Reviews from

in the past

the music - my god, the art - very nice, and hey, the gameplay is so stupidly broken and unbalanced, it ends up being fun

Am I crazy or is this game too hard?

I tried to play it multiple times, with both of my sisters and even once with my cousin who actually plays videogames, but every single time we just got our asses kicked.

Idk if I had the set the difficulty too high or what, but there would always be too many enemies on screen and they would take a LOT of hits before they actually were knocked out.

I legit have not gotten past the first level lol. I wanna give this game another shot, but I don't really like playing beat 'em ups alone.

Lembro de ter achado os controles ruins dá primeira vez que joguei, mas dando mais uma chance, vejo que esse jogo é muito bom

Muita alma pelos visuais e música, os controles são meio subpar sim mas nada muito sério
Sim, o jogo é da Ubisoft, portanto sim, ele tem bugs, alguns que atrapalham o avanço kkkkkkkkkkk

Claro, jogue ele em boa companhia. Hihi.