Reviews from

in the past

Amazing game amazing environment, awesome storytelling fun dungeons and combat. I would say it's quite difficult to get through any subsequent playthroughs, only reason it's a 4.5 otherwise amazing.

One of the best open world games ever made, fixes a lot of issues I had with Breath of the Wild, god I just wish this game had great main dungeons, then it would be a contender for my GOAT

Honestly this replay raised my opinion back up for this game. I always loved it, but I absolutely had some major criticism of it. This replay made me realize how small those issues are.

I decided to not do all the dungeons because I wanted to attempt the boss rush. I ended up deciding to do the lightning temple last second just because of how fun that dungeon is. Honestly, I think I could do the boss rush pretty easily now.

I do wish there was more time spent in the sky for this game, and I do wish the underground was more fun, but eh, end of the day this game is incredible. It still stands as one of my favorite games of all time, even if I would still put BOTW above it.

Honestly I might keep playing this game and do the rest of the dungeons. I'm not ready to stop playing yet.

Most sequel i enjoyed , creativity in this game is one of the fun part flying in hyrule never been more fun and even the 3 part of maps was so cool to discover the deeps and learning about sages and giants , the story was so well written that even can be one of the most enjoyable plot in zelda games and the end was so cool that will stuck in your head for awhile

Really my only complaint is that there’s so much to do, it becomes exhausting. But how could I really complain about that? A gift that keeps on giving? Perpetual entertainment? It has already made me cry at least once and I haven’t even beat it

Tears of the Kingdom was more exciting than my entire vacation to Greece (which is actually where I played it the most). This game is impossible to not play, like its just so good. I will actually 1v1 anyone who thinks its bad, idc if they are the strongest man in the universe I will still fight them over this. Its actually such a great game. Im sad that I grinded it so hard that I am at a point where there isn't much to do. I still have to complete it but I am waiting for the right time to do that. Since I already have a fully stacked inventory of like 900 mighty banana meals (3 points of strength) and like a full inventory of Lynel + Royal Weapon gear, there isn't really anything to do anymore. I just finished the game without finishing it basically. But yeah, I couldn't stop playing the game even though I was on vacation in a different country lol.

que jogo foda, uma otima sequencia do seu predeceçor, mas pra mim o BOTW faz quase tudo melhor, da exploração á história. Mas isso de forma alguma não faz um jogo ruim, muito pelo contrario. A luta final desse joga da de 10 a 0 na do BOTW, muito mais emociante. Resumindo quase um masterpiece

Tears of the Kingdom is a very good game that Nintendo put a lot of their time and effort into. It's more polished than Breath of the Wild, and the gameplay definitely reflects this. However, I didn't find any of the new mechanics sans making contraptions fun, sorely missed my sheikah slate and its abilities from the last game, think the gyroscopic controls of this game were worse, and did not enjoy the story for basically being a more boring rehash of Ocarina of Time. The area underneath Hyrule seemed like it had a lot of promise, and then after you played for a while you realized that it was more or less just... empty.

That said, I could easily sink another two hundred hours into this game and I do not regret standing in line for hours to get it on release day. I just wish that it was... more.

sou suspeito pra dizer algo pois amo zelda de coração mas essse jogo é simplesmente ÉPICO!!!

Took me a while but I finished a game that I didn’t want to finish because I liked it so much. More engaging that BotW (love it too), with more story and different powers that make the game easier in a way.
A sequel that changes things, improves others but at the same time doesn’t make the previous worse, they’re both fantastic.

Nintendo faite des jeux au lieu de les recycler jusqu'a la mort (essayer aussi de faire une console qui demande pas de faire 4 ans d'optimisation sur le jeu pour qu'il tourne)

One of my favorite video games of all time. Truly incredible.

Game of the year for 2023, such a fun experience.

