Reviews from

in the past

короче я два года назад скачал эту игрушку и охуел с того что там можно только вперед бежать, ну то есть стрейфов нет блеванул и вышел. + антону салогвинову.ком не понравилась игрушка поэтому гавно

I was told this was medieval Mass Effect but it didn't suck me in.

Historia muito boa, combate ate que divertido, merecidamente o goty de 2014

I ADORE this game. It is not good . but i love it.

Its full of messy writing and weird character decisions but it will always hold a special place for me.

I think this a flawed game that’s also pretty good. My biggest issue are the holdouts from when it was more MMO-like. The timed wartable missions, the 20 hours of grinding between major quests, it all feels like a chore. It sucks too! There’s some great story moments and the companions are all interesting in their own ways. I think Dreadwolf could be genuinely really great, but it has to prevent itself from falling into Inquisition’s traps. I’m not sure these games are built for open worlds.