE THAT BRUH originally i fucking hated this scene cus i thought the point was to basically write off zach like a bitch so the game could have its love triangle with tifa aerith and cloud but after some time thought about it more and more and relized this scene is actually a masterclass example of sublty like think about marlenes only exposure to cloud is with aerith's telling storys and praising cloud with genuine love romantic or not so imagine what a 6 year would interpret that as ROMANTIC LOVE because she doesn't know better i think this game being the masterpiece is would be going for this approach and geniusly still legitimizing its open to interpretation love triangle and aeriths and zachs will they wont they relationship shit and Zach's THE FUCKING GOAT HAPPY GO LUCKY ATTITUDE is is what it is reaction to deepen his personality even more all in one fucking scene but maybe I'm just crazy but i feel like that's what its going for personally and also randomly i like how jessie is an actor for the golden saucer nice lil character growth with her and since I missed that line in the remake its actually attention to detail since shes mentioned to be a ex actor for the golden saucer like thats so cool man but yeah that pyramid place was sick i like how long it was compared to the og and that lio part where aeriths feeling the energy getting tense is a nice lil moment and the scene of the pyramid transforming was cool and music playing was hella eerie and although i do like cids scene of hin telling aerith hes got her back and that he'll be there for her is nice it feels not earned at all and forced like bro wait till the 3rd game before you start doing allat like i get you need to do something with her so that the death affects you too but cmon cuh yeah traversing the pyramid was alil confusing and annoying but it was all worth it for the turks but all in due time yeah that fight with the flying creature monster was cool and i remember having barret and cloud actually die so it was a tense fight haven't had one one of those in a long time shit was hella fun since i had to clutch up with yuffie love yuffie but yeah i also loved the whole sperated party and when the turk fight happened they did a PREVIOUSLY ON flashback type shit that was fun and aeriths lil ritual dance was hella cool and i learned was a reference to ff10 which would prob be cool to me if i finished that game maybe one day since i learned alot of zach in this game was based on the main dude in that gane but who knows they sadly got rid of it on ps plus so its gon be a lil tricky to play that game but yeah back to it that turk fight man 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 peak like the turks fight and theme was my fav in remake and everytime i fought the turks in this game i was like waiting for it to kick in but I never did so when the fight started with a good guy bad guy team up to fight a greater evil which devil may cry made me learn is one of my fav tropes ever and rude helps tifa so she notices him like the simp he is like i was 100% percent hyped locked in and the lil 1v1 rude and tifa had was hella cool and cloud parryng reno was so cool and after all that THE FUCKING THEME KICKS IN AND DAWG I WAS GONNA FUCKING EXPLODE LIKE HOLY FUCKING PEAAK 🔥🔥🔥🔥💥💥💥💥💥💥 and its also a slightly remixed version too with A CHOIR AND I PRETTY SURE AN ELECTRIC GUITAR LIKE I WAS TRUELY ASCENDED FAVORITE BOSS FIGHT IN THIS GAME 100000000% and they whooped my ass too i might've died once but im not sure and obviously seeing reno in action again after being absent the whole game is great i love the energy he brings too a room and i love how rude says to tifa sorry im not pulling my punches this time is funny and rude and barret doing a 1v1 fist bump makes this fight even more peak like i didn't even know that was possible and the girls fighting tseng and elena was good too but the fight before had me exaushted from peak so i couldn't really appreciate all too much sadly but I loved the music like who told final fantasy they could have jazz and tseng being almost killed by sephiroth is done way better in this game like I actually felt that shit and actually seeing it happened in real time doe wonders for the shock value and aeriths reaction is sad af and him asking if the pyramids the promised land and her sadly telling hin its not is so good and aerith telling hm she never hated him was 10/10 i wished he wasn't rescues so that could be his actual death and it be like with him walking away sure of himself that he was gon file a report but collapsing after a few steps but its ok just my personal lil fanfiction ass idea but yeah everyone lil trauma mind trip was great playing as baby aerith seeing her mom die and calling for help is so heartbreaking and seeing nanaki being kidnapped and branding was honestly pretty horrific im surprised that's in this game and its nice seeing that dude from intergrade in yuffies lil mindtrip and aeriths lil speech about strength was so fucking good like it deadass affected me like her talking about focusing on the future and not the past and shit affect me now more than ever and i love how this game make me feel like that man and cloud just being an asshole after is so good like this twink is so fucking broken like this man needs one full week of not being gaslighted but yeah the fight with that wall dude was peak like i though he was retarded af in the original and just looked stupid but he had a definite glow up in this game he was so fun to fight and he was hella tense since he y'now could crush you in this game unlike the original and the music was nice too oh and the game revealing that jenova is a alien parasite with that hologram shir was hella cool and raised alot of questions with the lore and jenovas/sephiroth and lore specifically with sephiroth since he supposed in his crazy head believes jenova to be an ancient n shit but maybe in dumb and missed a part mentioning that but yeah pretty cool and the collecting the black materia scene was so well done like the pyramid collapsing cus you collect the black materia itself is pretty cool and cait sith sacrifice and forgiveness arc if you can calm it that ion know is well done and way more well done than the og shit made me hella sad like not the silliest of billlys 😿😿😿😿 but yeah i vividly remember being hella confused and intrigued by the fact thay aerith said to leave the black materia because "its a fake" like the implications of that line in the moment and ESPECIALLY after the ending is massive and I have a personal theory on that but ill leave that alone for now i liked vincent coming in to help too nice part and that scene of cloud asking for the materia back from barret going "thats mine😾😾😾" was hella funny especially since the camera ws from barrets perspective so cloud looks tiny af and also show just how fucking crazy this man truely is like I feel so bad for him and chasing after aerith while laughing and calleing her name all crazy with the soundtrack also sounding disturbing was scary af and him snapping back to normal to save her and them falling together had me tense about what's gonna happen like I was so excited and it definitely payed off since right after there's more or Zach's scenes to come like the which i even noticed at the time different reality like telltale choose you own choice scenes but obviously the whole aerith or alteenate dimension aerith date part which as much as I hate them together im willing to make an exception since this is basically like her inmates death row last meal of her just having a fun day in a dying world which is really beautiful when you think about it I like it and that's when i noticed the different shinra dog that the game subtly uses to who alternate reality dimensions shit and like I said before I love the buffet of zach scenes this section gives me like the scene of him in the shinra tower going i got everything to gain and nothing is deadass i quote I've been using these past like 5 yeats if i needed any reassurance that I'm literally Zach and the scene man with biggs and how he basically and idk if im being dramatic in what i think is a beautiful scene of him just accepting thats hes just a side character who cant even make a bomb correctly and zach like always being the goat and encouraging and inspiring him to view himself better and to be better because he cares about him with that and giving him a speech on his own life with the crisis core theme playing and to end it short by having biggs get shot and have it alk be for nothing like man holy shit like to have the remake end with biggs being alive leaving wondering what this game is gonna do with and how hell affect the story and to at least for me and i imagine most people subvert expectations and have him just be a on paper nothing side character in a side story of ANOTHER side charcter and never do anything of value and having after what i imagine is weeks of complicated and conflicting thoughts of his own worth and why he was in his