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A game I'm willing to say is nearly perfect. At the very least one of my favorite stealth games and quickly becoming one of my favorite games ever. I just don't have many complaints here.

What you have is top tier stealth gameplay combined with all the delightful strategy of the tactics genre to make for some very solid challenge that will get you thinking creatively through some super tight and polished maps. Every encounter is a puzzle with like a trillion solutions. Every solution felt like my own and none of them unsatisfying.

In fact, I'm going to say every mission is a banger. They strike a great balance between variety while mingling various scenarios together. Maybe some of the smartest ramp up in difficulty I've seen. Especially as you get new members for your party.

Which party wise, I think it's incredible how often you're encouraged to use each character pretty equally and each's set of abilities ensures none of them don't fill a niche. I think my favorite combo ended up being Hector + Isabelle.

Though everyone has at least one that has it's moments, but largely goes ignored. Kind of says a lot that like... 3 characters get a healing option instead of another gadget. The final mission's difficulty can also be so high as to feel a little trial and error at times (or am I too impatient?).

Still, with this incredible presentation (this game is a stunner to me and has a great soundtrack), slick stealth (a genre I will always love the most), and near perfect level design, I'm head over heels.

Also worth noting, there's some very solid replayability with the post-mission challenges and the baron's unique challenge missions that are short and sweet. The game is also adapted pretty well for controllers. Giving you direct control over characters movements and a unique HUD. Fantastic Steam Deck game too.

Mükemmel kalitede bir oyun. Aklın sınırlarını zorladığın, Taktik kastığın en sonda dayanamayıp Hector ile doğrayıp geçtiğin mis gibi bir oyun. Oynanır.

Played through it with a friend of mine and had a lot of fun. Many improvements compared to Shadow Tactics, the fast-forward feature is a blessing. Cool dynamics between the characters, Hector is great and the gameplay is pretty much the pinnacle of tactics games, must play if you're a tactics fan, absolutely brilliant.

El Shadow Tactics fue una de las mejores experiencias jugables de mi vida, y el Desperados III es básicamente el mismo juego pero con otro setting (y los correspondientes cambios en historia, personajes y sus habilidades), así que era difícil que no me encantara.

Eso sí, he tenido muchos problemas en cuanto a momentos en los que el juego no detectaba bien mis órdenes (por ejemplo, que al hacer click en una cosa el juego interpretase otra, o dos al mismo tiempo) y, aunque no sé si es cosa del juego o de mi PC/ratón, por lo menos no recuerdo que con el Shadow Tactics me pasara tan a menudo.

Quitando este frustrante pero a grandes rasgos pequeño inconveniente, me lo he pasado muy bien con sus mecánicas de estrategia y sigilo, con su trama de venganza en el Salvaje Oeste y con los ácidos diálogos de sus carismáticos personajes.

Y lo mejor es que, cuando me entre la nostalgia de volver a jugar, no tendré que rejugar nada porque todavía me quedan los Desafíos y los DLCs.

Maravilhoso, gostoso demais. Final catársico

Desperados III became phenomenal once I understood that it's more about good tactics and less about real-time frame-perfect vision cone dodging (though it's still much present).

This game implements the idea of real time strategy very well, only thing that bothered me was controlling too many characters at the same time, I always had more fun controlling 1 or 2 characters in a mission in this game.

Capolavoro dal gameplay stealth stimolante e curato, dalla trama semplice ma ispirata e che presenta personaggi carismatici ed interessanti.

Desperados III: A unique, difficult, and massive test of planning and patience with a pretty satisfying payoff when everything comes together. Should you like its esoteric concept, you'll find plenty of content here, as well.

In Desperados III, you are a crew of nefarious outlaws lead by Cooper, a man who is seeking out a powerhouse named Frank to duel and get revenge for his father. There'll be mistakes and misadventures, too. The “gang” is actually a duo to start, and along the way you'll find more tag-along rapscallions to aid in the revenge tale. While self-aware that it's cheesy, it's not very captivating; it's really only there as an excuse to get the characters to a new set piece with new challenges. It's fine.

Every character has varying abilities and they share similar traits, but even those shared traits are personalized. For instance, every character can drag bodies, but some drag them along the ground in a hunched position (slow, but sneaky) while others pick them up and walk (fast, but obvious). Hector can hold two bodies, even run with them, and better yet throw them up a floor or across a gap. They've all got a “distract” option, but while Cooper can toss a coin and get guards to look in a certain direction, Kate can throw a vial of perfume and temporarily blind anybody in the blast radius.
Everybody has a useful specialty, like McCoy with his sniping pistol, Hector with his elite-slaying axe, and Isabelle with her mind-control darts, etc. You've got a destination in mind with a lot of baddies in the way on the lookout for you, so there's plenty of scenarios where you're to utilize everybody's strengths to get through a sticky situation. You can pause the game with Showdown Mode, where time stops and you can commit everybody to a singular action when you press Enter.

