Reviews from

in the past

A remake so faithful its literately just the original game, but with better performance in this case. it doesn't add much but its still the definitive version of the game. it also has 3D effects built in which is cool but doesn't serve the gameplay well at all.

it's crazy to believe that a game with so many mechanics used to run on the nes, the various minigames and bonus rooms between levels are surely a differential for the time. sprites are beautiful and on 3ds particularly the backgrounds are stunning (including a 3d effect that works well surprisingly). power ups are quite diverse and interact well with the level design that is not brilliant but does its job. the game is quite easy and some boss fights are easily exploitable with certain power ups. different from each world's unique design, enemies and especially bosses are often reused. despite everything it's a short game that entertained me as much or even more than squeak squad.

One of the few 3DS games where the 3D effect really "works" and seems to add something to the game.

The best version of Kirby's Adventure easily! It improves the slowdowns and lags of the original NES version! As much as I do like this version, I would say the GBA remake is my favorite of them all! Still a great remake though!

Why did Nintendo casually release the definitive versions of 6 NES games and then proceeded to never do something that cool ever again?

My favourite Kirby game. Takes everything from the first game and makes it better. This is the best version of the original Kirby’s Adventure. There’s no lag when playing and the button layout is a lot better. I just wish this was the 3DS’ full resolution instead of a smaller 4:3 screen, since they made a bunch of other improvements.

some people will lie to you and say this isn't the best NES game

Didn’t think it was possible for a game to almost make me loathe birds, but the ones in this game are a special breed of evil

what’s more, from a NES game that aged shockingly pretty well!

I had a lot of fun with this game. I loved how cute so much of the game is and also how breezy it feels. I loved the boss fights in it as well as the copy abilities. The pixel art was also awesome.

Envelheceu incrivelmente bem e o efeito 3D ficou muito bom.

I've finally revisited this game for the first time since my childhood in 2012 after having binged all of the Kirby mainline entries. I already 100%ed the game as a kid, so this replay I just went through all the levels normally to gauge how fun I found the game after all these years.

Overall, I do think this game is a major step up from Kirby's Dream Land in a lot of ways. The copy ability is still very basic here, understandably since this was the first time it'd been implemented by Sakurai into the series, but gives the game much charm and diversity with how you can play it. The bosses are much more fun as a result of this as well, and give you more incentive to inhale them after you beat them for the power you want.

I do appreciate this game also being the start of the most notable Kirby trends in later games. In particular, this praise goes to this game starting the Kirby Retro Call Back Levels trend (the penultimate level is just Monochrome Green Greens from Dream Land 1 which was a great callback haven't played that one), the gauntlet of Mini Bosses you gotta fight and overcome before fighting the real final boss to show how far you've come power wise, and the story ending with a notable plot twist of not all is what it seems culminating in an epic, memorable boss fight with a great final boss theme to accompany it. No offense at all to Dedede's final fight in Dream Land 1, as he and his theme are iconic, but Adventure's Final Boss is where Kirby's journey of slaying powerful supernatural foes with his godlike power truly began in my opinion.

I can really appreciate this game more now as an adult for what it established for the series going forward and how the games have evolved beautifully from what this game set up, though I do find that this definitely is still too basic of the Kirby formula for me to enjoy given how I know later games have improved on it so much.

I really appreciate and respect this game, but I don't see myself replaying it in the future. I am glad I gave it one last go before shelving it however. Very great game for its time.

home menu icon for this is real fucked up looking. what happened there guys

(probably the best way to play kirby's adventure? if you think NiDL is ugly that is)

Just enhanced Kirby's Adventure. Looks great, runs great, pretty solid

Played this game when I discovered it was a much better version of the NES original. Pressed all switches and finished the game, both on Normal and Extra Mode. I did not finish Boss Endurance. As the 3DS is no longer in my possession, I will stick to replaying the NES version and its remake, Kirby: Nightmare in Dream Land.

Solid port of an iconic Kirby game - the NES version is my favourite NES game (it has aged the best in my opinion by far) and this version keeps it bright and responsive with some nice 3D effects.

Exactly what a Kirby game should be: easy, short, and full of charm. Carried by its great animations, timeless soundtrack, and extremely cute transformations rather than any kind of mechanical depth. The 3D Classics version is an absolute joy due to brilliant 3D effects, an optimized port, and even some reworked sprites.

Was a really fun time revisiting this one and finally playing the definitive version, I do prefer the GBA remake, but the NES original still has it's charm.
The slowdown wasn't part of that, so it being gone here is a huge plus.

imo the definitive version of this classic. kirby

Surprisingly great version of this game

i still prefer the gba remake cause that's what i grew up with

the perfect way to experience this classic

i guess the thing with this vs nightmare is none of that one feels like witchcraft and so much of this does (yes i realize this version has no slowdowns but still). level design here was always not super impressive but it more than makes up for it everywhere else, and nightmare doesn't because it's worse looking and sounding, beyond being a redo. i love amazing mirror though which might sound insane but i genuinely love the mazey puzzle-er design style and it feels way more expansive than nightmare. this one still feels expansive because it's for the nes originally. i hope i'm making sense

The levels were really short and pretty easy. I could have finished the whole game in a day if I wanted to. The controls made the game feel very stiff and rigid. Some of the abilities felt a bit off and weren’t really worth using. Still a decent Kirby game.

The best 3D Classics game. Great remake of a great game. Seriously, Kirby's Adventure introduced copy mechanics, aka the one thing Kirby is known for! The difficulty spike at the final boss was too much for me to handle though :/

Perhaps I treated the 3D effect on the 3DS too harshly, they really elevated the already excellent art direction of the NES original, even going as far to animate some background tiles to make the game more readable. It's a shame this isn't for sale any longer, along with some of the other more ambitious 3D Classics renditions.

Takes the original and removes the lag, superb

Very colorful reimagining of the NES title.