Reviews from

in the past

Straight up something M. Night Shyamalan would write.

A very short visual novel. And by short, I mean I finished it in 6 minutes. It's free at least, so there's that. The visuals were nice, the story while short was at least decent with a sorta twist ending that makes it feel somewhat relevant to today, all complimented with some nice music.

Jogo curto, de graça e com um mini plot.
E Pt-Br, joga ai

it's pretty neat but very short

You think with the tag line Carpe Diem this game wouldn't feel like a waste of time, but that's exactly how I felt about it. I'm sure this would make for an interesting premise if it was fleshed out more or given more stakes, but right now it feels like a concept of what a game could be. Even the story and dialogue just feel rather underwhelming in such a short time because there just isn't anything interesting to it. Points for a neat idea and free game, but nothing else aside from that.

Поиграл, встал из-за стола, подошёл к окну, закурил... Много думал... Плакал...

cara, isso aqui foi algo muito inesperado e que me pegou de jeito, principalmente quando terminei e subiu a conquista, me fez refletir.