I'd say this game is basically a very flashy puzzle that grows in difficulty as times goes on. Honestly, towards the end, it's wildly difficult. I played on Normal and still had levels that took over an hour, some even took two. Hard difficulty increases the number of guards and how fast they spot you once you enter their field of vision, I gave it a go but just found it frustrating. Normal was enough of a challenge for me.
The way the game gets difficult is by making increasingly tough guard patterns. You don't “have” to kill most of them to finish a level, but you'll want to, because fuck them. Towards the end, there are more “Long Coats” (guards only Hector can kill with a melee attack, otherwise they need to be shot, which is loud) and multiple guards are watching other guards. In the beginning, a few people may wander from the group, just begging to be slaughtered. In the end, you'll be throwing Kate's perfume and Cooper's coin in different distraction directions, then killing two other guards linked by Isabelle's dart ability and a third with Hector's axe, then try to move all three of those bodies into bushes before the coin/perfume guys figure out what happened right in front of them. It's a lot.

So I say “puzzle” because while there's definitely multiple ways to approach a situation, you can usually tell what the intended option(s) is/are. You can (and should) beat it all without alerting any reinforcements, this is definitely a stealth game.

Should you like the demo or sound of this, the good news is the game is packed with content. There are sixteen main levels (again, some took me multiple hours, so good luck on Hard) and they all have challenges built into them, like taking a different path or beating it without using someone's abilities, etc. Then there are fourteen challenge levels offered by a mysterious Baron (who is definitely voiced by Geralt, but for some reason I cannot confirm this anywhere). These levels play through the previous campaign levels, only now with minor level variations or character changes. They're considerably harder than normal levels.
There are three DLC missions that are $5 each, or $13 if you buy a season pass, and I think that's highway robbery. This game doesn't need a season pass, first off, and second the content doesn't really justify the price. There's far more value packed into the base game than in these missions, one of which is only a tweaked level from the original campaign.

Desperados III is a very solid game, provided you can handle a lot of trial and error. You will be quicksaving/loading like a madman, as you'll go to kill a guard you think is in the clear but sure enough some dude way too far away barely sees you slicing that throat, therefore changing your whole approach. If you don't have a lot of patience, I think this game isn't for you. If you're looking for something different, this definitely is, and I think beating a level here is an extremely rewarding experience.

Really well-made game. Sort of stealth-tactics, where you have to unravel a web of enemy control zones, one by one. I really liked playing it, feels a little bit too easy sometimes, but overall the gameplay and atmosphere is top-notch. Beautiful graphics too, almost has a 'hand-drawn' touch to it. Hope for a sequel.

Either this will be the game i will like after giving a couple chances or it will be deleted by me a couple weeks later. I just downloaded and played tutorial. Probably game will be better after 1 hour but havent gave the chance

One of the most polished isometric stealth strategy / real time tactics games (probably due to the amazing motion capture used), acting in as a prequel to the Desperados series, which of course was itself at the time an homage to the Commandos games. It would be amiss not to mention developer Mimimi's previous game Shadow Tactics: Blades of the Shogun from late 2016 due to sharing some character skills, but it is balanced between which characters ended up having said skills (like Cooper being similar to Hayato despite almost having his skillset from Wanted Dead or Alive from 2001), and of course, the stealth genre in a mostly realistic setting can only have so many stealth based tactics. It is not "Ninjas in the Wild West". Desperados III succeeds here with the addition of Isabelle and being able to link the fate of 2 targets from one singular ability. The art team and composer Filippo Beck Peccoz have also created something that both screams "yeah, it's a Wild West game all right" while also being tasteful and plenty creative.

I couldn’t find what to write about the game for a while. Every time I couldn’t find anything to write, I finished the game once again :) in the end, I thought I should start somewhere. The game is simply legendary, if you like real-time strategy games, you should know that you don’t have much choice. Desperados 3 is your best bet for this kind of real-time strategy games.

