Reviews from

in the past

Diablo 3 is the hollowed out husk of everything interesting the first two games did. The first thing you’ll notice is that it’s heavy on WoW’s art style, which blizzard used on everything at the time. It’s fine here, but I’m not sure the cartooniness quite fits right. Then you get started playing, and you get a taste of the Dota-ey/MMO-ey skill system that’s in use. The loot’s the same way. Actually, at many points in the game, I felt like I was playing a Diablo event for WoW rather than a true blue Diablo game.

It’s funny, because it’s not like Diablo 2 is even that far off from this, but it’s solidly on the other side anyways. There’s a crunch, a crpg quality to it all. It’s not based around cooldowns and active ability combos, it’s scrappier. Less smoothly designed, I guess, but it’s way more engaging.

Again, the loot’s a similar story. Unless you’re at endgame, you can pretty much boil loot down to how many green arrows it has vs how many red ones. It’s less about each piece of gear and more about just getting new gear that does more damage or whatever. I mean Diablo 2’s materialism was never my favorite feature of it, but the personality and connection that system apparently engendered is wholly gone here.

I guess you could call the story more put together in 3? The first act (and the first half of the fifth act) builds the new conflict well, and has some interesting ideas, but every act afterwards gets further from them. Act 2’s fine but feels a bit thin. Act 3 is a retread of Act 5 from Diablo 2, but just more. And Act 4 just feels like a thematic betrayal. Act 5 is, like I alluded to earlier, better. It’s more like Act 1, but by the end it’s thin again. Certainly worth playing if you managed to get through Act 3.

Anyways, this is like Diablo themed jangling keys. They managed to strip the depth out of one of the (on the surface) most straightforward game loops ever, and in doing so just broke it. It’s technically not bad, like it’s a functional game with ideas, but it wasted my time for sure.

Revisitando o jogo no Switch, consigo ver mais de suas falhas e repetições, além de classes não tão interessantes após algumas horas de gameplay. Porém o COOP local é um grande diferencial que agrega muito na experiência do jogo.

This is the closest I can get to what I think hard drugs are like. I've played Diablo III several times since 2018, by myself and with different groups of friends; each time discovering something new and experiencing a new side of the game. It hardly ever got old.

Let's start with something simple, the story mode. Though I've gone through it a couple of times, I have a vague memory of the plot itself. I always played it with friends, so I never had time to explore the dialogue since we all moved at different paces and someone was always rushing to killing something. To me, story mode is just the beginning of Diablo. A slower way of introducing the game to your friend who doesn't play games or has never touched anything related to the genre. It's your dummy's guide to mix and match skills, the loot game, gems, crafting, etc.

Once you finish Diablo's story mode it becomes a whole new different game. A numbers game if I may. The game stops waving an end goal and becomes whatever the hell you want to get out of it. Many people quit here or a little after, I kept with it since I was gunning to get all psn trophies. It's here where a fire started lighting up, where the gameplay loop of improving your build and loot became addicting. I wanted to get through my self imposed goals faster, more efficiently. I wanted the numbers to go higher. It was a raw primal feeling that I just couldn't get enough of. There's so many small intricate pieces that build one over the other here, all of which have the very unassuming intent of keeping you hooked. Noah Caldwell-Gervais called this "pavlovian response, the game" and I couldn't agree more. I was trained to expect rewards left and right and sure as day I kept getting them, feeling satisfied and thirsty at the same time.

It all starts with legendary drops, they come with a unique look, flare and sound when they pop, it becomes enticing to hear that little melody. Then it was set items and their ridiculous set effects. Then legendary gems, and their upgrades. Diablo has a great excuse to keep you going, it lets you set the difficulty at any point, each offering better rewards than the one before, and there's 20 of the damn things. This lets you control the pace in which you consume the content. More often than not I became so strong that the current difficulty became trivial, so I increased it, far until the point that I couldn't beat it anymore. What did I do? you probably can guess. I started feeding the gameplay loop, looting and enhancing and looting and enhancing, increasing the difficulty until I found myself min-maxing. Squeezing the last drop I could of every gameplay mechanic so I could keep increasing the difficulty. I dug into icy-veins and maxroll to find out what the best possible set-ups were, and even then I couldn't let go of all the loot I was getting. I started running different builds with each possible set. It made the joy of obtaining equipment greater as more things contributed to the pool of builds I was preparing. There were times I was just braindead from the grind and called it quits for a few days, each time I came back I was hooked again.

