Reviews from

in the past

Playstation plus extra (20h)

Dave the Diver is a gem! This 2D diving game blends with a restaurant management sim, making it a truly fantastic combination. The gameplay is incredibly diverse and you can fish with a gun, bombs, and a samurai sword!


- Memorable and hilarious characters
- Addictive restaurant management that keeps you coming back for more
- Fresh content and mechanics are introduced regularly, keeping the game engaging
- No two side quests or puzzles are alike, avoiding being repetitive
- Boss battles are well designed, with a final boss fight that's a bullet hell masterpiece
- Free DLC adds a new zone and fish to discover


- Exploration can feel a bit slow at times
- Finding specific ingredients in previously visited zones can be annoying, but it's facultatif

Overall, Dave the Diver is a must-play for anyone looking for new experience

*AI was used to improve my sentences and correct my mistakes. No plagiarism involved.

Dave the diver me proporcionou algo muito além do que eu estava esperando, e olha que eu estava com as expectativas lá nas estrelas! Vamos lá...

Primeiramente, o jogo é um prato cheio, principalmente quando se trata do valor dele, proporciona bastante variedade na gameplay, e apresenta muitas coisas que dão um charme durante suas longas horas de duração! Era basicamente impressionante quando eu estava jogando, e um novo estilo de jogabilidade era apresentado, seja gerenciar o Bancho Sushi, que é o restaurante que Dave trabalha com seus parceiros, ou até mesmo na hora da pescaria e boss fights!

O jogo é bastante rico quando se trata de sua trilha sonora, direção de arte, e também suas animações! Basicamente sendo cada aspecto que citei acima bem únicos, suas trilhas sonoras são bastante caracterizadas com um estilo praiano, sua direção de arte é bastante viva e linda, e suas animações são muito bem feitas, polidas, e intrigantes!

Pra mim um dos melhores pontos deste jogo é sua longevidade, por que quando eu digo que o jogo realmente apresenta muito coisa nova durante a jogatina, não é brincadeira!

Um ponto negativo, mas que não é algo tão relevante assim, dependendo do tipo de experiência que você busca, é sua repetição! No caso aqui, quando estava jogando eu pensava bastante em alcançar o 100% nos achievements, e pessoalmente eu adoro grind, mas o desse jogo em específico não me pegou, pelo menos não agora após zerar.
O problema é que, o jogo é repleto de ''minigames'' quando está pescando, e mesmo tenho o arpão mais foda do jogo, esses minigames continuam vindo e vindo, chegou momento que eu juntava o máximo de peixes que conseguia em um dia (no jogo), e saia com o pulso doendo de ficar apertando espaço, ou ''A & D'', e até mesmo aqueles de girar o mouse. Mas é como eu disse, isso foi só no late game, durante minhas aproxidamadas 45-50 horas de jogo foi tudo uma maravilha, por que sempre tinha algo a mais para fazer ou descobrir, e não apenas grindar!

A dlc do Dreadge é super divertida, abrindo mais o leque ainda de diferenciar a gameplay!

Concluindo, o jogo é maravilhoso, vale muito a pena, uma baita experiencia diferente de bastante coisa que se vê por aí, muito relaxante e descontraído! :D

Great game with a relaxing art style and fun characters, but after a bit, the gameplay gets super repetitive. The only part I really had fun with the whole way through was the restaurant management.

He might just be the greatest Dave to ever do it. Dave the Diver is a game that succeeds in blending a very fun sea diving adventure with a cool restaurant simulator that, for better or worse, is constantly trying to expand on itself.

The gameplay mainly revolves around diving into the vast sea and gathering materials and ingredients during the day, and then using what you acquired to create dishes for your sushi bar which you operate during the night. This day/night loop hooked me from the very beginning and it stayed that way for a good chunk of my playtime. Exploring the ocean and discovering/catching all the aquatic life was very fun and you're given a lot of tools and upgrades to work with. The restaurant management section of the game starts out very slow but quickly picks up once you start building up your rating and more things are opened up to you. I honestly ended up enjoying it more than the diving section by the time I was done with the main story.