Desperados 3 comes up with a wild west theme. To be Honestly, I can easily say that they reflect the wild west very well. I can’t find anything to say about the fiction of the game. After giving ten points to the storytelling, I can say that the sound and graphics are quite sufficient for the genre. As an average player, I finished the game in 12 13 hours. Because of my habit, I can’t finish the game without clearing the whole map. Therefore, you can complete the game less times than me. I am definitely not complaining about finishing the game in these times. I can clearly state that I enjoyed every second of it.

The dilemmas and dialogues that the characters experienced about each other during the game are totally fantastic. The physical engines of the characters are very original. The difficulty of the game has a good balanced. Episode designs, different characteristics of the characters allow to finish the game with very different solutions. Therefore, we cannot talk about a single solution and you can play the game over and over again.

Finally, Desperados 3 is a masterpiece of real-time strategy games for me. I believe everyone will enjoy it, whether they like the genre or not. That’s why I think it should definitely be experienced. I finish story because I don’t want to praise the game too much and make it unattractive in your eyes.

Have fun :)

Desperados III is a wild west tactics game that'll test your brain way more than your reflexes. Each level is a huge puzzle where you gotta sneak your team of cowboys and outlaws around, taking out guards with stealth, traps, and good ol' fashioned gunfights. It's tough as nails and the story's kinda forgettable, but holy cow, figuring out the perfect plan is super satisfying. If you love a good strategy challenge and the wild west vibes, definitely give this one a shot.

Jogo tem tudo de bom:
personagens interessantes... história boa... visual maneiro... maas tem uma hora que a gameplay cansa
(um dia eu volto p terminar)

This is Mimimi's best game, and one of the best stealth games ever. I was absolutely glued to this game and I hardly noticed that I spent 52 hours on it (including the DLC).

The challenges you face can seem overwhelming at first, but as you find ways to take enemies out of the equation, they become much more manageable. Figuring out how to overcome a seemingly impossible situation was immensely rewarding. Each character has unique abilities that are enormously fun to combine with the abilities of other characters, creating near endless ways to solve any problem.

The story was enjoyable, mostly because the characters were so entertaining. I got plenty of laughs from the character banter, as well as hilarious dialogue from NPCs and some funny situations the gang gets into.

I also must praise the excellent soundtrack.

If you like stealth do yourself a favour and play this game.

Assim como Shadow Tactics, me deixou grudado na tela. Para quem gosta do estilo do jogo, é imperdível. Gostaria de saber como eles podem fazer com que o jogo não fosse tão encostado na mecânica de save/load, mas eles abraçam essa mecânica e funciona muito bem.

Nesse, há mais possibilidade de matar vários inimigos do que em Shadow Tactics, devido às armas dos personagens, mas ainda assim é bem balanceado. Completei várias missões de forma diferente dos caminhos mais óbvios, e em algumas missões me coloquei certos objetivos por fora. Gostaria que o sistema de badges aparecesse mesmo na primeira vez que você joga na fase, pra você escolher algum desafio a mais, caso queira.

AMAZING RTS game. will play this on a higher difficulty. Great mechanics.

This game’s graphics looks really good and the gameplay is very smooth and satisfying. The music is amazing and the voice acting is great. Story is also good. My only problem with this game is that it gets repetitive and some characters are just so boring to play as (Doctor and The Bride). It’s also very centered around timing and it’s not really doing it for me. Feels more like a puzzle game than s stealth game.

Never thought I was into stealth tactics games, but this one changed my mind. Captivating gameplay that will suck you in for hours. Full of content and things to do and has a nice old-west story too. Difficult as hell, but in the best way possible.

No sé por qué no lo terminé aún, volveré cuando tenga algo de tiempo libre. Es realmente divertido con una historia interesante

Não sei nem o que botar de título

Eu não tinha nem botado esse jogo na backlog pois achei que nunca iria jogar ele, mas de repente senti uma vontade de experimentar esse gênero que nunca encostei na minha vida, e comecei pelo o que mais me pegou, nosso querido Desperados.

Me apaixonei completamente por esse jogo e não tenho nenhum ponto negativo pra ressaltar sobre ele, apenas positivos então se prepare para uma puxação de saco danada nessa review!

Seu estilo furtivo me pegou de primeira quando entrei nele (e olha que não sou fã desse estilo stealth) seus gráficos e ambientações também me encantaram, não sou tão fã de velho oeste mas a temática e a trilha sonora desse jogo me colocou tanto no universo dele que eu joguei por horas seguidas esquecendo totalmente o que estava acontecendo ao meu redor, a ultima vez que tive esse sentimento de imersão foi com Oblivion e normalmente os jogos demoram de me causar esse sentimento, e um jogo tático, stealth, resgatar essa parada em mim foi muita doideira.