There is so much I could say about the game itself, but instead I wanted to talk about my experience with it. Most of my playtime was with friends who also shared this pseudo drug addiction experience. I'm not playing Diablo anymore but I'll always remember fondly the time I had with it.

My name is DevilXHunter and I was an addict

Da estética sombria pra algo colorido

Vou ser bem sincero que eu sempre quis jogar Diablo III, mas por algumas questões de crenças populares de família nunca pude encostar nesse jogo quando criança, porém agora com a vida adulta eu tive a oportunidade de poder finalizar esse jogo tão desejado por mim, e foi inevitável que eu o comparasse tanto com os jogos anteriores da franquia.

Diablo 3 traz uma experiência fluída pra jogadores novos, e entediantes pra quem é antigo ou se acostumou com a gameplay dos seus antecessores. Ele pega uma energia mais de jogo de loot do que algo realmente puxado pro RPG, sendo bem mais ação

Primeira coisa que notei no capiroto três foi a respeito de sua dificuldade, o jogo é extremamente fácil se você jogar ele no normal, então já vai minha dica aqui.. comece Diablo III (se você jogou os anteriores) na ultima dificuldade disponível, até la o jogo é bem tranquilo e a progressão fica melhor, se você jogar no Normal você se sente Op e as lutas com os bosses se torna algo extremamente anti climático. Eu gosto de me sentir forte, e acredito que vocês também, mas quando não se tem nenhuma progressão e você não enxerga seu personagem fraco evoluindo, toda essa.. "fortitude" fica chata de ter.

A história não decepciona

Ele pega traços e pontas soltas do Diablo 1 para fecha-las ao decorrer da história de Diablo 3, enxerguei mais referências ao primeiro jogo do que ao segundo, sem contar que ainda tem personagens marcantes do primogênito que batem aquela nostalgia gostosa.

A história traz bons plot twists e a adição de livros por áudio tornou a compreensão de adições ao universo do jogo mais tranquila, e acho que a maioria dos jogos deveriam utilizar deste método invés de leitura, sério é bem melhor.

Vale a pena joga-lo recentemente?

Sim, vale a pena. O jogo envelheceu bem e sua única coisa fraca hoje em dia mesmo são os gráficos, mas se você for um jogador novo na franquia e quer dispensar a história do jogo, esse atualmente é o melhor pra começar, e se você for jogador antigo.. também vale a pena dar uma chance, mas tu vai sentir na pele umas diferenças cruciais e pode ser que se incomode bastante no início.

Mas galera, lembrem-se de pega-lo em promoção, preço cheio nesse jogo ATUALMENTE, não vale.

Enfim, foi uma ótima experiência que tive com Diablo III e com certeza vou revisita-lo outrora para terminar com as outras classes que ainda não joguei, afinal o fator replay desse aqui continua bom !

zerado e tentando chegar no Lv. maximo

It's very fun to play brainless mode, but very easy to break if you play Wizard.
Anyway, I had fun, but I thought it was kinda easy, even in the higher difficulties.

Playing Diablo 3: Eternal collection in 2023 is a good example of missing out on one of the key elements of a video game’s legacy and that is the community participation during the game’s release. When Diablo 3 was first released there was an auction house where you could buy and sell loot as legendary loot was VERY rare. After the release Blizzard released an expansion that dropped the auction house and made legendary loot drops more common. Despite being sad that I missed out on Diablo 3’s heyday, I'm glad I played the rounded off version of the game that was more accessible to newcomers.

I have played Diablo 1 and 2 on PC and was put off by how inaccessible it felt as well as the movement consisting of you clicking the mouse to move the character. I found this very monotonous. After being convinced by friends and the internet that Diablo 3 was best played on console over PC (a rarity) I was not disappointed. The character movement was fluid with the joystick and your attacks were limited meaning they could be bound to buttons on the control pad. I played the campaign mode which was a walk in the park as a Barbarian. You steamroll your way through the entire game, including bosses which are downed in a few hits. I did really enjoy feeling powerful though. Seasoned players of the Diablo franchise regard the campaign as a long tutorial for the adventure mode. I didn’ play the adventure mode as I’m not looking to sink many ours into the game and I felt ready to finish the campaign 3 acts into the 5.

Each Act consists of you working your way around areas, killing enemies and picking up their loot, as is the case with all dungeon crawlers. Each act has a ‘big boss’ and smaller bosses, you feel like you’re working your way up a company, starting off with killing a supervisor, then a general manager, regional manager then going for the CEO. Each one acts like the be all and end all, “no IM the more powerful one!”. So as you can imagine with act 5 rolled round (one of the DLC acts) and a new enemy turned up claiming to be unspeakably more powerful than Diablo I just rolled my eyes knowing I was 3 button presses away from downing him at the end of the act.

