Reviews from

in the past

I played this after seeing it in GMTK's 100 Game Design Lessons video and remembering I had it through claiming random Prime Gaming games, and this was a truly pleasant surprise. It has a couple issues that hold it back, but I loved the couple of hours I spent with it before the credits.

SteamWorld Dig wears simplicity on its sleeve. It's a very accessible game, giving you the simple quest to dig for loot, then sell it for cash so you can buy upgrades and dig some more. It sounds boring on paper, but it's satisfying seeing yourself build up from a lone robot with a pickaxe to a walking toolbox of movement and destruction.

Its locales are also limited (due to the length) though quite diverse. Each one comes with its own loot, a handful of enemies, music, and a visual style that helps to set it apart. They also require you to consider your digging more carefully. You could dig the most direct route to minerals, but you may be making other minerals much harder to reach or impossible with your current tools.

As a cherry on top, it's got Metroidvania elements which reminded me of playing Metroid Prime for the first time earlier this year. It isn't perfect execution, but it helps to sustain what is otherwise an unchanged core gameplay loop.

However, its simplicity is also the one thing holding it back from being something more. Many of the mechanics such as throwables and even some of the new tricks you learn are rarely if ever useful, let alone necessary. Enemies are also a cakewalk once you get one tool about halfway through the game, and that doesn't change with new foes. Even the final boss proved to be simple due to the overabundance of health pickups. This didn't hinder enjoyment too much since I'm somewhat forgiving of easy games, but I can't help but wonder what a little more depth could've done.

If you're looking for a fun little Metroidvania to kill a few hours, I'd be hard-pressed to not recommend this. It frequently goes on sale for a buck or two and is worth that cash, especially for people who like to 100% games. Won't be playing it just yet, but I'm excited to give the sequel a go since I hear it's a welcome step up.

The Good:
- Engaging gameplay loop
- Good presentation, from music to visual style

The Ok:
- Lacks much variety

The Bad:
- Not much

Steamworld Dig 1 is a very solid game, but you can admittedly tell that it serves more as a setup for the vastly better and improved sequel. Still, the core tenets of what makes Steamworld Dig 2 so great are also present here. Most importantly, the central gameplay progression of going mining to get ore to get upgrades to mine better is just a lot of fun. It’s just the right amount of simple, and it’s great to play. Other than that, there’s not a ton to say, really; it lacks much innovation but also doesn’t overstay its welcome.

i believe it was mikami who noted the steamworld franchises success as 'the biggest mystery in gaming'. there are not only many free flash games that are more interesting and visually appealing than this game, but some of them are even about mining and stuff. this is such a forgettable game with absolutely nothing new or unique going on. how is this an entire franchise? that being said i remember liking it a little bit so i won't be too hard on it. no matter what, everyone deserves a second chance