mind some kind of chosen one and after all of tha he finally just accepts that he is just a SIDE CHARCTER not a leader but a SIDE CHARCTER and he just straight up gets killed without even a second of grieving or or any sort of acknowledgement is like so so so so fucking cool like in sure my writing isn't doing it justice but like its genuinely one of my favorite story beats of this game and in any game ever and i dont know why man but it just is i wish i could explain how and in so sorry i can't because im genuinely nor smart enough but let me tell you this wasn't even my favorite part of that scene when zach said "fates gotta sick sense of humour, and im always the punchline, and im sick of taking its shit I'll write my own destiny" like i might be paraphrasing a bit but believe when i say my entire view in my life and fate and helped me cope with my personal pain and trauma in a way no other piece of media or person has ever had before I fucking mean it man like if i was in healthy environment and was able to cry when i wanted I would've burst into tears for like the only time in my life man like hearing that quote was the best thing that could've ever happened like that quote kept me going ever since to me I give a very personal and in depth story on its at the end if you wanna read it if anyone actually read this review in general but yeah I loved the scene in the church with aerith saying in glad we cleared it up between again leaving the love triangle open ended and her undoing her hair which looked just like at mine which creeped me out a giving cloud the holy materia which we saw before was clear but now its cloudly showing the audience how central the alternate worlds are to the plot without explicitly stating it we love show don't tell and cloud and zach being sent off as we see sephiroth ominously walk towards aerith 10/10 sequence man and the whole explanation sephiroth gives about the whole multiple worlds is hella good and opens the plot up to more interpretations so that's always and the whole ancient city and enchanted forest look great and so does the part where sephiroth shows up and makes you fight whispers such a badass setting man and the amount of emotions and raw excitement i felt when i reached the restpoint and the game said there's no turning back and to "set my materia" i immediately got rid of all ot aerith's shit and gave it to everyone else and was ready to have my brain and life shocked it was very much shook up to this point so i was expecting greatness with the hype ass musif playing the background too how couldn't be ane walkint uo to aerith hearing her prayer and how one line specially hit for me is when she said im sorry if im bad at this I was never taught how to pray like the main fucking character wasn't passed down to her by her mom or anything but she was instead self taught out of what was most likely severe hopeless in my interpretation is fucking great charchter building man and the pure tension with cloud raising his sword screaming with sephiroth's theme taking over in the background and when its over the frame of aerith looking at clour not wirh a smile in her face like in the original but content fully accepting her fate and like the original sephiroth dropping down to kill her but having cloud parry him and block his sword which i caught that moment in the trailer so my blood was boiling and my heart was racing wondering if their actually gonna not kill aerith since i already made up my mind beforehand expecting them to kill her and when cloud deflected sephiroth and when the white glow of the whispers showed my brain was in a tornado thinking holy shit no fucking way there keeping her alive and goint back and forth a million times in that like 10 second until it showed we were watching a different reality and seeing that the normal relaity had aerith die and her collapsing with her theme playing man I was teary eyed my heart was in my throat like the emotions man were so good and sephiroth laugh was so haunting and belittling man tylers such a good fucking actor man and seint everyone reaction to aerithe reath was heartbreaking and aerith comforting clue saying its ok which my personal theory is that isn't real and cloud is so broken that hes imagining it but ill save my theorys for now dawg that jenovs boss fight was just beyond words man like I forgot aeriths theme plays when you fight jenova in the original so i waw completely caught off gaurd when it started playing as jenovas first phase and hiw everyone else has their limit break off the bat except for cloud like i didn't even notice that when I played man masterful fucking storytelling man that boss was unforgettable i remeber during the phase where you're on the rock with cloud and yuffie both of em were low and clour gets hit petrify and im forced to use yuffie and in a panic i went all full attack mode since jenova was but yuffie got killed but then cloud got hit too making him die and leave the petrify stage but i rorgot he had reprieve and he got back up and i was able to control him ane when i attafked i gained anbatb bar whifh activated that lighting enemy skill which proceeded to kill her anr cloudbstabbed her in the head which matched perfectly with the music change to the next phse or the music like I never felt so raw in my life man and the jenova theme is my favorite man I listened to it the whole time i write this reveiw its so good and the part after with Zach and cloud man.... Words flule never describe it like I hate that i got spoiled on it like i saw a post that showed him and cloud in the chadley trial and i did successfully gaslight myself into believing you only play with him theirbanr hes just a reksin of cloud so imagine my excitement when it cuts to white and i see Zach getting so excited thinking no fucking way there doing this seeing cloud frozen and seeint zach being the goat that he is complaining cloud n shit and when it fut back to reality I that sick ass battle music anr zach proceeds to say let save the chit chat for later ane it cuts to gameplay anr gives me a tutorial on zach if their is one moment in gaming I could go back to its that moment exactly man like all zachs moves being his limit breaks from crisis core and his limit break itself being his bare handed attack limit break is so good man I don't understand anr hin saying to cloud "taking charge i like it!" Is so 🤌😫🔥 like I don't even need to say anything man and when the fight was over and he gets separated from cloud and the only thing he say is to save aerith is like 🔥🔥🔥🔥 like ill never get tired of saying how much I love zach man he's fucking good man and the fight after with first phase sephiroth from the og is hella cool and make me wonder what his first phase in the third game will be but yeah great fight obviously my fav part is when Zach shows back up and does his solider mantra synced up with cloud just fucking amazing man like i didn't wanna ruin the moment but i also wanted to stay in the church to get zach man I was so conflicted but i decided to just beat him cus that what Zach would want me to do for and after allat and I got to that grey area with sephiroth no need to say I was hyped and when aerith popped up like she's a kameo character in mortal Kombat I was so fucking hyped the fight started and one winged angel started to play man I need more games to make me feel as hyped as I was in this fight like this is one of about 3 times I died was during that spinny circle of death move he did but I didn't mid since I got to do the fight again and listen to one winged angel again so that's nice which speaking of which i liked this version of the song but those electric guitars they added has me thinking am I tripping or does this remind me of advent children and I saw a comment that said that his theme is slowly evolving into the advent children version of one winged angel and it that ends up being true square enix owns my soul dawg no second thoughts man after allat and sephiroth leaves an aerith says goodbye man is so good and seeing Zach basically saying that's all folk see ya is Great and his theme playing will always make me emotional but I I will say I was caught off guard when they didn't show the scene of aerith being lowered into the water and instead being shown the aftermath and then being given the last cutscene showing aerith being a force ghost that only cloud can see and maybe nanaki can sense and that the sky is fucked up like the alternate world but only cloud can see it and that he has the black materia that may or may not have been the white materia and fusing into his buster sword like nothing and him basically being completely broken even worse than before like do not let this man near a gun and then credits like goddamn man that ending overwhelmed me when I first played it and I wasn't too sure how to feel about it but man looking back on its probably when of favorite endings in games or media In general like it only gets better and better the more it cooks in my head