Speaking of the story, I ended up really liking that as well. It's silly, endearing, and pretty well-paced for the most part. I think what really makes it shine though are the characters. The main cast is really cool and each of them have their own little quirks that make them stand out. The way they interact with Dave, whether helping him out in some way or just simple banter, is really nice. I ended up liking a lot of these characters more than I originally assumed I would. Trust me when I tell you Bancho is the coolest character in the game.

The game is also really good-looking. The 2D-pixel art is really appealing to look at and the cutscenes are really over the top in the best way possible, they fit each character perfectly, and I rarely ever skipped them.

Remember when I said this game constantly tries to expand on itself for better or worse? Yeah, that's my main issue with it. This game constantly introduces new mechanics, features, minigames, etc.(especially in the 2nd half) in what I assume is to try to keep the gameplay loop fresh. While some of the things they introduced are nice, how they went about it and the sheer amount of stuff brought in is almost overwhelming. By the end of the game, a lot of it just felt like I was just doing busy work. Getting overloaded with a constant flow of new I know how Jogo felt.

Despite the issues, I really enjoyed my time with Dave the Diver and I do recommend it. Not sure if I would call it a "cozy" game like a lot of other people do tho.

I didn't find this game particularly fun


Joguei do começo ao fim com um sorriso no rosto, cada cap tem uma coisa nova pra te mostrar e o jogo é cheio de conteúdo.


I thought people were exaggerating when they said this was "the everything game" but it's actually true, you do do a lot in this.

It's extremely addicting, effortlessly funny, insanely charming and just overall a really good time. It does really fall off when you get to the final big area of the game but it's not enough to drag the entire experience down. I'll be keeping my eyes on mintrocket.

I don't know what's better in this game:
sell sushi
or the incredible animations

Pretty fun stuff, basically a restaurant tycoon where you control the logistics and quality of supply by diving to get fish. The mechanisms are fun to deal with however the real winner of this game is the artstyle. Each character has these expressions that make them all charming, my favorite is this one black dude who keeps doing the soyjack pose which probably isn't intentional but it's funny as hell. Duff's cutscenes are goated btw.

I just can't bring myself to come back to this game. It's perfectly adequate for a short run, but after a handful of hours it becomes a shallow, monotonous slog. The diving and the restaurant sim are extremely hollow, the characters are universally assholes and not fun to deal with, and the visuals are... charming, but when it's mixed in with the bad stuff it just feels like the game is trying to be something it's not: a tried and true indie game.

I will start with the good. The art style is very nice and the animations are very charming. The main loop of diving and running the restaurant is nice, although it gets quite repetitive.

Now let's talk about the bad. There are just too many systems that get thrown in that are barely fleshed out. It's a mile wide and an inch deep. Much of these systems just feel like busywork, such as the farming. I think the game would have benefited from having less systems, but refining the core diving and restaurant loop.

It's crazy to me that this is what counts as a "good indie game" and not just because it's not an indie game, but because it's just the classic "throw so many systems at the player they're bound to like something" and I've never vibed with that structure. Though that's Stardew Valley which is beloved, so it shouldn't be surprising.

Eğer hayatınızın bir noktasında ben indie bir oyun oynamak istiyorum derseniz oynayacağınız oyun bu olsun. Hiç öyle 5-10 saatte çerezlik biter diye başına oturmayın kafadan 30 saat kilitliyor, hele NG+ DLC falan derken bir bakmışsınız 80 saat olmuş. Bu oyunun önü açık, yüzedur Dave the Diver.

Müthiş bir iş. Core gameplayi harika. Bunun üstüne sürekli içerik bombardımanı var. Uzun zamandır oynadığım en iyi indie idi.

Really good shit. Might not be everyone's cup of tea because it throws so much stuff at the wall to see if it sticks that it becomes a jack-of-all-trades master of none kind of game. But the core mechanic: diving and collecting fish is good enough that even if you don't connect to the farm sim mini game, it won't last more than 2 mins before you can get back to what you like.

Art style and cutscenes unexpected mvp

Fun premise, main story, and side hustle with the sushi restaurant. Found it very easy/fast at first, slows down to a better pace later. A lot to do; fishing, sushi quests, main quests, sea people quests, 3 different farms, collections, etc... Can be overwhelming but most can be ignored if desired. Overall a really fun play.