Reviews from

in the past

A gorgeous little game with functional combat that's unfortunately not quite excellent enough to carry its dungeons, which are too long. The story that's there is good, enchanting, even, in the way it taps into fairy tale, but with the dungeons being as long as they are, getting to the next story beat can feel like a chore

There's lots of neat stuff in here, though, and I'd like to get back to it someday

Review in progress:
Just as overrated as Muramasa for me. The gameplay loop is repetitive and the story is as boring as it is wordy. I'm not a fan of the level design, either. You go traverse through a series of tiny, flat, and nearly identical-looking zones. There's no sense of cohesion. I'm not saying it needs to be a Metroidvania, but having areas that are larger, interconnected, and visually distinct would go a long way toward making the world feel more alive. The alchemy and farming mechanics didn't really add a lot to the core experience.

I had to drop some items for an alchemy tutorial and was kicked out of the room without warning afterward, which made me lose everything on the ground. I'm so used to autosave being a standard feature in modern releases at this point, but it's completely absent here, so I lost a fair bit of progress. Good times.

At least the artwork is great outside of some questionable character designs. That's definitely their strong suit.

I'm still not getting the Vanillaware praise. Hopefully, I'll enjoy 13 Sentinels more.

It’s really great, for like 20 hours. Then it’s pretty good for another 10. Then it’s a chore for another 10. I love the art, the combat is a lot of fun, the leveling system is satisfying, and the storytelling is pretty solid. But it’s just too long. It couldn’t pull its weight by the end and I was really ready for it to be over.