Yeah idk how to format this but heres my like general/overall thoughts on shit idk😸:
Like I said at the start the main thing that made me wanna play this game was just Zach like Im final fantasy hater through and through and not that i though this gane was gonna bad but the first remake didn't itch my brain crazy like 16 did and playing the og didn't either at all tbh it has a very nice place In my brain but it never made me feel like full if that made sense and playing it a second tine on my phones and a 3rd time on ny PS5 didn't really either especially trying to actually put in the grind for like the mime and knights of the round materia just made me frustrated and I never cared to fight the emerald and ruby weapons since I knew all it was gonna do was waste my time and make me frustrated so imagine my surprise when I played this and my whole world view changed on everything in life and every moment actually hit and went hard like this is what I imagined the original was like to people that played it and I wish I felt that way about every game man like there really wasn't much I disliked about this game like genuinely was like oh I'm not doing this cus it's so bad other than me being frustrated in the moment or me not having a attention span since im retarded so yeah ill list the thing i dislikes and shit like my thoughts on other shit since I don't know where else to fit it and I don't be doing no going back and rewriting shit unless there's typos so yeah if I miss remember soum or make a mistake yeah :3

Things I dislike about this game: I only really dislike like two thing about this game

>Just the overall grind and world activities: like I saw someone describe the world activities as busy work and I couldn't agree more like it genuinely felt busy like that's such a good work to describe the world activities like all it did was kept you busy and took time that could be spent with the actual side missions and activities and is just there to artificially fatten the overall experience and runtime like the only one i liked was the summon crystal with the button minigames I liked minigames everything else sucked man the lil makk crystals were nothing the ubisoft towers were nothing the moogle emporium was meh and what we else I forgot was meh

>FUCKING CHADLEY: I don't think I need to explain why it you played the game but lemme just say if I could trade my like big toe to get rid of him I would in a heartbeat like I don't know what they were thinking when they made him appear every single fucking time you do anything like I'm tryna do the ubisoft towers CHADLEY I'm tryna hit to a new area CHADLEY I'm tryna get a boner seeing shirtless cloud and tifa ina bikini CHADLEY I fucking hate him so much I hope he doesn't return and if he does make him a boss so I can kill him

My thoughts and every single world section and shit I remember:

>KALM: overall like a 8/10 great starter area no complaints

-Music: 9/10 saw a comment that said the music sound likes a warm hug and I couldn't agree more shit great just feel like it's missing a bit of pazazz but still great sounds hella Italian I feel like remy and that theme that plays when ur exploring is from crisis core I recognized it sounds so nice goated choice

-Side quests:8/10 I like all the missions the one with the dude from midgar is really silly and fun the side mission that reveals that one dude who's ex solider is fun world building and the mission where the bisexual girl with the hat pretending to be a mercenary is cool I like her and that one with the card is fun

-Chocobo:3/10 just a silly guy no abilities

-Enviroment:6/10 nothing special especially since the chocobo doesn't have any special abilities than just a silly guy