I really did enjoy playing Diablo 3 and it has made me look forward to exploring Diablo 4, in the future, not just yet. The game has that 5 minute timer where every 5 minutes your character is upgraded, be it with a new level or new loot to keep that dopamine rush coming, keeping you hooked. As I said previously, this does get repetitive and I was ready to finish after the 3rd act. Like myself I’m sure many people will find this game a great gateway into the series.

I played this after all the fuss and patches but before reaper of souls. This is the only Diablo game I've ever completed and i thought it was pretty good, but I'm not the type that does the seasons or ladders or endgame stuff so when the story ended I was done with the game. Playing in co-op was fun but I primarily just soloed the entire game and dlc. I've replayed it maybe 6 or 7 times with new characters but that just burnt me out to the experience. Ill never understand how people can keep going as long as they do in Diablo games. All in all though, it was rather enjoyable.

Picked it back up since I was bored at the time. A good mindless game to play while putting on a podcast or something but on it's own it's decent too.

It’s like the junk food of video games honestly

Sem comentarios, joguei no ps4 e no PC, e explicar o quão satisfatório é explodir packs de mobs o tempo inteirinho é bem dificil, o que mais me agrada nesse jogo, é o aumento de velocidade a cada farm que você faz, o jogo começa com tudo muito lento. Você demora para matar cada mob e fazer cada quest, e daqui algumas horas você ta fazendo tudo tres ou mais vezes mais rapido que antes, e depois de uma semana o jogo se torna simplesmente correr na velocidade da luz e destruir tudo e todos na sua frente, divertidissimo! pra quem gosta de RPG e Builds de personagens, é um prato cheio.

I remember when I first played with Diablo 3 and looked in shock to found a vastly different game from what I heard about this franchise. It looked like the game changed drastically from what others had told me at that point, and I was very skeptical when I played this game as my first Diablo experience. Yes, I never played the previous 2 entries until recently, and I had to say, that probably the power of Diablo corrupted my soul, and made me hate the previous games. Yes, I agree, that it is a much more casual friendly experience, featuring many things that people hate in it, but oh how much I love it.

First off, let me tell you that this game has lots of content, and lots of classes, with very varied skills that look insanely good when you use them with the right runes. Every class supports different kind of playstyles and EVERY build you do is valiable, which makes me really grateful for the devs going this route instead of the "you put your skill points into the wrong skill? sorry pal, you will be useless until you redo them". I believe that ARPG's should support every trashy and non viable builds so at least you can finish the story mode with them.

Diablo 3's campaign consists of 4 acts + 1 bonus act which comes with this collection. The 4 main acts are great, I disliked the second act a bit, because I hate the Zoltun Kulle quests, but that is on me. The first one is probably the one that sticks with you the most, featuring very memorable bosses, that will hook you in until the end, because let me tell you, despite what others have told you, this game has a great art design. Every single person will moan about how it is cartoony and the fact that it has "colors", but have you ever looked at this game? Some of the scenery is gorgeous, the characters look great and I especially adore the enemy designs.

Sadly the Reaper of Souls act was not to my liking, as I found it very reminiscent to Diablo 2's level design, and even there is a section that is clearly inspired by a smaller section from that game.

If you ever wanted to give it a try, do it! You will 100% hooked if you do not listen to those, who hate this game for it's visuals only.

Mais um daqueles jogos que eu prometi que quando tivesse um console iria jogar , e aqui está feito , meu primeiro contato com diablo 3 foi jogando na madrugada toda na casa de um amigo o qual fiquei fascinado pelo jogo , e agora em 2024 consegui finalmente ter minha própria experiência com o jogo e posso afirmar que valeu muito a pena. A gameplay de diablo embora pareça ser simples é um jeito próprio que não consegui achar em mais nenhum RPG do tipo. Um ponto forte aqui é a dublagem ptbr muito bem feita e as cutscene lindas demais.

Diablo III (2012): No entiendo la gracia de este juego, ir hacia delante y pulsar R2 cuándo sale un bicho, y nada más. Con una historia genérica y personajes olvidables. Sé que es el juego "malo" de esta saga, y que no he probado el multi, pero tampoco es que este me haya hecho interesarme por el resto (4,85)

I played thru “Diablo 3” a few years ago on PS4. I didn’t think too much of it then. This time playing it I thought even less of it. Especially after finished “Diablo 2: Resurrected” which is a far more impressive game and complete package. Weird considering that game is well over a decade older than the third entry. I gave up on “Diablo 3” after a few hours. The game is almost embarrassing how bad it looks. The bright colorful pallets feel so out of place and the font, menus and HUD look like a free-to-play mobile game. The story is so uninteresting I almost wanted to skip thru it. Where the real breaking point happened for me was the character progression. Not being able to add stat points or spec your character to your liking since the game auto does it for you is an INSANE choice. Literally all of the fun I find in these games are gone. I have no interest in keeping up with this game. I’m ready for “Diablo 4” now.

