Reviews from

in the past

Outside of a few genuinely good moments this game is a huge let down compared to the rest of the series

Refreshing return to form after Life is Strange 2.

The graphics are impressive and the world is vibrant.

The dialogue feels more natural than other entries in the series.

I liked a lot of the characters and relationships in the game.

Once again the soundtrack is really good.

A bold departure for the Life is Strange series, as True Colors aims to not be a contender for worst game of all time. It thankfully sticks true to the series’s roots by still being full of shallow characters, cringe worthy dialogue, and hipster humor that surely won’t get old fast.
Anyways, it sucks. It may be the best Life is Strange game, but that’s not a particularly high bar. It’s highly hypocritical in its storytelling and equally as boring and predictable as its predecessors. Haven is definitely the best thing in this whole mess; it’s a decently nice town, but I wish the game actually pulled off a comfy, personal aesthetic instead of unraveling into a nonsensical conspiracy storyline that gets dumber as the game goes on.
I will never understand how these games are as popular and seemingly beloved as they are, and at this point I don’t think I ever will. I’m still playing the next one though, I can’t hate properly without at least trying them first.

A strong ending made up for a painfully slow start to the game. The game would be a lot better if they removed all the mandatory fluff. I shouldn't have to spend 5 minutes finding an item in my apartment, or cleaning dishes. They try to create a slow paced atmosphere for the game and it is just a bit too monotonous when it is forced. When the player chooses to go into more detail with things that interests them, that is where the game shines. The journal pages, text messages, memories in objects. There is so much to dig deeper. It was just frustrating to want to move the story along and be unable to do so without slogging through some meaningless task.

I really liked it, but it I couldn't give it more stars than Before the Storm