Reviews from

in the past

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An interesting metafictional story, where you try to survive through a story thats seemingly aleady written. Discovering the pages of the script telling you whats already happened or will happen is pretty cool, but wish that knowledge had more of an impact on the actual game. Speaking of which, the games a lot more combat centered than i first anticipated. I thought there would be more time spent exploring the town, but instead its mostly walking around and shooting spooky shadow men. The gameplay loop of using your flashlight in fights is able to hold the game up enough for its short length though, but does start to get a bit repetitive by the end.

The scariest thing about this game are the facial animations. Genuine garbage. An exhaustively unenjoyable train wreck in what feels like 0.25x speed.

On what I assume is the finale of the last Chapter and I just, stopped. I was so bored with the game and its unbearable tedium that I just decided to save half an hour of my life. A waste of time

The overly meta-story that wears its influences (King, Twin Peaks, Twilight Zone) on its sleeve is as charming as ever, even when it doesn't work as well as it did over ten years ago.

The combat and controlling the sluggish out of shape writer, which was never great, now often holds back the majority of the gameplay.

Still, this is worth playing as it is one of the few games that actually tries to experiment with its narrative.

Pretty much agree with the common sentiment that this probably should’ve been more of an adventure game than a shooter. The game occasionally creates an interesting gameplay dynamic with its whole Luigi’s Mansion-ass “stun ‘em & shoot ‘em” combat, but oftentimes combat overstays its welcome for far too long and is far too underdeveloped.

Hilariously, this game still fucking owns despite the absurd volume of “Jesus Christ, MORE bad guys????” moments. Alan Wake is such an odd and daring game in just about every factor for a game released by a fairly major studio. Its atmosphere is just so deeply entrancing, and the conflicting nature of all its elements make it so endearing. All these inspirations, Twin Peaks, Stephen King, trashy Hollywood action flicks all end up synthesized into something that feels so personal and standalone. Remedy have always marched to the beat of their own drum, and the oddities and rough edges matched with the artistic ambition on display makes this game so endearing, and so lovely to look back on.

This might be a perfect game i have not liked a game as much as this in a long time play it if you haven't its great

BEARABLE if you use cheats to give you 10x run speed and flashlight batteries. only play this so you understand the peak that is Alan Woke II.

Literally the only thing holding this game back is its combat encounters. Everything else is phenomenal.

Not sure how this game had such a huge following or even got recognized as something worthy of a sequel. Maybe the most bland and uninteresting game I've played its a lil crazy

exquisite horror experience. gameplay is great, really nailed the feel of controlling a sedentary loser that happened to have shot guns before needing to(the lantern is the crosshair!!!), dodge animation is really neat and the way it almost always actually looked like alan was moving out of the way of an axe the instant before he got bisected, running sucked, driving was kept at a minimum for a reason. by far the best this game has to offer is the story and characters; it feels huge but also intimate, its themes arent anything ground breaking but the classics are classics for a reason. but damn, is it ugly, i dont know why this steam release is locked at such a low res but thats what i got, i could see the stretched out textures without even trying and the face animations didnt live up to the amazing story being told, really dig the ost too, will definitely listen to it on its own

Jogo arrastado na gameplay mds do céu