-Protorelic stuff:5/10 I mean all you do is one mission with the midgar guys to my memory so yeh

>JUNON: 10/10

-Music:10/10 exploring makes me feel like nathan drake or indian jones i like that flute that plays and the theme that plays during upper junon is PEAK🔥🔥 this and golden saucer were the two places i was the most excited see and boy did this not disappoint this game is so goated like man like there's even different versions of the ceremony theme like😭 I can't man and that theme that plays during that dog mission is so nice and silly

-Side quests:9/10 like I said earlier I love that dog trailing mission like who knew all you had to do to keep me interested in a trailing mission is to put a silly song in the back that's crazy the frog mission was fun but I count that as more of a minigame ofc another mission with the bisexual girl with the hat I nice to see I like this one the most cus of the music and how funny it was and that mission revolving around the new fort condor was cool

-Environment:10/10 I ofc love the sister ray cannon like it just does thing to my brain man and the whole chocobo climbing is okay and never really gets boring and the npa looks nice like the constant sunset n shit is sick

-Chocobo:7/10 nothing to crazy just a lil spice to the traversal so yeh

-Protorelic:6/10 so the fort condor in intergrade was my favorite part I loved playing it over and over hella fun and the different combos you could make wasn't the best but still fun so idk why this games fort condor feels like way worse and more barebones like I had to lower my difficulty for the only time in the game cus it was frustrating me that much just overall unfun and it sucks since the addition of the party members being super powerful units was nice but it wasn't enough but the cutscenes with Gilgamesh and his lil loyal solider was cool like ofc this game gives two toy soldiers character and motivation 💀

>COREL:10/10 big ass map I like it with or without golden saucer excluded which I exclude cus I like the saucer that much

-Music 10/10 a whole lotta variety too you got the prison place with the jazz n shit barrets home town with his theme sprinkled in a lil bit and ofc golden saucer but exclude it personally like I said and the main desert with that sick ass violen and costa del sol is jus 🤌🤌 straight vibes -Side quests 9/10 back to back fun with shut like johnnys and his clones tryna fix the hotel love seeing johnny the mission with hojo fine ass hoes like that black chick with the red hair🤤🤤🤤🤤 anyway yeah the bodybuilder mission with the minigames is fun I raged a lot during it the mission with cloud jr was nice we love cloud jr round these parts partner 🤠and all the other missions cus theirs hella espically after you return there like my brain hurts tryna remember 😿

>Environment: 10/10 just costa del sol is a ten I'm glad too see just how tropical it looks make me feel hella Hawaiian and the desert while being a lil bland is nice and barrets hometown is cool

-Chocobo:5/10? Ion remember if the chocobos did anything

-Protorelic: 😐/10 goddamn those missions gotta be the worst part of this game and the fact that you have to do them with the ugliest designed charcter in history really doesn't help I know that that goblin design was in the og but at least they were in a hidden optional island but yeah I hate these set of mission and the fact you gotta wait for like hours to complete the second half is stupid I hate cactuars!😾

-GOLDEN SAUCER: PEAK🔥/10 this was the one of the only parts of the game I was excited to see outside of Zach and junon and obviously the story and goddamn it didn't dissapoint the environment music side content and everything is PEAK/10 like I was so excited to see how they did the minigames and it def exceeded my expectations dawg like holy shit there's so many minigames in this games that sounds weird to say but yeah pretty crazy I love everything in the saucer dawg so good and having the random desk clerk at the hotel have a voice that turned me on was pretty cool so I like this version more than the og so that's nice

>COSMO CANYON:9/10 was one of my least favorite parts of the original but it's now one of my favs cus of this game like now I see the vision

-Music:10/10 like I said a few times I hated the Cosmo canyon section in the original like the music the amount of battles it took to get to the canyon itself but my opinion def chaged like the music is so good man espically in the actual main city of Cosmo canyon with the telescope and shit man it just sounds heavenly such a good soundtrack man why is this game so fire🔥

-Environment:9/1/ I loved the way everything looked man and flying around while being slow was still so satisfying I do wish there was at least one other big landmark other than the town itself but it's still great man

-Sidequests:4/10 ion remember liking a single side mission other than the one with that black girl which made you do the flying minigame like the mission where you had to match the pictures was lame and the one that made you look for hidden doors n shit made me hella frustrated i remember getting a headache from it

-Chocobo:10/10 like I said many times the flying is slow but for the case of navigating I think it works like just taking in the music and scenery feels so cool and I was never confused while flying on where I could and couldn't go so that nice

Protorelic:8/10 I liked the robot minigame even if it as hella confused at the start but when I got into it I fucked with it heavy I even played like one mission on hard mode it was fun but I knew I was gonna get a headache if I played more so I stopped

>NIBELHEIM: 7/10 no pun intended

-Music:7/10 sounded nice but I had to search it up again to remember it💀 I was burnt out at this point of me playing aight I kind adjust played through this section on autopilot

-Environment:7/10 just a lil small map with not a lot to do but its short and sweet i liked the chocobos so thats nice

Chocobo:7/10 I wish the water played more into traversing other than the beach rock thing but the maps to small for allat ig so it's fine just missed potential

Sidequests: 4/10 imma be honest I only remember the chocobo master dude but I liked him so ig that good

Protorelic:3/10 I didn't care for it at all but liked pushing the robed dudes that was fun IG 🤷

>GONGAGA:6/10 sadly man I'm sorry zach and to the silly billy frogs who I love very dearly

-Music:9/10 the saving grace of this region was this nice ass jungle music like it was the only thing keeping me sane the whole time navigating this fucked mushroom jungle

