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Incredibly brief, yet padded with plenty of frustration. I've been helping my kids with a handful of licensed games recently, and Bluey's debut title unfortunately has more jank than Peppa Pig, PJ Masks, and Miraculous Ladybug all put together.

From a certain point of view, I respect the inclusion of 3D platforming elements that require precise jumps (hopping from rock to rock at the creek, or jumping towards the camera on the shelves in Bluey's room), but when my 3-year-old keeps passing me the controller because the game won't allow him to progress until he presses Y in a tiny pixel-perfect location, I start to wonder how much testing went into this.

The animations, VO, and setting obviously carry the experience, underneath what was licensed lies a bland and broken platformer containing 4 levels to replay and 5 hub world areas to explore. We had a much better time hunting for collectibles in the post-game (if you can even call it that) than we did in any scripted segments, but even then, some items seem to resist your attempts to collect them if you're the tiniest bit too close or too far.

The biggest issue we had is that the camera simply does not know what to do during co-op. The issue of how to handle distance between players is not unique to Bluey: The Videogame, but it's handled exceptionally poorly. In something like Gauntlet Legends, you can all run in different directions until the camera reaches a maximum zoom-out, leaving players to determine together which direction they'll travel in. In many Lego games, the screen will dynamically split, allowing two players to travel apart, then un-split the screen when they return together. But in Bluey, the camera picks one player seemingly at random to prioritize. It's not always P1, and it's not always whoever's closest to the middle of the screen, but the chosen player is granted agency, while any remaining players get auto-returned like a drone that's lost connection to the remote control. This becomes a huge problem when any obstacle lies between the returning character and the other player, as you cannot alter your course until you're within arm's length of your teammate. It's busted!

It's also got that frustrating audio thing that licensed games always seem to do, where the volume levels are all over the place, and when multiple characters speak at the same time, there's no reduction in gain, so the volume suddenly quadruples when the family shouts "Yeah!" together. WHY IS THIS SUCH A CONSISTENT ISSUE

How are those dogs able to purchase such a massive house?

Yea i mean it's bluey idk i played it mostly as a joke but it was cute enough if u fuck with the show

o jogo é ate legal dentro da proposta, e da ate pra tirar um divertimento, mais ainda se for jogado com mais pessoas, mas ele ainda tem muitos problemas, como bugs, uma falta de atenção a certos detalhes e falta de resposta a certas ações. Não é porque é um jogo infantil que ele precisa ser mal feito.

o jogo ainda sim passa a vibe do desenho, é legal jogar historias como se fossem episódios e a jogabilidade é interessante e compatível com a proposta, dando ainda um certo ar de liberdade pro jogador, vou deixar de reclamar aqui da questão "colecionável" no jogo, mas saibam que isso é muito chato, sei que pra um jogo de criança precisa ser simples e intuitivo, mas dava pra fazer algo mais criativo pras atividades extras da historia do que só colecionáveis, e eles nem se quer mudam de uma fase pra outra. por fim é sim um jogo legal mas aqui é outro caso de "eu não seria tão duro se não fosse pelo preço" não vale nem de longe o preço que ta sendo cobrado.

This is the Australia the Radical Left want

played for one hour why did i buy this i dont even have children or watch the show

GooeyScale: 50/100

Ironically the intended audience for this games feels to be the iPad parents who just want to shut their kid up for a few hours. The ones who don't care what their kid watches/plays and that is the same audience the show never pandered too.

With Australia being such a quality hub for developers it is a shame that a team with real passion and talent wasn't given the chance to make something special. The show is really charming and the thought of a Bluey game capitalizing on all the fun and wacky moments sounds great for the whole family.

But unfortunately we are left with this buggy husk of a title. Repetitive tasks, audio and an insultingly short run time make this a contender for worst of the year in 2023. Don't waste your time/money and skip it.

Fucking badass game for badass people

Jogo foi legal de se jogar com meu irmão, platinei em 3 horas e tem uma história bem divertida e curtinha.

Me incomodou com alguns bugs que encontrei como dar noclip no mapa e também sobre a tela de adquirir uma fantasia ou adesivo que são genuinamente irritantes, 70% só foi encarando essas telas de cosméticos.


I’m sure this rating is inflated because if I’m gonna play a game while my toddler watches it’s either gonna be this or My Friend Peppa Pig and at least this uses more than one button. Buggy as hell tho.

Listen, if your kid doesn’t know about this game, leave them in their blissful ignorance. If they insist on trying it, they will probably have some fun. But also be really confused as to why they cannot do what is asked of them all of a sudden (it’s weird, or glitched, or the platforming is total ass so they can’t lock in how it works).

So they’ll enjoy it, but also become sad because all of a sudden the game seems to hate them. And as the adult joining the play through, you’ll be consistently disappointed at how low quality and effort the whole thing is.

