Reviews from

in the past

Difícil sin llegar a ser frustrante, duración perfecta y una historia simple pero super efectiva, me ha gustado mogollon la verdad...........

Tenta subir a montanha morre fica com raiva fecha o jogo e repete isso muitas vezes

gostei tanto desse jogo tanto na história quanto na gameplay, jogo desse tipo me chama a atenção pela arte e pelo desafio. a história dela sobre aceitação, saúde mental e ansiedade são muito especiais pra mim

This is one of those games that I really want to like. I’ve tried nearly a dozen times to get it to “click” and it never does.

I always bounce off of it and I’ve never entirely understand why.

Sure, the platforming is precision machined but maybe the fact that the game is too forgiving with its checkpoints leads to a lack of stakes or tension for someone like me that isn’t going to go for every strawberry.

I also think the levels might be too long and that the game forces you to spend too much time in individual biomes.

The story’s presentation, at least early on, may also be a bit too sappy and not engaging.

Idk. I know people really love this game and what I’ve played of it is fine. But it’s lacking something crucial.

Good OST, though.

Ni siquiera se me dan bien los plataformas, pero esto es una obra de arte

My bio says I'm trans; do I need to add anything else?

Celeste made me have PTSD from plataformers I've never died so many time on a game.

did not think "what if kaizo mario world was actually about anxiety" was a killer pitch for an indie hit but here i am

Mekanikleri çok güzel bir platformer oyunu. Level design olarak iki seviye dışında beğendim. Yan hedef olarak koydukları çilekler zorluk seviyesi ve ek içerik olarak çok iyi planlanmış. Hikayesi güzel bir metafor içerse de basit. Tüm seviyeleri bitirince seviyelerin b sideı açılıyor, sonra da c side. Ben tüm çilekleri topladım ve 8 b sidea kadar oynadım. İleride oyunu tamamen bitirmeyi düşünüyorum. Hikayesi a side bitince bitiyor.

não sei se ainda vou platinar

Super awesome, I would stay away if you have a fragile ego.

Celeste may well be the closest I've come to snapping my steam deck in half. Incredibly polished, unimaginably frustrating, and damn... I need to get better at platformers.

Une durée de vie qui frôlent la perfection, des thématiques super intéressantes et très bien amenés, un gameplay très satisfaisant et innovant, et en plus une DA magnifique avec des musiques de fou. Le 100% qui est excellent à faire, avec aucun succès chiant à faire comparé à la plupart des 100%. Bref masterclass

The first transgender plaformer

I guess Completed? How do you even quantify this endless fucking thing

It's cute, it's charming, it's challenging without being overly frustrating, it's wonderfully designed, Celeste is genuinely one of the best platformers of all time. Restricting it to just 2D would undermine how amazing it truly is. For how few controls it has, it does a lot with them; you really only have a jump, dash and climbing maneuver, yet the developers add so many new ideas in that keep the individual chapters fresh, culminating in The Summit which is straight up one of the best levels in anything. The music is mostly relaxing but knows when to get you pumped up for a difficult section, the sprite-work is gorgeous, and I could spend so, so long talking to Theo and the Granny - I've come to absolutely adore the "voice-acting". The side-content is ingrained into the main levels so well, and obtaining the strawberries isn't some ridiculous challenge, it's mostly just being smart - which I am not - with your moves. The bossfights (especially Chapter 3 [actually all of Chapter 3 sucks, fuck you Oshiro]) kind of suck for the most part, but some of my favourite moments also occurred during one later on, and it gives the game a large sense of identity so I'm conflicted about them. Other than that well... I love the story, I love the music, I love Madeline (and Badeline) - I fucking love this game.

Wonderful game filled with beautiful music and some gameplay that is incredibly rewarding but simultaneously made me tear my hair out. Movement system is incredible, man i love trans ppl

being trans lets you dash in midair

one of the best indie games I've ever played in my life, Celeste is everything anyone with a lifespan needs.

Simplesmente o MELHOR jogo já feito sobre depressão, com uma gameplay sinistra de boa e desafiadora, com um gostinho da maravilha do que é a vida

Eu precisava desse jogo na minha vida

Don't let people fool you. Transexuals can double jump

representatividade para os fodidos da cabeça

An extremely well made and polished platformer with incredible depth

got gamer heated while playing this, that's how you know it's peak