Platform: Xbox One (Via Xbox Series X)
Date Started: May 14th, 2023
Date Finished: September 2nd, 2023
Time Played: 17 Hours

"This is killing business."

Diablo III is a sporadically fun but often boring, laborious and repetitive journey. I understand this is almost the intent of the game, simply to level up, get new equipment and repeat the loop, and it is very satisfying to equip new, higher level gear when you return to the base of each act, but for me the lack of compelling characters or story meant that I didn't really have the best of times in the long run, and it just felt by the numbers and all very routine.

Killing endless enemies, trying to locate points whilst painting the map and then moving onto the next dungeon just wasn't really that fun to me, hence why I had tried to play through this game twice before and dropped it both times, only being able to finish it this time due to playing it in co-op making it more bearable.

I wasn't the biggest fan of the comic-book style art, either - it didn't really have an impact on my enjoyment, but I felt that it wasn't all that appealing to look at as a whole. It was definitely influenced by World of Warcraft, and doesn't seem to fit well with what I view the series to be as a whole.

Despite my many grips I probably will jump into Diablo IV eventually because the main thing I did like about III was just it being a game I could play in local co-op - that aside, though, this game just didn't do all that much for me, and by the final couple of acts I was definitely hoping the end was just around the corner.

As "3 out of 5" as games get. Perfect for listening to podcasts or watching a 4 hour youtube essay on what happen to the dog from Married With Children (it died) but has little rewards for any kind of mindful play. By sheer luck it's design feels right at home on controllers in a way the D2 remaster does not, no matter how much better that game is. At the end of the day the monsters blow up good and its fun to spin around, at least for awhile. Wish they thought of a more fun endgame than "greater rifts" but I guess they are trying to solve that puzzle in D4 now. Good luck!

Very boring boss fights. No need to do anything but click your way through the whole game.

Beat this coop with my dad. The item selection screens should split if multiple people wanna use it at once

I love the Diablo series, but this might be the weakest entry in the franchise. Still, the worst of a phenomenal bunch is still a pretty great time.

Console controls, worked really good, I actually prefer it to keyboard and mouse. The only thing I didn't like was that it wasn't until the end did I realise that I could change the difficultly, cause the game on the base hard more was way too easy, you just steam roll everything. I wish it made it obvious that you could do this.

I did not enjoy this game. Well it works perfectly fine, I just did not find any motivation to continue playing. Maybe I have to try it again some time in the future.

(joguei no PC mas não tinha a opção)
O primeiro diablo e jogo nesse estilo que joguei.
Quando comecei a jogar, pensei que daria 5/5 pela jogabilidade incrível e uma evolução de personagem com diversas builds e habilidades para escolher, que resulta em uma sensação muito boa ver o grande aumento de dano nos inimigos ao conseguir uma nova habilidade ou equipamento.
Porém, com o passar do jogo, ele acabou se tornando um pouco "fácil demais" (estava na segunda dificuldade mais difícil, com uma descrição que parecia ser algo impossível), onde eu conseguia literalmente matar o boss final do ato em 1 habilidade só e os outros inimigos só no ataque básico, por isso no final coloquei na última dificuldade, mas não mudou muito, fazendo o jogo ficar um pouco entediante perto do final (mas ainda da pra se divertir)
Outro ponto que foi enfraquecendo na minha opinião foi a história, se tornando muito linear, previsível, fraca e bem ignorável.
Mesmo assim, ainda considero um 4/5 pelo ótimo combate e sensação de poder, combinando equipamentos e habilidades para causar um enorme dano, sendo muito prazeroso, além de uma bela dublagem e gráficos que envelheceram bem, ainda mais as cinematics no final de cada ato (não lembro se tem em todos), que apesar de raras são muito boas

good game with good leveling system and fun gameplay.

An amazing dungeon crawler that makes me want to check out the rest of the series, specifically 1 and 2. The game works great on controller. I also own it on PC but haven't played much because the mouse controls are weird to me. Not very atmospheric, but the final boss was epic, and the seasonal stuff is great!