Reviews from

in the past

I had the Wii version, not sure why its not listed as being on that console on this site. Game was great

this game is by far the best,most inovative and fun lego game and its super underrated in the lego comunity as it takes on a new theme of a fps bioncle game with yes a repetitive level plot but still with setting changes and mechanic changes requiring you to use the different toa to take down the opposing characters this game has weapon and character upgrades and is a grind to 100% but is definitely worth in my opinion when i get my xbox series x in September i will be revisiting this game for sure

Incredibly nostalgic game for me. Originally played on the Wii as a kid, bought it again on the 360 as well. Played through the game multiple times throughout my life.

This game's appeal is purely the spectacle and fanservice. It comes from the fact that its a third person shooter Bionicle game and the environments, art, presentation and music for the game are all great.

In terms of gameplay though its fine enough to playthrough the whole game but it becomes incredibly repetitive fast and there's pretty much no challenge because of how you auto lock onto enemies and just hold down the trigger and also the fact that a lot of bosses in the game gameplay wise become completely recycled in terms of their mechanics.

The progression system with what you can get in this game with the studs is nice though. Leveling up your health, weapons, unlocking new abilities to access new parts of levels in replays and also the Piraka playground is fun too.

Let's clarify that this was one of my brother's favorite games around 2008 or so

This review contains spoilers

Amazing game and my favorite of all the Lego based games.

I loved Bionicle Heroes. There are many different games based on Lego Bionicle but this one is the absolute best. The action, the graphics, the effects, the music, it is all very good and impressed me.

In Bioncle Heroes, you play as the mighty Toa Inika, all six of them. Your goal is to liberate the island of Voya Nui from the vile Piraka’s. You travel to six different worlds, each in the theme of the specific Piraka, earth, sand/rock, jungle, ice, fire and water and after three levels, you face the Piraka boss. After all the Piraka’s are defeated, you face Vezon and Fenrakk as the final boss. The story does not follow the official Bionicle lore, and as a result, all kinds of enemies, like the Vahki, Visorak and Bohrok are present in the game as enemies, although they do not inhibin this island originally.

On your journey, you collect Lego pieces, collectible gold and silver cannisters, and fight smaller enemies like Vahki, Bohrok and Visorak. Each world is split up in two mini boss stages, a very long “normal” stage and in the end, the Piraka battle. You start off in the hub world, in which you can choose a stage, go to the playground area, visit your collectibles or upgrade your Toa’s.

There are many secrets and areas where you cannot go to yet at the start of the game. You need to unlock/buy the right skill for your Toa’s. This means revisiting areas you have already cleared and backtracking.

When you defeat Piraka’s, they go to a special playground in which you can interact with them by buying toys and playground stuff. You point at a certain thing, like a sandbox, and one of the Piraka’s will go to that object and a little cut scene plays. I really loved to play about and discover all the cut scenes. Maybe the playground is an unnecessary feature, but I liked it.

I also really liked the boss battles in Bionicle Heroes. I was pleasantly surprised by the bosses, their patterns and the overall epic vibe that those battles had, despite the game being fairly simple and child friendly. This is mainly because of the heavy orchestra fight tracks I presume.

The graphics, at least for the PC version, are really nice and polished and the game runs very smoothly. The effects and animations of your attacks, the enemies and destruction of Lego items in the world is also really well done. The environments look very pretty and detailed, the best part of the visuals in my opinion.

This is one of those games which sets itself apart from the rest, because of its glorious soundtracks. I was overwhelmed how incredibly perfect the ambient and fight tracks are in Bionicle Heroes. Especially the boss tracks of the mini bosses and the Piraka. It is just epic and came out of the blue.

The game is not hard. You collect many Lego pieces, which you use to upgrade your Toa and make them more resistant to damage, increase their firepower and overall toughness. Dying is rare in this game. Also, when you collect enough Lego pieces, your Toa goes into “Hero mode” in which you are invincible to damage and turn gold. You also use Hero mode for construction of big, gold Lego constructs. When you achieve this, the Hero mode ends for that part of the stage. However, if you activate Hero mode and do not construct the golden object yet, you can just rush through the stage first until that point, never taking damage.

My only complaint with the game is how slow you move. Your Toa makes a move cycle like it is going a million miles per hour, but the screen is slowly moving. Sometimes, when I forgot something and needed to backtrack a bit, it felt like hours before reaching that point again.

Overall, I really liked Bionicle Heroes and would recommend it to everyone.

Played this game on the WII. Actually a kinda fun goofy shooter.

Grafika i mechanika zwala z nóg (dosłownie te roboty się wydupcają)


Definitely Ok loved replaying in years

As much as I love the TT Lego Games, they just don't fit with the BIONICLE formula. It's so odd, because BIONICLE has such rich lore, and yet no good games exist for the franchise. Maybe one day we'll get a fan-made title that utilizes the Toa properly, but until then, this game is nothing but Lego Indiana Jones with Technic pins.

Side note- they picked the WORST era of BIONICLE to set this game. The people in charge of bringing BIONICLE to other media (movies/games/etc.) made some very strange decisions.

Peak. I wish the original vision of it being a First person shooter was kept, but hey beggars can't be choosers.
The OST, whilst mostly comprised of slightly different renditions of the Hero Mode track, goes so hard. Avaks Dynamo best track.
An otherwise standard, but fun, Third Person shooter with tons of side collectible content to do whilst also following the classic Lego Game formula , more people need to experience this.

That game was designed with kids around the world (often without knowledge of english language) in mind that werent that sharp in understanding how to play video games and especially, how to complete them. It IS a flawed game with broken mechanics, but the music, aesthetics, and fun character animations are worth playing the game if you are fan of the series. Also - the way the unlockables, and by these I mean levels, abillities and unlocking Pirakas is constructed, this game in 2006 encouraged you to passionately complete it in 100%, which for kid I was back then, that was pretty fucking awesome.