Reviews from

in the past

This game has such an interesting idea. To play as the AI on a space station, Space Odyssey-style. They execute the idea well with the story(some minor issues with acting aside). I found it interesting and liked how mysterious it was. I like how it ended too. Cool sci-fi.

Unfortunately, I can't give the game much else praise. My main issues are with the controls. They are pretty bad. It's a real chore to sit and wait for the camera to pan and you have to do it a good bit. Controlling the spheres was better, but it's only slightly better. There is momentum that makes it feel like you are underwater. It's just unpleasant. It probably would have been better if I played on PC where I could skyrocket my mouse DPI, but still, after looking at some footage online, I would have probably had only a slight improvement. I also didn't love the puzzles. I figured out how to do them rather quickly. Some could also be a bit tedious to do. Also, when moving the models got a bit janky sometimes (this is little and I know it's an indie but I still have to mention it).

I'm rather disappointed. I didn't have any expectations going in and I still got disappointed. I wish the gameplay could have been better. It would have brought the game up like a full star.

We've all seen the evil or malfunctioning AI stories where they take over a space station or whatever but now you get to play from the perspective of the AI. The premise is pulled off fairly well. It's reminiscent of the old point and click adventure games although there is some real-time movement when you fly around in the little sphere. There's enough puzzles and minigames to keep you engaged too. It gets a bit annoying when it feels like a pixel hunt and some of the navigation can be a bit awkward. It's not telling a particularly unique sci-fi story but there is enough there to keep you hooked. I'm glad I played it as I could have easily overlooked the game.

Un thriller cifi bastante creepy y cinematográfico, que remite desde '2001' hasta 'Horizonte Final' con un estilo casi "found footage".

Muy interesante el ponerte en la "piel" de la IA, haciéndote moverte entre las distintas cámaras de la nave para ir investigando qué narices está pasando. Muy story driven, con la cantidad justa de exploración y puzles/minijuegos para hacer una experiencia breve pero bastante satisfactoria.

La ambientación es cojonuda y el diseño de sonido atrapa. También es cierto que en algún momento (cuando pillas la cámara móvil para ir, por ejemplo, a espacio abierto) si eres un poco nervioso con el movimiento como yo, a lo mejor te dan ganas de tomarte una BioDramina y te puedes perder un poco.