Reviews from

in the past

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Rather fun 3D platformer. There is just straight up no ending.

This was fun but it also would have been cool if there were any kind of map!

A fantastic platformer, that got me that dopamine rush when I beat some exceedingly hard platforming section. The DLC really fucked me in the ass as well and I have never felt more proud completing something.

3D platformer with a fairly open world to explore and some scuffed combat. The theme and many design ideas are clearly inspired by Hollow Knight but the level of polish and cohesiveness is not really comparable to that game. The movement feels quite good and unique but the combat is mostly bad and the game in general is a bit scuffed. The world is fine but not detailed or interesting enough to make exploration a big highlight.

While the visuals show an indie budget in terms of fidelity, the lighting across much of the game is very pleasant to look at, particularly in the platforming focused side content which takes place in their own ethereal levels. These areas are pretty fun and I'd say the platforming is definitely the best aspect of the game.

Is it a must play? No, but if you enjoy 3D platformers and want something to chill with before bed then this is a decent choice.

Great and fun free-form movement that works well with its non-linearity, though I couldn't help but feel like it lacked something.

Absoulutely needed a map.

Hollow Knight meets Zelda is an interesting mix, and some of it is put to good use here.

The platforming is a bit boring at first, but gets more fun with each power-up and improvement. The feeling of tricking out a passage with a few clever jumps is very satisfying. In general, this aspect is the most fun.

The fights and enemies are mostly rather sluggish and not really interesting, even if the bosses get better towards the end. Unfortunately, the game loses itself a bit otherwise. The missions end up being rather uninspired, but fortunately never last long.

In the end, it's a nice little platformer where you jet through a castle with fun movement.

a decent adventure/platformer that makes backtracking surprisingly fun, even if the story and world aren't all that compelling.