Reviews from

in the past

Top 15 greatest game of all times

An all time classic. One of the most incredible experiences ever made I love this game so much. I adore the world and all its hidden areas that I still discover to this day. It has such a distinct feel in its world design and art direction that make all of Ueda's works so striking. While a couple colossi stand out for their frustrating ai (Mainly Phaedra and Basaran), it's still an incredible experience every time. The music is one of the greatest of all time too, I really enjoy the credit's music especially.

Still haven't forgiven the world yet for never telling me until years after the fact that if you shoot the salamanders crawling around you get bonuses in grip strength

uma verdadeira obra de arte, pra mim esse jogo é perfeito, parece que tudo nele é proposital e tem total sentido vendo o que o criador quer apresentar e passar, com certeza irei jogar de novo

e agro é o melhor cavalo dos jogos