Reviews from

in the past

Kickstarted my GOAT multiplayer game series with an epic chaotic clownshow explosion through the legendary Wake demo.

Think it may have been my first online multiplayer experience. But I did not feel alone in having my mind blown as everyone seemed to be running around like hyperactive lunatics beaching the carrier and taking turns flying planes into that one tree on the runway.

This game was amazing.

Review EN/PTBR

I didn't think I would have fun playing with Bots, but it really was a good experience, I can see very well how this is really well done and done with pleasure
I wish this had been part of my childhood


Não imaginei que eu iria me divertir jogando mesmo com Bots, mas sim realmente foi uma boa experiência, consigo ver muito bem como isso é realmente bem feito e feito com gosto
Queria que isso tivesse sido parte da minha infância

i spent too much time on mp and i had lotta fun

I spent years of my childhood playing Modded online PVP maps with my brother on this game. He was a senior member of KIA clan & codded his own maps. The best Battlefield ever created.

At first I thought it was a good old game, but in the process of passing the game I was disappointed, very stupid ai, these bots just stand still, they don’t respond to commands, while you captured one point, the enemy is already at another and my bots just often stood still, now this part is not playable.

The brits on this game are just like the real brits.

Amazing game for the time. Favourite game as a kid. The amount of fun i had is incredible

Alright it was kind of a mess, but it was the sheer SCALE of it all (for the time) that bowled us over. This whole era of online games clicked so well for me and my friends probably due to us finally beginning to have semi-consistent broadband connectivity.

Back in my day, we played our shooters on CD-ROM and we didn’t have any goddamn battle passes

Jank as hell but fun, what a classic.

First game I ever touched, many hours played, nostalgia hits hard and the first Battlefield. It deserves no less than a 3 stars from me.

First PC shooter I ever played as a kid. I was really young and always crashed the planes. I never could get online working because we had dial up so I just played AI missions with no mods countless times with a big ass smile.

Really really good for its time. I love the Normandy Beach map I could play that all day. Despite its flaws its fun and I have revisited it multiple times. If you consider playing it do make sure to understand its old and janky but that was the time.

You can control the spawn aircraft carriers and smash them into each other

pra época é um jogo mt bom e bem legal, nao esperava muita coisa, mas a formula base do battlefield de jogar com jatos, jips...etc, começou aqui, e isso é muito foda
vale a pena jogar