Reviews from

in the past

Отличная RPG со зрелищной боевой системой и интересным сюжетом

BioWare's second MMORPG... without the massive multiplayer part

I will be honest, I'm not a huge fan of BioWare's titles. After playing almost all their games, I do enjoy their reputable RPG formula and the stories they tell. However, it feels like they ignore everything else (like side quests, gameplay, exploration etc.).

Dragon Age Inquisition is the perfect example. I tried to like this but I'm left with immensely mixed feelings. A lot of aspects like the story, world-building, companions and combat are exceptionally well-done and of high quality, while others (exploration, side quests, some gameplay features) are very bad and annoying.

For starters, all the quest zones feel the same as the Hinterlands (the starting area). Every single one of them. All are filled with the same fetch quests - typical MMO filler - for you to get a tiny bit of companion approval, XP and fame. Most of the side quests you get by finding and reading some letters. It's best to just ignore everything which is not in the "Inquistor's Path" (main story) or "Inner Circle" (companions) part of the journal.

This leads to another problem - you can't just play the story because you more or less need to grind XP, gear and materials. Yes, you need to collect tons of materials which you can and should use for upgradings and crafting new gear. Some quests require a certain amount of materials to continue, most of the time nothing too crazy but it's worth mentioning because I can see how a lot of players would entirely skip gathering resources. Or you can download some mods.

As for the gameplay itself, the combat is punchy and spectacular with lots of spell combos, although a lot of people (mainly Dragon Age Origins fans) don't like the direction BioWare took. I hate the limited 8 skill slots. It was hard to get excited about levelling up near the end, as any new ability meant the loss of another one I had sunk several skill points into already, so I ended up forcing myself on passive abilities. What's more annoying are "little" things like not being able to sprint, the slow movement of the mount you eventually unlock, long looting animations etc. Most of which can, again, be fixed with mods.

As for the positives, the main story is quite intriguing and a lot more creative than most fantasies, although it does have the redundant "chosen one" trope. I especially liked the banter between all the different companions. They will ask each other either serious or dumb questions and tease each other. Some of their dialogues are so good that they made me laugh (mostly thanks to Sera). It's one of the reasons why I pushed myself to beat DA: I and get all the achievements. However, the banter in the vanilla game is for some reason so rare that you need to, that's right, download some mods.

Overall, I'm conflicted on whether or not I enjoyed my time with Dragon Age Inquisition, but I wouldn't recommend it simply because there are more negatives than positives. I can see why a lot of people might and do enjoy it, but personally, I hate MMORPGs and for the most part, it felt like a waste of time.

Platinei. Bom jogo, a história principal é interessante e as missões de amizade e romance são boas ( nada no nível de Mass Effect mas né, seria impossível ). O que ferra o jogo é que entre essas missões interessantes existe um mundo aberto com missões extremamente repetitivas e sem graça pra você fazer. Não é necessário fazer todas mas em algum momento voce vai ter que parar a história principal e ir liberar base e caçar bodes. Vale pela história principal e pelas reviravoltas. ( Obs: A DLC do Solas é muito boa, vale a pena )

Acabei dropando, infelizmente as mecânicas enjoam bem rápido e apesar do mundo ser cativante, a narrativa não prende muito. O sistema de diálogos e escolhas não compensa o fato de toda tomada de decisão ser completamente unidimensional e inconsequente na maioria das interações fundamentais.

Dropei o jogo depois de 20+ horas e não pretendo voltar por um tempo, ainda assim, foi divertido e me rendeu boas ideias. Se fosse pra dar uma nota "final", seria um sólido 7

Gameplay kötü hikaye güzel.

Solas najlepszy przykład, że każdy bez bolca dostaje pierdolca

bioware exec: inquisition has to be like... an open world loot crafting rpg. like skyrim. with a lot of random shitty pointless material fetch quests. like skyrim.

bioware programmer: what? but that's nothing like the previous games.

bioware exec, twirling his hair: do you think todd howard would let me suck his toes

The only possible reason this game got so many GOTY awards is because it came out in a rubbish year for video games. Personally, it bored me to tears and I didn't come close to finishing it.