-side quests:4/10 I didn't like the one that made you climb a tower that took me like 39 mins to navigate to and when I looked at the disturbance dawg I had to look at it like 3 times before it started working at when i finally got their the mission bugged and didn't let me progress so thats fun the mission with yuffie scamming that dude was fun and i hated that chicken mission and i dont remember any other missions sadly 🤷 shit was boring

-environment: 4/10 like the look and aesthetic of gongaga is great but navigating and exploring it was very much not had many times I raged quitted cus I had no clue how to get where I wanted to go it was torture man

-chocobo: 3/10 the addition of the bouncing mushrooms are half the reason the navigation is so ass in this part of the game

-Protorelic: 6/10 it's just a combat trial but with the very nice addition of the turks and the reveal to the avalanche crew that cissnei used to work with the turks which is nice

>MINIGAMES: god help me

-Queens blood: 10/10 def the best new gameplay addition I expected to hate this like I hated triple triad in eight but I was VERY pleasantly suprised and let's be honest this shit could been its own game dog like it's insane how much depth and card combos this game has man I could on forever about story's with different opponents but I won't since its gon take to long great minigame that I never excepted to enjoy at all I hope they make like a mobile game or an irl card set based on queens blood

-That cactuars minigame:😐/10 there's a reason I never played aerith ever In this and In remake so yeah like this minigame is so ass they make playing yuffie hella unfun

-The frog fall guys thing:5/10 I fucking adore the frogs in the og game and i lobe the frog verisons of the avalanche crew but this minigame is meh

-The tifa workout:7/10 just fun I like anything involving button prompts so yeah

-Flying chocobo:6/10 pretty difficult but also hella slow like bruh we got a PS5 in this bitch I know we can go faster

-Dolphin racing:7/10 simple lil race mode but I wish there was more tacks to play on at least but ay

-Moogle emporium:6/10 I didn't hate it as much as other people but I didn't enjoy it All that much either but that scene where cloud becomes a moogle is cool even if the moogles look ugly in this game

-Fort condor:6/10 I liked the first few levels I thought they were a good mix of hard and fun but y'now since I was in dynamic mode the last mission was way too hard so for the one and only time I lowered the difficulty to beat it and I still feel like a coward to this day and I'll never play hard mode I'm good

-Galactic saviour:9/10 I always loved these kinda arcade games in real life so playing it in this game in the gold saucer is a dream come true so peak man

-3d brawler:2/10 I couldn't ever get good at this game man like they really REALLY needed to make it more clear on which moves were which cus I could never tell

-Gbike:10/10 I loved seeing this minigame return from remake and improving on it like driving and drifting this feels way more tight so therefore better like it takes a lil effort to play successfully so I like that

-Red xii rocket league:7/10 the collision and controls are a lil janky I still liked it

-Box breaking minigame:8/10 I liked to see this minigame expanded from intergrade and remake it's fun nothing special but when I remember I was showing my ex boyfriend this minigame since he was watching me at this part so I don't like looking back on this mission sadly 🫤

-Pirate shooty thing:7/10 just a normal arcade game its fine I wish the sensitivity was a lil different but its fine

-That lil robot guy:8/10 Im suprised by how customization and options you have for a minigame that last no more than 20 minutes all together like I just used the auto sort cus I'm dumb

-The Minecraft minecart section:7/10 just a fun lil minigame that's a def improvement from intergrade i liked it

-The junon parade 10/10 like I said many times anything involving button prompts is gonna have my complete admiration and appreciation like I grew up on story games like the walking dead so ofc imma like this shit and to make it a twist on the junon parade minigame I already enjoyed in the of is great man and letting me choose my difficulty ofc imma pick the hardest shit and I only bad shit I did was hitting like 2 good notes like my fortnite festival brain is FUCKING UNMATCHED YOU CANT TOUCH A BROTHA fuck is you talking about it was so satisfying man and the ending with everyone celebrating and shit fill me with so much unparreled joy man just peak🔥like everything in junon

-The saucer play:10/10 man same thoughts as the junon play but we got the crew doing badass anime moves n shit and the button prompts are way easier to follow since the buttons show up where they would be on the PlayStation controller like so good man and aerith's singing after still gives me chills man i love the golden saucer

-Piano:9.5/10 so when the trailer dropped that showed this mini game my fortnite festival brain locked in and was like aight bet and when the demo dropped and let you play it I fucking sucked💀 I ain't have coordination with my sticks like that fr but I got okay after like 3 straight hours of torture and said I aight I promise when the game comes out I'm finna flawless every song 😐😐😐 so like i did except for like the last two so like me personally i think i succeeded really fun minigame tho and making an entire piano fit on a controller is insane like I still don't understand it but all im staying is this if it was set up like fortnite festival Id deadass be on top of the leaderboard I say that with no ego or nun im deadass good at fortnite festival

-And last one to my memory CHOCOBO RACING: fav minigame/10 man I loved playing the og Mario cart on the wii and shit and i loved playing any sort of racing game back when i was younger like my ass was crazy on twisted metal but yeah i love chocobo racing especially after I finished this game and actually grinding chocobo racing in the of that shit was hot ass💀 so my appreciation for this game mode def went up I loved every track and the fact that every race has a different version of the chocobo race themes means a lot to me I love shit like that but yeah I mostly stuck with just the same gear and chocobo the whole time which is a l cheap I will admit but like im sorry im so fucking good at racing that im always in first place so an ability that shoots snot balls doesn't help me but yeah if there was multiplayer for this gamemode I'd go crazy like my ass flew off the map and back on the track in ways ion think the game planned like when I went from this to rocket racing I kept tryna fly to different parts of the track and that shit didn't end well💀 but yeah love this minigame and grinding all the chocobo stops for gear which like I said I never used since I just stuck with the same shit but I liked how I could change the color scheme any game that lets me turn my shit bisexual is nice 😸👍
Oh and obviously the music formally of them is great queen blood especially like I won be able to get the theme out of my head for the rest of my life for better or worse