When this game first launched, I thought I wouldn't be able to play it because of some exams I had to do, luckily the city flooded, water and mud got everywhere and I was able to entirely skip the second half of May to stay at home playing this for days straight with no reason to not do so, it was like the quarantine but better

Tears of the Kingdom is built on ecosystems. Interconnected living things that support one another. As seen in the relationship between the depths, the land, and the sky. Or in how this game relates to Breath of the Wild. Or in how the game existed in my own life. Ecosystem is the word I kept coming back to as I played, diving down to and jumping up to interwoven systems and doing it over and over again, in a cycle that felt propulsive rather than stagnating.

Eventually, I had to stop. I played this game on and off for a year, coming back and going away and constantly surprised at how easy it was to simply enter again as if no time had passed. But eventually I could feel that my time with the game was coming to end, though there were still places to see and people to meet.

That's something beautiful about Tears of the Kingdom. Its naturalistic approach to game design is holistic, and extends to every part. So when I felt that I wanted to leave the game, to fight Ganondorf and put an end to my time in this version of Hyrule, there was no feeling that I was cutting it short.

Earlier this year I spent 100 hours or so playing Final Fantasy VII Rebirth, a vastly inferior game, and so much of my time there could be attributed to a sort of coerced compulsion. I couldn't help myself completing checklists and fast traveling between map markers, and by the end of it I felt totally wrung out.

In Tears of the Kingdom I never for a single moment felt compelled by the game itself to do anything in particular. I simply went where it felt good to go next.

I can seldom think of a game where I've felt so little the pressure of design artifice. The tone here is almost lackadaisical, a set of systems, tools, places, characters just set out here for you to pass through as you will, or as you wont. It's up to you, you're just another part of the ecosystem.

the only thing i dont like about this game is that its on the switch. kidna hate that console. some of the dungeons are a little annoying and having to collect all the batteries for my silly machines can be a pain. but with duping :3 and a flying bike design this game is just so fun to explore.

Tears of the Kingdom es el mejor videojuego que he jugado nunca. Aunque ya hace bastante que me lo he pasado, quería sentirme preparado para hacerle una reseña aquí en condiciones y un ensayo más profundo. Aquí solo tocaré la superficie del título, pero es que la superficie ya es una obra maestra. Empecemos.

Breath of The Wild es una obra maestra y estábamos asustados cuando se anunció la secuela. Tener miedo era de tontos. Este juego supera en todos y cada uno de sus aspectos a Breath of The Wild.

El brazo derecho es la tabla sheikah pero si la hubiese creado Da vinci junto a Eiji Aonuma. Por favor que buena que es. Voy a hablar de cada poder en individual.

La ultramano: permite agarrar objetos y juntarlos mediante un pegamento mágico. Básicamente, el imán pero todavía mejor. El gran incentivo de la ultramano son los vehículos y gracias a los artilugios zonnan, podemos crear auténticas maravillas de la ingeniería moderna. Esto sumado a un sin fin de interacciones más, hacen de esta una de las mejores mecánicas que he visto nunca en un videojuego.

De las mejores porque está la combinación. Ahora tus armas pueden fusionarse con cualquier cosa. Sí, cualquier cosa. Esto soluciona uno de los mayores problemas de BotW, la vulnerabilidad de tus armas, ya que aporta más daño y más resistencia. Además, dependiendo de los objetos, el arma, escudo o flecha puede tener diferentes interacciones, dando lugar a un combate mucho más estratégico y amplio.

El retroceso es como el paralizador pero al revés. Cualquier objeto (menos enemigos) que se haya desplazado, puedes devolverlo a su sitio anterior. A nivel técnico es una locura, pero a nivel jugable es todavía mejor. Expande todavía más el combate y crea un montón de puzzles que se sienten distintos aun teniendo una mecánica en común.

La infiltración es el más simple de todos. Básicamente, sirve para colarte en techos o estructuras que tengas encima, pero es muy útil y se usa mucho a lo largo del mapa.

