Reviews from

in the past

Has a better camera then Devil May Cry 1-4

Très bon mais problème de caméra

Jogo carismático que possuí um carisma único que leva a gameplay ultrapassada(compreensível pelo época de lançamento)fazendo assim ser fácil se perder em uma história confusa e meio sem sentido porém com um carinho muito claro,faz parecer que quem escreveu a história gosta muito dela e esse sentimento é contagiante

Perhaps a controversial take, but this is one of the better KH games. At this point, it was still a weird experiment by Disney and Square, and so hadn't yet become a victim of its own success - the plot was still comprehensible without needing to both play dozens of games across multiple systems and then read wikis for hours. The gameplay is mechanically much simpler than later iterations, but the core action combat is already here. The bosses are interesting since you get to fight a mix of Heartless, Final Fantasy characters and Disney villains, and the OG soundtrack is iconic.

Can't think of a game and story that I loved more than KH2. All time great game.

Tried to emulate it but really didn't like how the movement felt, which is kind of a problem in a game like this.

It is absurd how poorly this game aged. A slog of an uninteresting story. Incredibly bad voice acting. Redeemed mostly in my own mind by the potential the rest of the series has.

Kingdom Hearts works best when the darker undertones take a passenger seat to the quirky concept of the entire franchise. The later games lean heavier and heavier into the darker undertones more than the roots they established in this game and, boy howdy, does it get cringe af. Dialogue wise, this one is the easiest to listen to and it is a unique concept with decent, innovative, game mechanics.

obra maestra en todos los aspectos

Dante Alighieri is actually a rotten liar because there's actually a secret circle of hell reserved for anybody over the age of minority who makes KH their whole personality. I'm a day one hater, and I hate fans more than I hate Disney adults. Yes there's overlap.

I just think it's badly written badly acted and entirely nonsensical and I think it diminishes the artform for existing. Like yeah if you're under 10 and want to watch Cloud and Goofy be in the same game that's cool I'm not unreasonable, but put down the ao3 the rest a yalls it's unbecoming of you

Disney e Final Fantasy. Não tinha como dar errado.