Reviews from

in the past

Burly Men at Sea é uma experiência que se desenrola em torno de pequenas fábulas marinhas. Encarnando três irmãos pescadores, você se depara com uma garrafa contendo um mapa enigmático nas profundezas do oceano. A partir desse ponto crucial, suas escolhas moldam o curso da narrativa do jogo. Sua simplicidade é uma de suas maiores virtudes, pois não requer qualquer experiência prévia do jogador, tornando-se assim uma porta de entrada acessível para novos jogadores. Além disso, seu fator de replay é cativante, incentivando os jogadores a explorarem diferentes caminhos após a conclusão da primeira jornada, desvendando histórias parcialmente diferentes. Contudo, é importante notar que, apesar dos 12 finais possíveis, muitos deles exigem repetições de partes substanciais da história, o que pode tornar a platina do jogo uma tarefa um tanto cansativa.

A direção de arte de Burly Men at Sea é notável, com cenas deslumbrantes desenhadas com um estilo minimalista e uma paleta de cores suaves. O jogo abdica de uma interface de usuário convencional, apresentando na tela apenas os personagens e o cenário. Tal abordagem pode tornar a jogabilidade mais intuitiva ao utilizar o toque em dispositivos móveis, em contraste com o controle. A narrativa é entregue através de textos que surgem em momentos específicos do jogo, mantendo assim a imersão na história.

Um aspecto interessante da obra era a possibilidade de, em uma das possíveis jornadas, o jogo fornecer um código que permitia a compra do livro digital da história diretamente no site do desenvolvedor. Essa opção oferecia uma experiência única, permitindo que os jogadores desfrutassem do jogo em um formato alternativo para ser apreciado em casa.

They're burly. They're men. They went to sea.

Burly Men at Sea (2016): Un juego que te puedes pasar en 10-15 minutos, con 10-12 finales alternativos que son casi idénticos, deberían basar su carisma en unos buenos personajes (3 protagonistas indistinguibles entre sí) o en la narrativa (absurda y tópica). Un desperdicio (3,45)

A quick, easy, and cute gaming experience.

Cute, short little game, had fun playing through it.

Out of curiosity, I looked at the oldest humble bundle I got, and what games I'd yet to play. This was one of them. The game is also extremely short. There are a few different endings that can be unlocked. But I only bothered with 2, as the "game" is more of a visual novel with small changes here and there.

This was a quaint little game. I had the thought that it was almost like a children's book played out in a video game format and I believe that was wholly intentional because if you go to the URL they say in the game, you can actually buy the story you experienced as a digital book (the hardcovers are apparently sold out which makes sense as this game is 7 years old at this point). In the end, it was a short experience that would be a good first game for someone young or who has never played a video game before.

Cute story focused "game". It's very short even when you do every ending.

Everyone played this exclusively for the easy platinum trophy lol

Short, 15 minutes long game that you are supposed to play multiple times with different choices, but outcome is always the same and story is nothing special either. Some parts of it are quite moving, mostly because of the music that's the best part of the whole game. It gets repetitive fast, but It's worth of few playthroughts.

Um jogo acessível para todos devido a sua simplicidade em contar suas fábulas, porém um jogo muito curto e sem maiores surpresas.

i honestly just bought and played this for another platinum, but was pleasantly surprised as it's very fun game with a neat story totally reccomend if it's ever on sale!

For starters, I should state that this game is only really good if you plan to complete it. If you only want to do a couple paths of the story, then wait for a price drop as each story path only takes around 5-10 minutes if you know what to do.

The art style is really cute. The simplicity of the characters and environments work very well with the puzzles and overall relaxed vibe the game is going for. The gameplay also works well, although I can definitely feel this being primarily a mobile game with how you pull the screen to move and do basically everything. The dialogue is hilarious upon first read, although when going for 100% completion, it can get tiring reading the same things over and over again. As far as anything I'd change, I'd definitely make it more obvious how you lose the jellyfish fight since you have to for certain paths. I swear I watched the 3 men just run in circles for like 20 minutes before I found out how to lose.

Overall, worth the $10 price tag if you're going for 100%, but if you're not, then I suggest waiting for a sale.

jogo bonitinho, minha platina mais fácil

Clever structure and the individual stories were the right length for the number of replays needed to see all of the endings. However, the quaint story is too slight to motivate me to replay it over and over again with only the slightest of differences. I think some quality of life features, like a fast-forward or skip button and a map of your choices, would’ve helped the completionists out there.

So well executed, but also so slow. Needed a speed up x0.5 - 1.5 mode