Reviews from

in the past

The story was a nice sci fi thriller which I loved and left me guessing at where it was going. The ending felt a little flat, but overall I really enjoyed the story.
I'm knocking points off because the navigation was so confusing and disorientating, especially the spacewalk sequences and the part where the map was entirely disabled.

Frustrating navigation at times. Not sure I understood story. Puzzles were fun

Мой старый обзор со стима:
"С одной стороны, мы имеем интересную находку в способе подачи истории(игрок лишь сторонний наблюдатель), выдержанную атмосферу и хорошо проработанное окружение(если вы хоть немного интересовались космонавтикой, вам понравится как выглядит здесь станция и тд). С другой, история которая пытается в глубину, но у которой не получается, очень слабый геймплей(есть непонятно зачем добавленные действия, интуитивность тоже на плохом уровне, ближе к концу игры без заглядывания в прохождение я бы точно забросил), абсолютную линейность. Эта игра сначала нравится, но под конце остается лишь раздражение, к счастью она короткая.
Все, что могу добавить к нему сейчас - мне стоило быть пожестче.

Neat and promising ideas, but tedious, unengaging gameplay; when it wanted me to repeat the same spacewalk sequence for the 3rd time due to awful checkpointing (I made sure it autosaved each time), I said no more and watched a playthrough of the rest.

Атмосферно пиздец прям ебуче там ебать ну. Ещё озвучка неплохая

Crl, comecei bem o ano. Definitivamente um video jogo. Me brilha bastante os olhos quando um jogo conta uma boa historia de um jeito que só um jogo poderia.

A experiência de querer entender o que ta acontecendo enquanto ajuda e conhece a protagonista é otima e vai te deixar preso até o fim do jogo. A trilha e efeitos sonoros sao otimos, mas Peca um pouco nos puzzles, que poderiam ser mais criativos.

Para mim caberia um desenvolvimento mais profundo para Ema e mais liberdade no controle do Sam permitindo uma narrativa menos linear.


Just like the previous Stories Untold, this features a lot of good and interesting design ideas, bud ends up being repetitive and harsh (gameplaywise) and quite confusing (narrativewise).

Playing the role of Hal-9000 is fascinating but many things could be improved (e.g., story advancements: were cutscenes really necessary?). Although apparently original, most mechanics turn out to be nothing but basic puzzles. The game could also follow the "surveillance technology" route but chooses not to - observing things, the main mechanic, therefore lacks both narrative and ludic depth.

...and the ending just doesn't work :[

Brilliant idea, not used to its full potential

This game starts off with an interesting premise, but falls off towards the end. The twists are predictable and a bit too similar to other stories.

Controls are clunky, and map design is a chore to get around.

This game really touched me its so cinematic. it really feels like youre in a movie and the fact that you play S.A.M is just really unique. The story is really good and the gameplay too. Graphics are also great. The atmosphere was also great. I was always sared whats behind the corner. And i repeat it was so cinematic like damn i never played something like this. There are some things that need improvments but still great game

Intriguing sci-fi drama. Overall I liked it but I found it was often hard to figure out what you had to do next. Also the ship was a bit disorienting to navigate.

Has a greet, creepy story, and I love the atmosphere of the game, but it is ultimately marred by its difficulty in finding where to go next, how to get there, and the sphere controls of the camera. Overall enjoyable, but could have been so much better if it played smoother.

It's one of the most cinematic space station experiences I've ever played, but it's a bit lacking in the rest of the game.

Great creepy atmosphere. Refreshing new approach to a game which sadly didnt really work out too well. The gameplay itself consists of one Among Us chore after another with interesting story bits in between. It is a fun game for a rainy weekend when you just wanna lay back and enjoy some space horror and it ends within a reasonable time of 5 to 6 hours.

Un thriller cifi bastante creepy y cinematográfico, que remite desde '2001' hasta 'Horizonte Final' con un estilo casi "found footage".

Muy interesante el ponerte en la "piel" de la IA, haciéndote moverte entre las distintas cámaras de la nave para ir investigando qué narices está pasando. Muy story driven, con la cantidad justa de exploración y puzles/minijuegos para hacer una experiencia breve pero bastante satisfactoria.

La ambientación es cojonuda y el diseño de sonido atrapa. También es cierto que en algún momento (cuando pillas la cámara móvil para ir, por ejemplo, a espacio abierto) si eres un poco nervioso con el movimiento como yo, a lo mejor te dan ganas de tomarte una BioDramina y te puedes perder un poco.

tim curry voice space!

i kind of just crave these kinds of games where you get to hang out on a station or a ship or a planet and look at a lot of details and not do too much of anything.

Observation es el simulador perfecto de HAL 9000

Konsepti çok ilginç gelmişti ama ilk bir saatini oynayabildim sadece. Ana konseptiyle benzer hissettirmeyen oynanışı, sürekli kontrolü elimden alması ve 'bulmaca' demenin bayağı zor olacağı şeylerden ibaretti çünkü. 'Oyun' olmaya çalışan ama pek olamamış bir filmdi yani. Bu da beni çok baydı. Devam edeceğimi sanmıyorum, belki YouTube'dan falan izlenebilir. En azından bu sayede zorla sokuşturulmuş 'oynanış'ın bunaltıcılığından kurtulabilirim diye düşünüyorum.

