Reviews from

in the past

Took me by surprise how much I enjoyed this game! It has a lot of potential and I'm very excited for a sequel. Unfortunately I finished this game a few months ago, so I don't remember from the top of my head what the positives and negatives were, but it was absolutely a fun journey that I was hoping they would give more of. I think if there's one negative thing I'll say about it, is that the game's ending felt super abrupt, left a few things to be desired, and just made you want to see more of what they were giving. I will absolutely be seated for their sequel and I hope they will deliver a great experience.

Not long into this, my other half and I realised the mysteries we were soaking in would never have any kind of satisfactory answers. That we were totally fooled by the fakeout ending ("well, THAT was SHIT") is a testament to how little we were invested. But then it does something really interesting! But then it goes back to being a shootybang.

I don't mean to be cruel, there's some fantastic stuff in here, but your only real contribution to this world of endless possibility is violence. One sidequest has you run back and forth between two NPCs until one of them dies. Do they stay alive if you just don't do the quest? Yes or no, either outcome is ultimately meaningless.

As many have pointed out, this is basically SCP: The Videogame. But you could just read some SCP and you wouldn't have to play a videogame.

You know what this reminds me of? Moon:

Control é a Remedy Games em sua mais pura essência, maluco, profundo e frenético. A história é uma das melhores e mais promissoras que Sam Lake já escreveu, além de abrir uma ampla possibilidades de universos a serem inseridos aqui, o jogo também atribui sentido e significancia ao universo de Alan Wake, provando que a Remedy não trabalha com improvisos.
O gameplay pode ser definido como um third person shooter "apimentado", onde as habilidades sobrenaturais de Jesse brilham e ajudam a manter a gameplay fresca.
A exploração é interessante, e apresenta em sua estrutura elementos do amado gênero Metroidvania, com áreas e segredos escondidos por trás de aprimoramentos.
Control é uma estranha e incrível experiência que merece ser jogada.

One of the bigger disappointments I've played. As a premise, Control is awesome: Dynamic gameplay and an SCP style lore to it. However, it gets totally dull very fast. Its gameplay is repetitive and easily exploitable; with a story that fails to grip you along side totally vanilla characters.

If they ever do a sequel then I'm sure they can fix this. This first game though is not as fun as you would think and overall a letdown. Even the Alan Wake DLC: a game I really enjoyed, wasn't all that good. Great visuals and sound design though.

Remedy really outdid themselves with that one. The art direction is phenomenal, the music is amazing, the NPCs are wonderful. The story is rather simple (but I don’t particularly mind), true gems of this game are hidden in the collectibles, including Darling’s presentations, that add a ton of info about the world.
My only complaint is that the exposition by the very end felt a bit too heavy, but regardless, I’m stoked for Control 2

aunque me gusto el juego, tengo que reconocer que en varias partes aburre, recomiendo probar ya que no es un juego para todo el mundo, eso si, la conexión con la otra saga del estudio es genial

Remedy games are so good man, for real. I loved Alan Wake so I figured I would dig this one as well. And so I did, finished this in 2 days while sick and what a trip it was. The lore, the universe and the story are all pretty good - mysterious weird trippy stuff.

The plot and characters were maybe just decent when compared with Alan Wake or even Bioshock and the likes. But, in a similar fashion to Alan Wake, the universe and lore are more interesting than the actual plot - though Alan Wake's is better.

Gameplay wise it gets kinda repetitive but it's got pretty fun and creative combat, with some sparse puzzles sprinkled in there.

The thing that makes the game what it is though is it's CHARM. The aesthetic, the narration, the live action videos are all super charming. The whole thing reaks of David Lynch, as Alan Wake did too. Although this one leans more towards Stephen King and X-Files too.

Overall really great game, even if it's a bit repetitive at times and doesn't have the strongest of characters or story.

I think I saw somewhere that all Remedy games are linked in the same universe too, which could make the lore in here even better.

Queria jogar Alan Wake e li que seria interessante jogar Control pra entender melhor a história de Alan Wake, e como Control tava na ps plus extra (que eu assino) resolvi jogar.
O jogo começa lento e se sustenta na narrativa, depois a gameplay se sustenta sozinha e é perfeitamente temperada pela ambientação e narrativa.
Eu joguei com o ps5 focado na qualidade e não desempenho e com isso senti alguns pequenos engasgos que acredito serem meios absurdos, visto que o jogo foi lançado pra ps4, mas não é nada que incomode tanto.
Fora isso, o jogo dessa maneira é lindo, meio escuro demais em alguns ambientes, mas num geral eu gostei muito.
A gameplay é muito dinâmica e com um bom nivel de dificuldade, tendo alguns chefes e desafios opcionais bem complicados. Ela consegue se tornar bem diversa com os poderes que você vai aprendendo e com as diferentes formas da sua arma principal.
A exploração tem bem uma vibe metroidvania 3d, com áreas que só são acessíveis mais tarde, e o jogo faz você re-explorar essas áreas de maneiras orgânicas e divertidas.
Agora o que faz esse jogo ser incrível pra mim é o nível de criatividade do universo e narrativa. O nível de conteúdo pra contextualizar e ambientar o jogador, através de flashbacks, documentos, gravações é impressionante. Sinceramente é tanto conteúdo que eu devo ter pulado por volta de uns 20% por estar cansado naquela sessão de gameplay específica.

Esse jogo é um prato cheio pra quem gosta de narrativas instigantes e envolventes, e ainda se sustenta como um bom jogo para aqueles que só se importam com a gameplay e ação nos jogos.
Só não quis platinar pois tem muitas conquistas que são apenas pra render mais horas de gameplay, pouco criativas e muito menos divertidas.

Story is fantastic and the vibes are off the chart. I really enjoyed the combat, especially in the middle of the game where your slate of abilities really make you feel powerful with lots of options to deal with things. The combat sometimes feels little overturned, many enemies will reduce you to next to no health with 1 hit making the longer combat encounters later in the game (especially in DLC) feel punishing. The game design to encourage you to run back to old areas just to farm mats feels like a waste of time and I didn't feel the game needed that level of filler.

genuinely would've stuck with it if there was more puppet shows

Fantastic at times but something constantly felt off and the ending was way too fast. Loved Ahti though and hope we get to see more of Control in the future.

Finished Control, again.

After playing Alan Wake 2 this game hits differently, just much better. Seriously, I recommend everyone to go for another run now post "RETURN".

Bounced off this again. I love Remedy, and the ideas and vibes here are so cool. But playing it pretty bland, and I just can't get behind the actual plot. Very unfortunate.