Dragon Age: Inquisition is the third title in the BioWare Dragon Age franchise. Unfortunately, I never finished this game, which is a source of frustration for me, as the franchise holds a special place in my list of favorite games, particularly the original game, Dragon Age: Origins, wich is one of the best games of all time.

Dragon Age: Inquisition was a game I started playing in 2015 and played for a long time, albeit sporadically. This eventually led to me abandoning the game without completing it, as the right time to fully engage with it had long passed.

This, coupled with my tendency to want to complete almost every aspect of a game (including all available quests, no matter how insignificant), resulted in me reaching a point in the game where I felt obligated to explore new areas solely to complete quests, which took away the joy of playing. All of these factors contributed to my undesired departure from a game that surely had much more to offer me.

Another factor that might have played a role, in addition to what I've already mentioned, is the fact that the characters revolving around the Inquisitor were not as captivating as in previous games. For instance, in the possible romances for the Inquisitor, there wasn't a single female character that was remotely appealing, which significantly diminished the emotional connection compared to the previous titles.

I hold hope that one day I will return to the game and complete it, as it's one of the unfinished games that I regret the most. Perhaps one day I will finish it, at least that's my wish. Time will tell.

anos se passaram e a jogabilidade continua uma bosta😭 te amo dragon age

muito legal...até enjoar e você nunca mais querer abrir, difícil eu conseguir zerar hoje em dia, na época eu consegui por que era o que tinha pra jogar

I think I had fun for the 2 sessions i played it...... im not sure.

The word "inquisition" always had such a negative connotation in my mind. This is unrelated. The game's ok, I just shelved it because I was no longer able to literally play it.

Its an amazing game, and i recommend the entire series in order. but i shelved it and could never play it again because the intro is hours long before it starts to get fun.

Great story. Great artstyle. Fun cast and great voice acting (in English).

i want to like dragon age so bad but the games are just so uninteresting to me

sempre vai ter um espaço no meu coração

this game is bad entirely on the basis of giving sad boy cullen an off-screen redemption arc and allowing him to blame all his shitty actions on meredith with no opportunity to call him out, meanwhile I can tell sera to kill herself at any time. lukas kristjanson i hate you

Honestly love this game so much. Sera was my gay awakening.

Good game bit buggy, not as great as the first one.

I loved this game very much.
I can't believe it took me literally 3 TRIES over the course of 6 years to finally get into it, but wow I truly regret not pushing through when I first got this game in 2017.
The combat was really what held me back. I just could not get into it due to how different it is to what I'm used to (keep in mind this is my first Dragon Age game), but after a few hours it actually became quite fun. Although, it is annoying that you can only have 8 abilities equipped at a time.
The story is pretty good, the choices you make and who you choose to stand by actually matters, but like in the Mass Effect games, what stands out to me are the side characters and the Inquisitor's relationship with them. They're all likeable, from the advisors to the actual companions (except maybe Sera, who I found slightly annoying), and you can actually feel them growing on you. The loyalty missions develop these characters further, and make you feel for them (Dorian, sob). The romances are very well done imo, fully fleshed out and well written, each of them different depending on the chosen character. Plenty of funny scenes and banter between the characters too, which is always nice.
The performances! Everyone killed it, but I gotta give special props to Freddy Prinze Jr who was just great as Iron Bull.
Graphics are pretty good? I think they still hold up very well nowadays for a 9 y/o game. The different worlds are pretty, each in their own way, with plenty of stuff to do from collectibles to actual side missions.
After playing, I totally understand all the awards this game got, and for sure its a must play for anyone who enjoys RPGs, it might be one of the best out there.
I think this was Bioware at its best, and I hope we get to see more of it.

This review contains spoilers

Nossa, essa gameplay aqui tinha tudo para dar errado. Mas eu sou um cara sortudo.

Primeiramente, vim jogar essa preciosidade quase 10 anos depois do jogo ter saído, e é MUITA SORTE o Dragon Age Keep ainda estar online, ou teria matado boa parte da experiência.

