Reviews from

in the past

A remake so faithful its literately just the original game, but with better performance in this case. it doesn't add much but its still the definitive version of the game. it also has 3D effects built in which is cool but doesn't serve the gameplay well at all.

Exactly what a Kirby game should be: easy, short, and full of charm. Carried by its great animations, timeless soundtrack, and extremely cute transformations rather than any kind of mechanical depth. The 3D Classics version is an absolute joy due to brilliant 3D effects, an optimized port, and even some reworked sprites.

It's neat going back to the first game with copy abilities in Kirby. There's individual abilities that later became just moves in other abilities. Overall, solid NES platformer. Some questionable level design decisions but fun time nonetheless.

Was a really fun time revisiting this one and finally playing the definitive version, I do prefer the GBA remake, but the NES original still has it's charm.
The slowdown wasn't part of that, so it being gone here is a huge plus.

One of the few 3DS games where the 3D effect really "works" and seems to add something to the game.

It's Kirby, and I personally didn't find it too memorable or its level design all that interesting.

7/10 - It's good, just not at all close to greatness.

My favourite Kirby game. Takes everything from the first game and makes it better. This is the best version of the original Kirby’s Adventure. There’s no lag when playing and the button layout is a lot better. I just wish this was the 3DS’ full resolution instead of a smaller 4:3 screen, since they made a bunch of other improvements.

imo the definitive version of this classic. kirby

some people will lie to you and say this isn't the best NES game

Why did Nintendo casually release the definitive versions of 6 NES games and then proceeded to never do something that cool ever again?

Best version of Kirby’s adventure. Pixels really pop and some of the 3D effects (especially in Butter Building) are very well done.

The Best version of Kirby's Adventure will now become unavailable to buy cause it's stuck on the 3DS.

La serie 3D classic le da vida a los pocos juegos que tuvieron la suerte de ser porteados. En el caso de Kirby haciendo el juego mas interesante visualmente

Kirby's Adventure was a perfect game for the Nintendo 3DS 3D Classics series compared to its original NES the game is a remaster removing BUG and frame drops even sprites blinking due to the amount of objects on the screen which made me die a lot less in the game and enjoy a lot Plus it's a perfect gateway to attract new Kirby fans, the sprites look great the 3DS 3D effect added depth to the layers it's just aesthetic but it's cool to see how well they did in this remaster.

Español: Con un mucho mejor framerate y el añadido del 3D, sigue siendo un plataformas maravilloso, sencillo y divertido, y con un pixelart es de diez. Perfecto para novatos. Mi juego favorito de la Nes junto con Punch-Out y Metroid

English: With a better framerate and 3D as a bonus, it still holds ups as an incredible platformer, and a really cool visual style fot the console. Perfect for people triying to get into videogames, and one of my prefered games on the NES

Other than the title screen blasting your eye drums, the 3D effect, improved performance, and clean presentation make this the definitive version of an already fantastic game.

it's crazy to believe that a game with so many mechanics used to run on the nes, the various minigames and bonus rooms between levels are surely a differential for the time. sprites are beautiful and on 3ds particularly the backgrounds are stunning (including a 3d effect that works well surprisingly). power ups are quite diverse and interact well with the level design that is not brilliant but does its job. the game is quite easy and some boss fights are easily exploitable with certain power ups. different from each world's unique design, enemies and especially bosses are often reused. despite everything it's a short game that entertained me as much or even more than squeak squad.

While not enough of an improvement to bump up the score, it's enough of an improvement to recommend this one over the original for sure. Playing this on the New 3DS XL is a treat for the eyes, it's hard to explain just how much.

A great remaster of the classic Kirby's Adventure that fixes the controls, graphical glitches, and adds a cool 3D feature. I definitely recommend picking it up before it is too late!

Didn’t think it was possible for a game to almost make me loathe birds, but the ones in this game are a special breed of evil

what’s more, from a NES game that aged shockingly pretty well!

i still prefer the gba remake cause that's what i grew up with

The best version of Kirby's Adventure easily! It improves the slowdowns and lags of the original NES version! As much as I do like this version, I would say the GBA remake is my favorite of them all! Still a great remake though!


ok now this is a replacement for Kirby Adventure, this is a re release of Kirby's Adventure for the 3DS however the reason why I say it's a replacement for Kirby's Adventure isn't because of any features it adds or new levels, no in that regard it's 1 to 1 the same NES game the reason why I say it's a replacement is because it has absolutely no input lag, and that makes it the best way to play this game

Ever wanted to play Kirby but in a way that can make your eyes hurt? WELL DO WE HAVE NEWS FOR YOU!

Surprisingly great version of this game