>Yeah out of boredom I'm a just say what I think about random shit cus I like writing:3

-My thoughts on the yellow paint: I genuinely don't give a shit end text

-My thoughts on the graphics and performance n shit: well the graphics are hella nice but I will say most shit is def downgraded since the remake like the details or fidelity or whatever is not as crazy remake but this game is also massive AF and whatever keeps it from getting over the 150 FUCKING GIGS this game takes and unlike sixteen I've never had any performance issues or like lowered frames n shit except for like 2 times I couldn't even remember but i know they happened so yeah I just hate the 150 gig asking price like I wanna play games man I don't need one taking up 1/4 of my storage

-My thoughts on the cloud tifa and erith love triangle: well I'mma say I hate it with all heart for many reasons and thinks it ruins a lot of charcter like development n shit for every character for a shitty love triangle that was a cliche even when they made the og which was even morr shit then and will forever be shit but this game leaves a lot of it more open ended and open to interpretation and I mean it's better but like I still don't like the only time I excepted it was during the alternate world "date" with aerith cus she was gonna fucking die and she herself say I'm glad we cleared it up between us which very obviously lets you decide what she meant like thats good writing i can't hate on it just wish it didn't exist because final fantasy fans cant have their shitty fan service and couldn't possible bare a CHANGE🫨😵‍💫🫨😵‍💫 I hate final fantasy fans man it makes me frustrated

-The many changes from the original: well I think you already know how I feel about change compared to other "people"(final fantasy fans😒) like i genuinely think 99% of the changes are either good or genuinely just better than the original like you can think the ogs aerith death was better that fine I mean like the little shit like different dialogue slightly different combat or world sequences and shit like or even big shit like caits story change is objectively better straight up like if you dont think that your a lost cause but i obviously dont like some changes like mainly only cids story and different personality but it's a compromise for the greater good so ik willing to accept it but i imagine it must be heartbreaking to the cid fans like all 16 of them at most but i wouldn't completely mind cid not being a verbally abusive man child to that girl that lives with him n shit forgot who she was💀 but thats cus i have a personal problem with that kinda shit so yeah🫤 and yeah while on the topic im glad to see most of the reactions to the dreaded change in this game wre mostly positive like final fantasy fans are finally not whining about different games being different games🤯 and they are started to accept natural evolution in gameplay and not wanting just their shitty turn based combat🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯 insane development still hate final fantasy fans tho 😸

-The music: like I wanna say oh I didn't care for the og soundtrack to be a hater but I can't I genuinely loved every single song in the original and I think its the only thing that lives up to its reputation and deserves the respect it has like the highwind takes off is on eof my favorite pieces of music from anything ever like the way it's just a evolved hopeful version of the main theme is so cool man I hope its done well in the third game but yeah to this game I obviously think its the best part of the entire game or at least the most consistently great/fucking amazing aspect of the game like in the same way this game likes going out of its way to give everyone a character and backstory they went ALL FUCKING OUT TO MAKING EVERY SCENE HAVE THE BEST SOUNDTRACK HAPPENING IN THE BACKGROUND ALL THE TIME like there's never a single moment in this game where I couldn't help but to add that the music is good man like as white as I sound persona made me realize what good music can do to make a game more interesting/ overall better like you can have a 5/10 bumped up to a 7/10 just cus of the music(undertale) like its insane man like when i heard in a teaser talking about the game they have over 200 remastered and new songs in this i was like oh yeah they got the sauce and the KNOW they got the sauce and i was never let down ever man this soundtrack made me cry well mostly on zachs parts but yeah i give the honor of having the best soundtrack in any game I've played since obviously I like songs from devil may cry or shit like that but even that game didn't have the sauce like this game had but yeah BEST SOUNDTRACK IMO/10 I've been listing to it for hours while writing all this shit a private very few games have so yeah

>Crafting/inventory shit: I think we'll not the most necessary addition the crafting was very nice like it never felt in the way or overpowered or useless like it's just in the middle like you can go the whole game not using it and you'll be perfectly fine I don't like the chocobo sniffing to find the crafting recipes but it's whatever it's a nice feature and being able to craft and upgrade accessories is great speaking of which I personally was a lil disappointed the accessories didn't go a lil crazier like I wouldn't know what to add but i will say the while max level materia in lil earnings without any buff or debuff is a step in the right direction and I wish they go more crazy with the accessories and the crafting the next game like maybe being able to craft your own materia earrings or like from the lil bit of ff10 i played being able to mod different abilities onto your accessories n shit buy im just spitballing 🤷

Materia/magic: I will say the magic is def more of a nice addition than vital price of combat like it was in the original like if you told me you never used any sort of magic other than healing id believe you since that's mostly what I did tbh but i didn't mind like it's just different kinda combat for a different game and I love the combat so it's nice I do wish they didn't make the more powerful moves take two atb like thats actually a really smart balance but I still hate i tho😾

Well since we on combat I'm a give my review on every characters gameplay

-Cloud:10/10 the lil changes they did to make him better really does wonder for fun like dodging and then being able to throw like mako beams at people nice and his different attack when holding the attack button and shit like that is good and being able to party with punisher mode like with remake is nice and his new abilities are 🤌like the two that either make you go into punisher or normal mode with a heavy attack and makes that mode more powerful is so nice man great gameplay