Being totally honest, i gave this 5 stars because i'm a big Bluey fan and simply enjoyed the game, but it really could have been bigger, just 4 levels ain't gonna do it, mate

Para crianças esse jogo deve ser perfeito, mas pra mim o jogo parecia estar meio incompleto, ao menos na versão do app do XBOX (joguei pelo GamePass) havia varios problemas de mixagem como por exemplo audios mais altos que outros, as vezes abafados e as vezes eram simplesmente cortados, não tem o mesmo nivel de qualidade que um episodio da serie tem, varios momentos o jogo reutilza o mesmo audio o que acaba ficando enjoativo, a trilha sonora é boazinha e a arte está bem semelhante ao do desenho, porem as texturas parecem meio borradas/pixelizadas o que não é muito agradavel, no final é um jogo interessante, mas pelo preço dele deveria ser bem melhor (e maior).

It's simple, and the "story" is a bit on the short side (my kids and I cleared it in about ninety minutes), but it's fun, and there's a lot of exploring and collectibles left for us to find. I can see this filling a few more hours easily, especially if the kids want to revisit the story or the minigames.

baldur's gate 3 and tears of the kingdom fans when i show them the real game of the year

I know there'll be so many furries considering it GOTY material even though it feels like another My Friend Peppa Pig.

I'm glad Peppa Pig finally has some competition, but there needs to be more activities and mini-games. There also needs to be less time spent watering nearly every single plant to 100%.

Played this with my son (5). I've always been of the mindset that I wouldn't give my son any shovelware or licensed junk, and just limit him to actual quality titles. I was pressured into getting this for him by his mother, and I gave in. My son and I spent maybe three hours on it, and that was to 100% the game. The game is beyond basic, and just involves running around and picking things up. The game is horribly made, and there was multiple times that our characters would turn invisible, or fall through the world. The fact that this game is priced at 40 dollars is ridiculous.

All of that being said, my five year old who loves Bluey really liked it, so I suppose that makes it worth it.

I mean, it certainly looks and feels like the show.

So there's that.

Why did one character say they were "busting," though?

Como sempre, no Game Pass todo mês entra um jogo ou outro que são mais fracos do que os AAA que geralmente entram. Eu, como sou muito mente aberta, costumo testar quase todos os jogos que entram no catálogo e muito raramente deixo de jogar um, apenas se for um caso muito específico que de fato não vai com meu gosto. Bluey: The Videogame foi um dos casos em que joguei o game.

Bluey: O Videogame é um jogo muito tranquilo de se jogar. No game, Bluey e sua família encontram metade de um mapa do tesouro antigo, sendo o primeiro trabalho no jogo encontrar e completar todas as partes do mapa para depois partir em busca do tesouro enterrado. Basicamente, isso forma cada episódio que temos no jogo.

Ele, no geral, é um jogo bem simples, como dito antes, e não tem muito do que eu possa falar dele. Jogando o jogo, tive alguns probleminhas técnicos, como alguns personagens simplesmente ficando presos em alguma coisa no cenário, mas nada muito além disso. Outro ponto intrigante a se notar também é como o cenário e o jogo em si parecem vazios em diversos momentos.

No geral, achei Bluey: O Videogame um jogo bem neutro. Não diria que ele é ruim, mas também não diria que seria um jogo que eu recomendaria para alguém, talvez para uma criança... porque de fato é o público-alvo do jogo.

Pontos Positivos:
- Estilo visual do jogo é legal para a proposta do jogo.

Pontos Negativos:
- Alguns problemas técnicos.
- Jogo bem curto e não agrega em nada à sua vida, simplesmente passa voando o tempo.

Versão utilizada para análise: PC.

Big fan of the show even though I am not its demographic, lol. Played the game for ez gamerscore and was met with a game that, while not as clever or cheery as the show, was still a passable kid’s game. There are several bugs, but overall it’s a short and sweet collectathon.

Really good baby game for a family of Four
It is really funny ironically tho

I have literally no knowledge of Bluey and it took me off guard seeing it blow up online. My buddy got me the game as a bit and after I 100%'d it from start to finish-I get it. It's a cute series with cute characters. I see the appeal. The game itself is nothing crazy (I do see the fun in potentially speedrunning it) but I can absolutely see it as a fun game for a family with their kids. It ain't worth 40 bucks so I'd get it on sale.

like watching paint dry, only worse.. thankfully you can do most of the stuff without even looking

Played as 2 adults who are fans of the show, so I can't speak for its quality for the target audience. However, it's still a silly good time for the fans of Bluey, with a lot of great nods to the show. It's barebones, but it's cute and short. Still, some of the charm of the show is missing in the game.