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in the past

Anyone who wouldn't give this 4.5+ stars did not play it with their lovely, amazing, hilarious, beautiful partner and for that I feel sorry for them. The co-op on this is unmatched and the platforming is great. Story is basic, but compelling and the music level is one of the best levels in any platformer. The varied gameplay and abilities really works well and as soon as you're about to get tired of what you have, the level finishes and you get new stuff to try out.

Also, what you have to do to that elephant is traumatizing and brutal, but so funny in hindsight. Loved it.

Review EN/PTBR

One of the best coop experiences, if not the best, I've ever had in a video game
Very charismatic with a basic drama but with its own charm
Full of references and mechanics that change with each phase, always innovating gameplay in a different way


Uma das melhores experiências coop se não a melhor que já tive em video game
Muito carismático com um drama bem básico mas com um charme muito próprio
Cheio de referências e mecânicas que mudam a cada fase inovando a gameplay de uma forma diferente

Es una barbaridad de juego. El mejor cooperativo que hay hasta la fecha, puzles chulísimos y me lo pasé tan bien jugandolo con mi mejor amigo.

lo jugué con la mejor persona que pude <3

A lil lower cause it gave me some issues on pc and had to parsec it but i played it with my S/O and it was good

This is the most fun I’ve had in a game with another person outside of a way out, the concept of great too

silly game with funny mini games :3

Played it for free, it was MEH. If you're girly girl and wants to play fun chill relax games with your hubby boo, you can go for it. Puzzle was fun, not enough to rate the game higher than 2 stars.

These minigames might actually cause a divorce

this game was so fun it had some bugs but it was still realy funny

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It Takes Two amazed and surprised me around every turn. I think this was also likely the first “big budget” game I had ever completed. At least once a play session, I found myself exclaiming, “this HAS to be the best game ever made”. It was heartfelt, creative, engaging, and most importantly… it was FUN. And not just fun for my partner who has been playing games for 15+ years, but it was also fun for me who has limited gaming skills / gaming intuition.

My favorite part was the Street Fighter callback with the fascist squirrel. not because I have any connection to Street Fighter or games of the like. In fact, I am historically really bad at fighting games! But fighting that squirrel and his fascist regime in It Takes Two made me feel powerful! It was also early enough in the game to give me the confidence boost needed to feel like I was able to have fun and succeed in a different type of gameplay than what I was used to.

It Takes Two is a phenomenal experience for you and a partner, friend, or family member. I hope that one day we are blessed with another. Can’t wait to replay someday!

All that being said I’ll never get over what we had to do to that elephant. Genuinely traumatized!

It Takes Two já estava na minha mira muito antes de receber o prêmio de Jogo do Ano em 2021, mas a premiação obviamente fez o interesse aumentar e criou também uma dúvida: será que esse jogo merece realmente tal prêmio?

A resposta é que sim. E vou além: talvez It Takes Two seja o videogame mais videogame que eu joguei recentemente.

Em um mundo sempre em busca de ultra realismo nos jogos, de histórias profundas e dezenas de horas gastas com atividades repetitivas, é uma lufada de ar fresco um jogo que tenta ser apenas aquilo que ele é: uma diversão rápida, simples e até um pouco boba.

It Takes Two é colorido, divertido e lembra muito um filme da Sessão da Tarde. Mais do que um simples jogo de puzzles, ele traz uma boa história, com personagens divertidos e humanos. Ainda assim, o jogo consegue apresentar puzzles desafiadores e uma boa parte de combate. Todas as lutas contra bosses são divertidas e algumas acabam de destacando, até mesmo se comparadas com outros jogos semelhantes.

O jogo não faz nada com excelência, mas consegue se destacar pelo conjunto da obra. Apesar dos últimos momentos da narrativa serem um pouco corridos, o jogo ainda é uma ótima escolha para jogadores mais casuais e até mesmo jogadores acostumados com desafios maiores, mas que querem relaxar com algo mais leve.