-Barret: 9/10: while I love barret I wish he had just a lil more to make him perfect like his move bonus round that make his bullets stronger and do more stagger is a perfect example maybe if he had a move that turned his magic elemental kinda like yuffie or a move where when he dodged he teleport to a spot where he placed the ability like aerith so you can quickly dodge in case your being attacked mid shooting shit like that would be that lil edge to make him perfect but he's still great and was next to cloud in my party the whole game and he never got replaced cus he's the best character in this game if you disagree look at this ->😺 what I thought

-Tifa:8.5/10 I loved using tifa in the remake her and barret were my go to's and same can be said for this game until I got yuffie but what can you do but yeah tifas even better in this than the remake like that move that requires precise timing to execute more damage was 🤌 and the rest of her moves returning or new were great fun charcter

-Aerith 2/10: blame it on skill issue but aerith will never be fun to me man like I will say she way better in this game with all her new aracne shit like the one that make her attack into crazy lasers was hella cool and her ward shift was a very needed addition so yeah not fun for me 👎

Nanaki: 6/10 I was expecting more since he was a new character after all but it's okay he was fun just not exceptional I like that his vengeance mode bar can be used to do literally anything like healing or make an attack so more damage in general like that's great and all but I would make it so that doing or taking damage also fill the vengeance bar instead of just blocking like maybe make it to where you activate a high risk high reward mode where you gain hella vengeance bar from doing damage and perfect blocking but your hella exposed and lose hella health and a lil bit of vengeance when you take damage or sum idk I think that would be cool 🤷

Yuffie:11/10 I loved playing as her more than cloud in intergrade and the same hold true her to like the amount of utility just her ninja magic itself does is more than everyone else combined on top of the fact she can CLONE HERSELF like she's the best party member no contest and she's also the silliest so again the best party member like I remeber discovering that you can stun lock enemies by spamming the mug materia like I had to stop because I was decimated bitches like crazy and whenever i got desperate thats all I would do to get back to normal like when I learned the pairing of mug and the enemy skill that make you explode when you gain a ATB bar and shit like im pissed i didn't figure that shit out but yeah that got me through my lil grinding after I beat the game and trying to fight Gilgamesh never got around to it sadly but yeah 😞 and her banishment moves is also top tier shes just the best party member like i don't need to say anything else if you don't use yuffie your at a disadvantage

Cait sith 9/10 I love just how him and his lil fatass moogle are utilized n shit like how you can send him out or use him to make all his moves do crazy damage or how they made his rng based limit breaks into actual attacks with hella utility is great but I will say I wish his slot machine move was better like not only costing 2 atb but it forces you to basically only focus and stand still to click the stop button so you can try to get a good spin for an effect that's not even good and if at any point you interrupted before it finishes which that timing is weird itself with an attack you can't see coming because your too focused on the slot machines you'll lose your chance and the slot machine goes away like that's bullshit I wish they completely remade that move but whatever hes still fun and also very silly so its all okay and I remember he hummed the og victory theme so that's nice and like I have no shame if he was like triple his size id fuck him like he has hella legs for days and I have a thing for accents so yeah sorry for that comment

Zach ig: THE GOAT/ 10 like I said before I didn't really get took use Zach much since I wanted to not ruin the flow but that bit I played man why is Zach even goated to play like he has no right being this good man like the whole charge mechanic with you being able to quick charge after a few hits reminded of magic bits from 16 so I'm getting vibes from the goat of game while playing the goat of all time like peak vobes and all his moves being his limit break from crisis core is beautiful man I don't know how else to describe i wann play this game again but I also wann keep that perfect first experience my only experience at the same time im a very conflicted man rn

I would love to also go in depth win my personal options on each character themselves and their personal stories and arcs and what I think about them in general but I'm completely burnt out and this review def over 10000 words so I'm good

Overall option on combat: def an improvement from the original everything feels smooth and anything changed feels way better like I said with cloud and the combat would already be peak with just the perfect block materia alone like I blocked 55% of attacks that would shit me like that's what happen when your a DMC god but the addition and enhancement of the synergy attack from intergrade is 🤌🤌🤌 no comments man it's so good man like having different attack and block and charge attacks when you blocking is already peak and adds hella depth that the combat form remake needed to make it perfect but having ultimate synergy attack that are built up from using any sort of moves and can be used to buff your character in hella ways or be used to stagger enemies and do hella damage is so FUCKING cool and does so much for the charcters themselves like so many good charcter moments happen with those attack like aerith putting on sunglasses and using her staff like a mini gun with barret is so good man or tifa and red xii trying into fidget spinners to attack someone or cloud letting cait use his sword is perfect i have noting more to add i said enough man perfect combat that I wouldn't be mad to see in the future do I prefer the combat in 16 yes 100000% more but why put two goats together when they can exist side by side

