Reviews from

in the past

Ok, this game is good. But it's not nearly as good as it got hyped to be. The overall episodic presentation seemed fresh at the time because "Lost" was pretty much the biggest show other games hadn't run that approach into the ground yet. The story, however, is a freaking mess. There's nothing worst than a story that tries to be cerebral but ends up just confusing itself except for a story that is only mysterious because it's vague past the point of engagement. This game suffers from both of those scenarios. I beat the core release plus the two DLC's that came out for it because I'm a fan of Quantic Dream style cinematic games, but this one just fell flat for me from what I remember. Maybe it'll be different for you.

Sending love to this under appreciated gem.

I honestly don't know if this is a 2 star or a 5 star game...the story was mostly nonsense, too indebted to all of its inspirations (which it wore VERY loudly on its sleeve), but for all its flaws I absolutely could not resist wanting to return to its world and to spend time in it. One of the games I think about more than maybe any other, even if it's not one of the best.

Really great. A unique experience that probably won't be replicated again, and it's reliance on atmosphere over traditional scares makes it a wonderfully creepy experience. It's a descent into the subconscious mind of a writer whose own fears inform his writing and it's a great psychological deep dive.

It fails to answer all of it's questions though, and despite the fantastic controls and gameplay the game still feels occasionally vague in exactly what it's trying to do. Still, I mostly loved this.

Brilliant story, a bit boring gameplay

3.75 It's gameplay and story are genuinely interesting but both suffer from clunkiness and repetition.

Nice storytelling but boring gameplay.

Excellent Soundtrack, creepy atmosphere, likable characters, good dialogues. I really liked that one. :)

Did kinda lose out to Heavy Rain when it came out and I still don't get why.

By mixing elements of written work, television, and video games Remedy created an experience full of scares, laughs, and thrills.

Interessante Story, Synchro in Ordnung, Kämpfe auf dauer etwas nervig.

The gameplay is extremely unremarkable but the plot makes up for it

From what I've played, the shooting feels incredible.

I really like moving the flashlight around

História boa não salva gameplay enfadonho. Alan Wake tem uma apresentação, escrita, direção e estética muito bons mas que escorregam na parte jogável.

A movimentação é satisfatória, mas os momentos de salto e "platforming" não são, e em alguns pontos a física do jogo não colabora.

O combate se mantém quase o mesmo do começo ao fim, muita repetição de inimigos, padrões e ausência de ideias frescas em relação às mecânicas prejudicam muito o andamento do jogo.

Achei cansativo de jogar, apesar da história bacana bem escrita que supera e muito a de jogos de ação/aventura.

probably the only like, full game that i played in one sitting, took a little over a day. a great memory of a great game.


Not particularly scary and the story comes off as bargain-bin Stephen King. Honestly the part I liked the most about this game was using both light and conventional weapons in tandem against enemies.

Segunda vez que lo juego y me ha gustado mucho más que la primera vez.

Esta mezcla de Stephen King y David Lynch salida de la cabeza de Sam Lake sigue siendo una de las ambientaciones más potentes que ha parido videojuego alguno.

Como pequeña crítica: los dlc's de los episodios adicionales, que no dejan de ser el final auténtico del juego, y que para colmo no solo no resuelve sino que da pie a una secuela que 10 años después todavía estamos esperando (por favor, que la expansión de Control arroje algo de luz sobre el tema).

Solid Horror game, not much wrong with this one, but its also missing the usual Remedy magic.

this is corny but a fun ride. dated in places but still well worth a play.

I am an absolute sucker for Twin Peaks pastiches and I'm owning it

I've played this game SEVERAL times over and it never gets old. It's one of my favorite horror titles and I love the story and soundtrack.

I played this game around 3 times and it is such a good one. This was the first video game I have ever played and I get such a nostalgic feeling when I visit it again.

Just give us the second installment already!

Sometimes I feel this game doesn't get the recognition it deserves. It's a love letter to all-things horror with an excellently written story and great mechanics. Atmosphere and ambience are top-tier, combat is challenging but fair, and the Night Springs episodes are the best collectibles in gaming history next to Halo skulls.

One of my favorite games of all time. WE NEED ALAN BACK!