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The most fun co-op game to ever exist, every chapter focuses on one idea, then it is brought to its maximum potential in the end of said chapter, those devs must've been on something while making the game. I hope I experience something similar. (except for the elephant part, pls)

played this with my best friend and it was so much fun. the story and gameplay are both so good

Will def finish one day just don't have the silly in me RN I'm too depressed sadly😿 but yeah this game is so creative and fun and silly like I haven't seen a game this pure since little big planet and that's the highest compliment I've ever given a game so good haven't beat it still like 70% done but 8/10

Il GOTY del 2021 è a tutti gli effetti una frizzante e spensierata sintesi del genere platform, con spruzzate di action-adventure, da cui sembra aver preso le migliori intuizioni; in primis la saga di Super Mario, ma non mancano le incursioni in generi e citazioni che coinvolgono Diablo, Zelda, Mario Kart ecc.

Certo, ci si poteva aspettare molto meglio dalla narrativa, che è punto più debole della produzione, sia perché nel complesso si tratta di uno sviluppo e un finale inconcludente dell'intera vicenda, sia perché spesso il cinismo sornione scade in una spietatezza mal posta (sì la scena dell'omicidio della principessa elefante è uno scempio di scrittura); inoltre il rapporto Cody-May si sviluppa sì intrinsecamente all'interno del gioco ma tutto sommato viene banalizzato e mai realmente esplorato.

Per il resto, tolta una leggera fiacchezza nel finale, il ricco mosaico di generi, minigiochi e sezioni che sfruttano al meglio bi e tridimensionalità, platforming ed enigmi, action e tempismo, sono il fiore all'occhiello di It Takes Two, anche in virtù di una eterogeneità di ambienti e situazioni, enfatizzate da un art direction solida, ispiratissimq nella maggior parte dei casi, e da un comparto tecnico che brilla soprattutto nell'effettistica.

Particolarmente riuscita a livello editoriale è notoriamente la scelta di riportare in auge il gaming in co-op che nella decade precedente era diventato quasi un fastidio per la stragrande maggioranza di publisher. La cooperazione alla base del titolo e il fatto che sia la sintesi tra i poteri a decidere la riuscita o meno di numerose sezioni rendono l'esperienza multigiocatore un must play indimenticabile.

relationship ended before we finished the game oops :)

i played this with my bf and it was fun but kinda boring AAA stuff after a while

I played It Takes Two the year it came out, 2021, in the middle of a pandemic, THE pandemic, with my best friend I hadn't seen in months. That time, we called each other almost every week, if not more often, just to talk. And when we talk, we talk for hours. There is simply no stopping our flow of conversation, once we started, topic come and go, flow through our collective autistic mind like a screw through a factory line, it gets molded, cooled, analysed and inserted into a wider structure. Then we move on to the next piece, inevitably.

My friend has anger issues. I know this, he knows this, I knew this for years before playing It Takes Two. Yet the game made it undeniable. Eternally jealous, frustrated, stressed, brought up in the fires of youth homes and adoption. He always can find something to be mad about - my skill, his skill, the fact I am ahead of him, lacking behind, playing the part he thinks would be more fun. Yet we prevail. Succeed together, play together, are astonished together. It Takes Two is a game filled to the brim with surprises, with variety, paced to perfection, undeniably beautiful, as these two yet to be divorced and un-divorced puppets bicker at each other in eternal Pixar lessons-learned fashion.

We talk to each other less and less, keep forgetting to call each other in both our busy lives. And I feel guilty admitting this, but yes, it is easier that way. With how much I love him, and I do love him, it keeps stinging just how much he fails and stumbles to learn and grow from his past. And because I love him, the odd comment about foreigners, always couched in platitudes, the constant refusal to admit fault, the constant search to find fault in others, the undeniable pain in his life, it all is impossible for me to ignore. I can't, will never be able to, dismiss him and his faults out of my life. Im certainly not perfect in handling it, or my faults, either.

Love hurts, no matter what kind. But opening yourself up to be hurt, to truly feel for someone, with someone, that is what It Takes Two is about. And it is worth it, despite everything.

Joguei com um colega (Nesse jogo, não considero ele um amigo) e foi bem legal