And to start wrapping it up my opinion and thoughts on the ending/my own theory on it: well I will admit I wasn't the biggest fan of it at first specifically with the removal of her burial im the water being absent/removed and the gauge well everything that came with it and I was like that for a while and I sat on it and let it simmer in my brain and i fucking love it to death but every time I looked back it gets been better in my head man like I don't even know how to word my love for the ending man I just love it like the way I look at it is we basically are experiencing how fucked up cloud is in his head and how my theory is that he's psychoticly imaging or repressing half of everything like what I think they were going for is that clouds already immensely fucked up throughout the whole story even if he and everyone else im the crew as well as us think he's doing alot better since his real personality is slipping through with alk im joking around and the fact he genuinely smiles alot planting that seed of doubt into the minds of everyone and basically gaslighting the player into thinking cloud is doing better when in reality he's getting worse and worse and worse evident by how much sephiroth Is able to almost completely control cloud through just words alone and all this leading up to his breaking point when aerith dies and cloud mental state or what's little is left of it is gone completely and he's just a mindless husk even worse than how he was in the start and hear me pit I think that's why his limit break at the start of jenovas fight is empty while everyone else is full because we'll everyone is filled with rage sadness and a whole cooking pot of emotions while cloud isn't just in autopilot trying to kill the enemy im front of him and nothing else and again hear me out maybe im thinking to hard but that line where zach says okay well save the talking for later has way more meaning behind it like imagine you Zach and you see your friend who you've last seen in a coma standing strong with YOUR SWORD and when reality snaps back to normal and he and no words for you so your the help whatever well talk about it later because def the cloud he knows would react and we know even the emo boy cloud version he is would react to seeing his dead best friend in front of him but instead we get NOTHING other tham him goin huh and yeah when zach is talking to him directly because the cloud we know is completely GONE and has turned into a walking corpse like maybe im crazy but that interpretation on how moment perfectly shows that cloud is fucked up like I think that moment where aerith touches his cheek and says goodbye is completely in his head and other than the sephiroth fight obviously her force ghost is also completely fake idk how to explain why nanaki sense her when she touches him but my cop out theory is that aeriths spirit did touch him somehow since nanaki would be the closest in tune with the planet given kike his family and bugenhagen n shit he did actually feel aerith in some way but obviously cloud just visions her actually touching him but idk im not smart enough for another theory sorry but I do have three theory's on the black materia

Theory one which I believe the most is simply that cloud has two materia at once right the cloudy holy materia and that empty holy materia because idk if I'm tripping but when I listen to when he's ruffling in his pocket I hear the clanking of two marbles hitting each other so I feel like that proves my lil theory in a theory but anyway I think that the answer is that simply all the negative memory and emotions and shit manifested into the empty holy materia and transformed it into the black materia because if I'm not remembering wrong it's stated that the holy materia gets it power from the memory and experiences of the planet and it's people so the inverse of that would result in the creation of the black materia in my head that makes sense and if you want me to get crazy I think that's also obviously how the gi originally created the og black materia since as they stated their not of the planet so to create the black materia they would need just negative emotions and energy to create it so no connection to the planet needed to create it just energy n shit energy that cloud most certainly has since y'know as I yapped on before clouds just nothing but a broken shell of a man so all emotion he would have would be like pure boiling rage and sadness n shit so boom black materia but yeah who knows Its kinda contradictory since I said cloud has no emotion or feeling buts still able to create a magical orb made from raw emotional energy but hey let me have fun maybe it's a new kinda black materia that's fused emotionally with cloud and that's how he's also able to fuse it into the buster sword but idk anymore man

And my second is a lil out of nowhere but imagine if the real black materia still is the actual ancient pyramid itself since it did collapse in and itself and we only see smoke n shit and that maybe like hear me out aerith nabbed it her and cloud fell and simply snuck it in his pocket without him noticing but like I said just a fun lil theory I don't really believe myself just being silly

SEMI-FINAL THOUGHTS: yeah man evidently this game really is one of a kind for me like I've never had a game feel this good fundamentally down to it's core or make me reavaluate my life and make me feel emotions that I've never felt before and give me such support in life on top of obviously being a great game I enjoyed dearly like I've said many times I'm considering giving it a second playthrough but I wanna keep it just as perfect as it is in my head so idk depends on how much I need to see zach because Zach genuinely changed my life man I'll get into it but I'll just end of with saying as the biggest final fantasy and final fantasy community hater I never ever EVER expected to like this game even 1% as much as I did but I'm glad it did separate art from the artist type shit well artist being final fantasy fans but yeah

TO ACTUALLY END IT OFF: I wanna share a very personal experience and shit with my life which I'll copy and paste from what I wrote during the part of Zach's story with him and Biggs so like when it says rn it was obviously whenever I was writing it so yeah
tell you this wasn't even my favorite part of that scene when zach said "fates gotta sick sense of humour, and im always the punchline, and im sick of taking its shit I'll write my own destiny" like i might be paraphrasing a bit but believe when i say my entire view in my life and fate and helped me cope with my personal pain and trauma in a way no other piece of media or person has ever had before I fucking mean it man like if i was in healthy environment and was able to cry when i wanted I would've burst into tears for like the only time in my life man like hearing that quote was the best thing that could've ever happened like that quote kept me going ever since to me to paint a picture like the place i was at mentally was fucking horrible a shitty household in a abusive relationship with my then boyfriend who's still the only person I've truely loved in my life that I was only just now slowly coming to realize was bad since i was gaslighted and manipulated so much i viewed myself as a horrible person for viewing my boyfriend as the problem and just horrible abuse and trauma over the years before that and after the horrible breakup months after and the horrible horrible horrible nights where even rn I feel stinging pains in stomach just remembering that shit anr wanting nothing more than to just walk out into the desert and die or slit my wrists in the bathroom because i couldn't take it any more and just remembering zach sayin that quote and i know its corny and pathetic but knowing that Zach went through just as much shit as me and was till going and taking life into his own hands and never letting anything get to him and his attitude on life and fate in general was the the one fucking thing that kept me alive for this long that's embarrassingly why i love Zach so much and why he's my favorite character in anything ever zach saved my life and is the one reason im still alive today and he still the only thing keeping me going and words could never express my gratitude for this game existing and making Zach in general like im crying rn listening to zachs theme while writing this i love Zach with all my heart man ill probably copy and paste this at the end so it doesn't fuck with the flow (future me now) yeah this whole experience and zach In general are what really made this game a favorite and timeless for me I'll probably never have something like this phenomenon that is this game happen in my life again so I'm forever and eternally grateful for it's existence so yeah of anyone actually reads this shit all the way appreciate it cuz you real for that :3 😸😘😸
And also don't expect this kinda novel length reviews from me this just a one of a kind thing type shit