Essa coisa de você pensar de que forma agir, de não ir despreparado e ter calma na hora de meter a faca nos capangas, me fez refletir muito sobre paciência e esse tipo de jogo me ensinou a ter ela, eu já tava até sentindo falta dessa cara amiga.

Ah mas fica avisado, Desperados é muito punitivo, se tu fizer um erro ja era cabou pra tu, o bom é que você tem a função de quicksave e quickload então tenha em mente de sempre salvar quando fizer uma jogada boa e dar load quando falhar, porque passar por isso aqui sem save e alertando alguns inimigos é pancada.

Todo o tempo que dediquei a esse jogo, a aprender seus cenários e os inimigos foi quase como um estudo e valeu muito a pena, fazia MESES que eu não sentia isso com videogames, então pra mim isso aqui é obra de arte.

Como de costume, sempre avalio a história e não vou deixar passar por esse aqui, afinal seus personagens são muito carismáticos, cada um com um traço único de personalidade e que deixa impossível esquecer o nome deles, algo que eu não esperava pra um título desse gênero, costumo ver mais trabalhos bem feito em personagens assim em RPGs, então isso me pegou de jeito, tem como até tu dar umas risadas com algumas falas e se envolver perfeitamente com um deles.

A forma que a história é contada aqui é muito boa, clássica e lembra muito os filmes de velho oeste, aquela coisa de vingança e poeira no rosto sabe, você se envolve sente raiva e sente tristeza, não é uma história complexa é simples de entender, porém a construção dela foi bem feita e não deixa nenhum furo de roteiro na minha visão, o desenvolvimento dos principais é perfeito, o egoísmo e orgulho do protagonista, o companheirismo e fidelidade entre todos eles traz um quentinho no coração.

Enfim, se você nunca jogou esse tipo de jogo eu recomendo MUITO jogar Desperados III, foi um ótimo início pra mim e me encantei totalmente, mal espero pra experimentar outros.

This is a title I downloaded for curiosity sake on PS Plus and ended up falling deep into; cowboys, the wild west and isometric top down stealth/tactics/strategy, I was really intrigued but didn't expect to get so invested. After 40 some hours later and literally having dreams about it the past few nights due to how much I thought about it, I think I can say I really liked this game.

Love my guy Hector, he's like if you could play Hitman as Kraven the Hunter. Lots of hiding in bushes, hiding bodies in bushes, sneaking around the eyesight cones of enemies, and even walking around in disguises, creating distractions and taking out enemies via "accidents" with environmental objects. And like Hector, the playable characters are all very likable, a blast to play as and mess around with their abilities, and you get attached to them really quick. The banter during missions really adds to this, and when 2 of them (or 3, or 4, or even all 5!) pull off a coordinated attack at the same thing via the "showdown" mechanic, it's the cherry on the top and is so damn satisfying.

There's a ton of game here - the main story is a generous length, all of the levels are highly replayable due to the several ways you can tackle them, as well as a ton of additional challenges, and there's even free DLC missions, and additional bonus missions from "The Baron" that are sometimes hilarious remixes of existing levels with new challenges. One of them you have to mow down every enemy in the level with a gattling gun on a mine cart, and another you play as a dog, cat and chicken. Enough said!

Desperados 3 is an incredible mix of strategy and tactical gameplay, combined with quiet stealth that rewards you for waiting for the perfect moment to strike. It's also just as fun to unleash hell on an unsuspecting group of enemies in one fell swoop with guns blazing too.

Lo recomiendo con algunos peros. Es divertido, y mucho más táctico de lo que podría parecer en un principio. las historias de los personajes están bien, y los actores de doblaje hacen muy bien su papel. hay muchas formas de afrontar una misma misión, y así lo demuestran las diversas formas de rejugarlo, ya sea consiguiendo desafíos, o con propios retos que te propone el juego.

Problemas principales tiene dos. El primero y menos grave es que llega un momento donde cada misión excede sin problema la hora de partida, lo cual se puede hacer pesado, pues avanzas lentísimo. La segunda y mas grave es que también al avanzar se van reduciendo las posibilidades de acercarse a una situación al poner excesivos guardias y tu sigues con las mismas mecánicas que al principio del juego, por lo que el reto de "hazlo a tu manera" se convierte en un "o lo haces siguiendo estos metódicos pasos, o date por jodido". A mi esto ultimo me ha hecho quitarlo cerca de acabar porque no quería pillarle tirria a un juego que me parece muy entretenido.

It seemed solid, but I'm not sure if I enjoy the genre.