Em segundo lugar, essa versão do PS3 é bem mal otimizada e nas palavras do meu grande amigo e filósofo Rodrigo Rapuano, é um jogo CAPADO em comparação à versão de PS4 ou PC. Eu pensei que era exagero, mas quando as texturas ficaram feias na PRIMEIRA cutscene eu acreditei. Temi que isso pudesse dar uma matada no jogo, mas apesar de ter uns pontos MUITO feios no geral o jogo ainda está pelo menos charmoso. Minha sorte aqui foi não ser muito exigente mesmo. Agora sim, vamos à review.

Dragon Age: Inquisition (o jogo puro, sem DLC) tem uma pegada bem diferente dos antecessores na gameplay, parecendo mais um Skyrim do que um DA, o que de começo me causou um estranhamento forte, mas depois que me acostumei passou a ser uma experiência deliciosa. Muita, mas MUITA coisa pra fazer, e ainda teve quest que eu preferi ignorar mesmo. Fiz 105 horas de gameplay quase, e quando eu finalmente estava começando a cansar o jogo acabou, então diria que ele tem o tamanho certo. O combate com jeitão de hack'n'slash pra guerreiro ficou divertidíssimo, e ter um botão de pulo deu toda uma nova dimensão para exploração.

Sobre a história, eu gostei muito, e os personagens de DAO e DA2 voltando dão uma nostalgia mais que bem vinda. Apesar disso, senti falta de um fechamento melhor para alguns desses personagens, como Hawke por exemplo, que talvez até tenha algum retorno no DLC, mas como a versão de PS3 não tem DLC então a sensação de história interrompida é irremediável. Existe também uma sensação de história incompleta pra quem não jogou as DLCs de DA2, pois o vilão é herdado e sua chegada perde impacto pra quem jogou o antecessor puro. Aí vem a minha crítica à EA Games e à indústria como um todo: o DLC ideal complementa e melhora sua experiência de jogo; essa coisa de vender jogo incompleto é feio e vocês merecem uma pisa.

O jogo tem poucas "missões principais" e preenche o espaço com uma porrada de sidequest, o que diminui um pouco a grandeza da narrativa. Além disso, ao contrário dos antecessores, nesse aqui eu não me senti próximo de todos os companions, e acabei passando batido por quatro (Vivienne, Cole, Touro de Ferro e Sera), o que foi uma pena. Talvez mais algumas quests obrigatórias te forçando a andar com essa galera tivessem sido bem vindas, mas provavelmente iria contra toda ideia de liberdade e mundo aberto que estava proposta né?

Ainda sobre a história, ela resgata o tom mais épico de Dragon Age Origins e é mais grandiosa do que a de DA2. Nunca me deu a sensação de tudo estar acontecendo rápido demais em seus atos finais, como no antecessor, o que é um avanço.

DAI de PS3 é um bom jogo que infelizmente tem sua qualidade reduzida por estar numa versão nerfada e capenga da obra como foi imaginada. Fica o pensamento, se mal otimizado e faltando pedaço esse jogo foi um 3.5 pra mim, imagina o quanto esse jogo deve ser MELHOR num console mais poderoso em sua versão completa?

PS: A Cassandra começa MUITO odiável (desde o DA2 já num morro de amores) e se torna A COISINHA MAIS LINDA DO MUNDO quando tu descobre que ela é uma fanfiqueira sensível e romântica. Also, belos peitos 3D.

I got this because it was on sale, having only played part of Origins before. The game really seems to assume that you played Dragon Age 2 already. Probably would have been good to put in a "story so far" bit that players can check if they need to. The walking around is fine enough, but the fights are just miserable. They take too long, you have to pay attention to what's happening, and they aren't actually interesting even as they demand that you pay enough attention to use the right abilities at the right time so that you can properly grant yourself temporary HP and stuff. I can't imagine playing 40 hours of that.

A bad game that I enjoyed. Will never play again.

I see this game as about on par with Origins. Once again, the gameplay is pretty sad. Just play on easy so it ends faster. Anyways, the story, especially when it comes to building your own faction, is amazing. The characters are just as good. Cole, Dorian, and Iron Bull are my favorite possible party in any game.