Reviews from

in the past

A game I'm willing to say is nearly perfect. At the very least one of my favorite stealth games and quickly becoming one of my favorite games ever. I just don't have many complaints here.

What you have is top tier stealth gameplay combined with all the delightful strategy of the tactics genre to make for some very solid challenge that will get you thinking creatively through some super tight and polished maps. Every encounter is a puzzle with like a trillion solutions. Every solution felt like my own and none of them unsatisfying.

In fact, I'm going to say every mission is a banger. They strike a great balance between variety while mingling various scenarios together. Maybe some of the smartest ramp up in difficulty I've seen. Especially as you get new members for your party.

Which party wise, I think it's incredible how often you're encouraged to use each character pretty equally and each's set of abilities ensures none of them don't fill a niche. I think my favorite combo ended up being Hector + Isabelle.

Though everyone has at least one that has it's moments, but largely goes ignored. Kind of says a lot that like... 3 characters get a healing option instead of another gadget. The final mission's difficulty can also be so high as to feel a little trial and error at times (or am I too impatient?).

Still, with this incredible presentation (this game is a stunner to me and has a great soundtrack), slick stealth (a genre I will always love the most), and near perfect level design, I'm head over heels.

Also worth noting, there's some very solid replayability with the post-mission challenges and the baron's unique challenge missions that are short and sweet. The game is also adapted pretty well for controllers. Giving you direct control over characters movements and a unique HUD. Fantastic Steam Deck game too.

Desperados III is a wild west tactics game that'll test your brain way more than your reflexes. Each level is a huge puzzle where you gotta sneak your team of cowboys and outlaws around, taking out guards with stealth, traps, and good ol' fashioned gunfights. It's tough as nails and the story's kinda forgettable, but holy cow, figuring out the perfect plan is super satisfying. If you love a good strategy challenge and the wild west vibes, definitely give this one a shot.