Intriguing game from No Code. I played this and Stories Untold after seeing that they were making an upcoming Silent Hill game called Townfall. I think that game is in good hands.

Observation é aquele aluno arteiro que vai relativamente bem nas provas: potencial de 10, mas se contenta com o 7.

Eu poderia ficar por muitas linhas elogiando a história, a narrativa, a gameplay diferenciada, as atuações, o setup e o final, mas eu não quero dar informações demais. Por outro lado, falarei bem sobre os problemas.
A começar pelo primeiro e mais chato: o jogo diminui a resolução constantemente e não há forma de parar isso, a não ser com uma gambiarra muito maluca que eu vi no Reddit. A única forma de parar foi jogando no modo janela e me contentando com aquela barra superior clara, quebrando um pouco a imersão.
Além disso, as câmeras são muuuuito lentas, alguns comandos estranhos, algumas animações bugadas e muitos objetivos são confusos. Teve uma vez que eu pedi para repetirem o objetivo da missão e não estava claro exatamente onde precisava ir, a sorte é que minha namorada lembrava do diálogo que indicava o local.

A No Code tinha a faca e o queijo na mão com Observation, mas se contentou com a média e isso é decepcionante.

Loved this! Some great and weird sci-fi with some rather disturbing cosmic horror sprinkled in. The story is very engaging, and there's a marriage of narrative and gameplay that is rare to find. It's a simple game to play, it can get disorienting at times but I'm okay with it as it matches the setting. The puzzles are clearly reminiscent of what this team made in 'Stories Untold'. It's kind of an expansion on what that game brought to the table.

I'm now unbelievably excited for Silent Hill Townfall.

Polygon has a good introduction to Observation:

"Set in the year 2026, Observation's story plays out on a titular low-orbit space station left stranded in the wake of some mysterious catastrophic systems failure. With no way to contact Earth or reliable means to ascertain the location of the Observation's crew, medical officer Dr. Emma Fisher must repair the station's systems, locate and secure any survivors, and re-establish contact with Earth to coordinate a rescue effort."

"But you are not Dr. Emma Fisher. You are SAM: the Observation's semi-omniscient operating system, rebooted following the blackout and tasked with assisting Dr. Fisher in the station's repairs. Which is to say, you're not aboard the space station. You are the space station."

It's a game geared toward people who like scary sci-fi stories happening in space and who enjoy puzzles and mystery-like narratives. In other words, me.

The game's puzzles are easy, though it's sometimes frustrating to understand the rules. I've gone in circles for a long time before I gave up and looked into a walkthrough to tell me that at this point in the game, I could blast through air vents or that the communication mode I'm looking for is in another tab on the UI for SAM, for example. These minor annoyances do not happen often enough to ruin an otherwise polished, well-made game.

You won't find fast action here or explosions and guns (ok, /some/explosions), which I find refreshing. The game hooked me enough to want to keep going and see what happens next all the way to the end.

Even if you're not a gamer but like a good sci-fi story, you should try it. The game is easy enough to pick up and play with a keyboard and Mouse on a modest computer (it's 3D in space in parts, but the game wasn't too demanding even when it came out five years ago), and you can probably find a deal for it somewhere on the web.

An intriguing game brought down by frustrating controls and game design. It culminates in an interesting finale that almost make the frustration along the way worth it.

Just a small masterpiece.
2001 space Odyssey seen by the "eyes" the the AI

Amazing story, great graphics, amazing voice acting, and overall one of my favorite First-Person puzzle/walking sim gmaes.

Observation é um jogo diferente, que te coloca no papel da Inteligência Artificial responsável por uma estação espacial onde algum tipo de acidente misterioso aconteceu. Seu objetivo é ajudar uma astronauta em meio ao caos e você faz isto "saltando" sua visão entre as câmeras e sensores da nave e manipulando seus sistemas de uma forma muito interessante e criativa.

Entretanto, a história que me cativava perdeu força em seu terço final, quando ela se perde um pouco para chegar no desfecho desejado, faltando um melhor trabalho na construção dos eventos.

É uma experiência breve e interessante, mas que deixa aquele gosto de que poderia ser melhor aproveitada.

This was a game that the moment I saw a friend of mine streaming I HAD to play/stream this! The suspense and the beginning had me hooked immediately when as SAM you assist the Astronaut Emma to fix up the station before discovering something is wrong.

My stream of the game

The suspense in this game takes control instantly and we soon find something VERY strange going on in regards to not only what happened to the space station but also what has happened to the crew members too. This is a must for anyone who wants a unconventional mystery game to play.

Quelques phases en dehors de la station sont un peu pénible mais rien que pour la musique d'ouverture, le jeu vaut le détour.