Reviews from

in the past

none of your choices matter. all the sidequests are filler and have no impact on the main plot or deepen any character. nothing about this game has a point. all of that would be fine, if the game was actually fun.

Inquisition is another one of those games that's too big and bloated for its own good. The sheer amount of MMO-like "filler" quests and the scope of the sandbox areas is overwhelming and tends to drown out the more traditional Bioware goodness. The characters and such are fine, but don't measure up to some of the great stuff Mass Effect pulls off.

this is going to sound absurd but god i wish it was a bit less

This game ruined my life. I have spent over 2000 hours on it and all over games pale in comparison. I love it.

One of my very satisfying platinums. Great rpg element, awesome world building. and fun combat.

great combat and compelling characters. i miss being able to use blood magic tho.

What a sad game. So much writing. So much world-building. So much work.

And yet it doesn’t add up. Every likeable character, every piece of content, feels so isolated, disconnected. It’s the world as buffet. Everything, all of the time. Pile it high, go back for seconds, tenths, hundredths. But the fundamental structural problem remains.

I play not a female Qunari mage, shot down by Vivienne and Cassandra, settled down with Josephine, but an ever-quester, check-lister, loot-manager, skill-spammer, icon-follower, detail-gawker, conversation-exhauster, fool.

And lover? Not really. In Inquisition, love is just another quest. The reward? A canned scene. Also, despair.

What I played wasn't super engaging.

sim vadias segundo melhor dragon age ja feito e sERA VOCE EH FODA E
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It's not perfect by any means but this is a comfort game for me so I love it woops
Spoiler: Kinda makes me mad that this was just a way to develop a villain for the next game but could have been worse

It's quite buggy but I found the story and worldbuilding elements pretty good. The combat on the other hand is pretty bad. It isn't turn based but at the same time isn't actiony. It just simply doesn't feel good.

I don't remember much of this game off the top of my head, but I remember a whole lotta nothing going on between a bunch of French people running into my home and call me a dog

My EA Play expired so I had to stop :(

i prefer dao/da2 but lays down really interesting groundwork for future games and i can't wait for my quizzy to kill her love and life solas with own two hands

it'd be super cool if i could actually finish this game because i do genuinely like what it's doing, but every time i turn it on i get overwhelmed

I quit this game after 5 or 6 hours. I always thought Bioware was kind of wank, but I think this is when public perception started changing.

joguei pouquissimo mas achei chatão

here's the thing. i enjoyed it! i think it got a lot of things right ie the way they did a dozen or so large contained areas is infinitely better than open world for me! i think many of the characters are incredibly likable and interesting! i liked a lot of the side quests! that said, it has an incredibly contrived plot and one of the weakest villains in not only dragon age history, or even bioware history, but video games as a whole because of how little sense it actually makes. honestly i could dock a whole nother star off for the hissing wastes existing at all LOL

Roleplaying wise it's better than 2, but it's worse than the previous games in most ways. The story is interesting at certain points and most of the characters are decent (except Sera fuck Sera), but the antagonist is pretty weak. Exploration is now based on a bunch of big open worlds, which makes it a slog to get through. It's made even worse by most sidequests being boring fetchquests. It feels like a single player MMO, which makes it the worst in the series. Yes I like 2 more than this, fight me.

Combat isn't fun
Animations are trash
Glitches and bugs everywhere
There's like 2 ALMOST likable characters


Padrão RPG, com muita exploração itens e inimigos, o combate é bem diferente e interessante, mas a história não empolga tanto

unfortunately i have no taste and this is like my 5th replay of this awful buggy ass game. why does the british voice actress for the inquisitor sound like a tts engine? i dont know, but i'll be doing my best to ignore her while i kiss cullen on the lips.

I played through the first few hours before realizing that my shit from Origins never actually transferred over, so I ragequit and will prolly never finish this lol

It's a really great open world rpg but expects your to bring a lot to the table and has a unsatisfying conclusion without it's final dlc

Checkerboard intrigue rendered in maximalist landscapes ; the political endgame of videogames.