Hablando del mapa, este es doble I (inmenso e increíble). Inmenso porque son 3 mapas: las islas, unos territorios no conectados entre sí con algunos acertijos muy interesantes, la superficie, porque es muy parecido al mapa de Breath of The Wild, y el subsuelo, porque se siente muy distinto al resto y la exploración es muy distinta y estratégica. Increíble porque está genial diseñado en las 3 zonas.

Los templos son un muy buen acercamiento a los Zeldas de Nintendo 64, pero se quedan lejos de ser como estos. Supongo que porque indican los puntos a los que tienes que ir, en vez de dejar tú que explores. Las boss fights son muy superiores a las de Breath of The Wild, teniendo una variedad inmensa de bosses y usando todas mecánicas que has estado usando en ese reino a la perfección.

Audiovisualmente, es una obra de arte. El estilo artístico es de los mejores que he visto en un videojuego y la OST tiene algún temita que se te ponen los pelos de punta incluso si eres calvo. Mis 10 en este aspecto.

Aunque he visto muchas críticas a la historia, a mí me ha gustado mucho. Me parece muy superior en la manera de contarse (aunque sí que es verdad que a veces puede llegar a parecer que ni se toma en serio), en lo que cuenta, en personajes y en todo en general.

En resumen, juega Tears of the Kingdom. Es que si no has jugado al juego no sé ni que haces leyendo estas palabras. Me da igual que sean 70 pavines, te lo compras y no te va a decpecionar. Tan recomendado que si no lo juegas me enfado.

A sequel to breath of the wild that fixes most of my gripes with it's predecessor. Fusing stuff to weapons is fun and makes durability less of an issue. The map is the same layout wise but with mostly new content, and there's some sky islands and an underworld. Exploring the underworld map is pretty tedious but outside of a few points of interest and grinding zonaite you can thankfully ignore it. Dungeons suck like last time, but at least the bosses are a little better.

Tears of the Kingdom fully embraces the open world exploration of the first game by adding building mechanics that turn the game into essentially open world Garry's mod. I had a lot of fun with coming up with needlessly complicated solutions to simple shrine puzzles, like i did with the last game's mechanics. Those who wanted a return to the usual zelda formula will be disappointed, but I really enjoyed it!

possibly worse than the first, but it's not valorant

Apenas jogue, a experiência fala mais do que mil palavras.

Better then BOTW in almost every way

It was fun but once I put it down I just couldn’t pick it back up no matter how hard I tried.

[This review was written in Sept 2023]
I don't know how to feel about this one. Arlo's video summed it up well (linked below).

It started strong and I can tell that this game is a masterpiece, however as the playtime ran longer, I felt it lost its wonder a bit.


le même jeu 7 ans après non merci on passe à la suite

Sim Link, você é a lenda da Zelda: Lágrimas do Reino

I got a new controller for my switch finally and spent some time tying up loose ends in this game. Finishing the map, doing the last few shrines I missed, and completing the ending one more time. It's very rare that I go back to open-world games as I never have the stomach to restart them. Instead I usually leave just a little of the game uncovered to make a revisit down the line worth it. This did the trick.

The Nintendo Switch's offerings post-covid are so few and far between for me that I didn't feel too bothered paying the premium for this game. In came into my life where getting lost in the world was a much needed break. It's functionally better in every way than the first one but I can't pretend that in the broad strokes I'm still playing the same game I did in 2017. In some ways thats fine because BOTW remains my favorite Zelda game since 2002, but all the additions can't replace the intial excitement I had for the first one. It's Spelunky 2 all over again for me.

I'm probably in minority but I hope the next game is wildly different. This series shines when it makes big leaps and falters when it stays in its lane for too long. It doesn't haven't to completely abandon what it has learn from these two games, but it doesn't have to live there.

I've actually spent a whole lot of time playing this game. It was an absolute blast! Probably due to it being a gigantic sandbox. It had grip on me like playing Link's Awakening or The Wind Waker.

How I felt about playing this game is how other people felt playing Breath of the Wild.