Reviews from

in the past

I don't know how to describe this game. All I know is that I could not stop playing it, and replaying it...all the potential conversations & endings!

The characters were dynamic & interesting, and the story drew me in. I really enjoyed the art...pretty much everything. Excuse me while I go play Pentiment.

A more structured take on the basic vibe and themes of PIllars Of Eternity (1)

I'm not sure I'm convinced by the overal pace or structure. I'm really charmed by how excited the game is to share details it sees as compelling (rather than just "important") about its historical setting.

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this game makes me see the lack of options in this website's rating system. i find it a bit hard to put my thoughts about pentiment into words. i don't know if i have ever played a game that made me feel so interested in a world that sounds kinda boring at first glance. i learned so much from this game. about history and religion and people and psychology. it's amazing how well-written these characters are. there is no right or wrong in this story and that makes such a huge difference.

quite a passive game, but there was so much thought put into it and you could feel it in every second of the game. it felt a tiny tint bit dragged out but i am sososo happy i stuck around for the end. it took me a long ass time to finish it but i will think about it for a long time to come !

fuera de los speech checks y que el ultimo tercio se hace pesado porque es basicamente un loredump muy largo, me ha resultado excelente. muchas cosas que no he visto en ningun otro juego, sobretodo en cuanto a presentación. ha conseguido despertar a mi niño interior al que le flipaban los castillos medievales y cuando viajaba a monasterios de la península se preguntaba como era la vida en esos sitios y tiempos.

Something that obsidian is really good at, is how they made their narrative in there games. This one being a prime example of how good they are in that field. I'm amazed on good the story is, kinda surprised I enjoyed as much as I did. My expectations were low since the game doesn't look like that much on paper. But it was a really good. Shame that not many people will ever play or care about this. But im glad to be among those who have played this.