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Dragon Quest XI nace de una premisa genérica y una intención clara que limita al juego de maneras extremadamentes conformistas. Antes de comenzar lo que espero sea un resumido análisis quiero advertir, a cualquiera que se sienta ofendido al no recomendar este juego bajo ningún concepto, que eso al fin y al cabo es mi opinión.
Acabo de completar el post-game junto a todos los logros y prefiero no extenderme tanto porque luego de semanas en esta aventura ya el solo pensar en Dragon Quest me da dolores de cabeza.
Dragon Quest es sin duda una de las franquicias mas conocidas y queridas de Japón, con 10 entregas principales previas el onceavo titulo se presenta como un homenaje a todo aquello que hizo de esta saga algo tan querido por jugadores alrededor de todo el mundo. Sin embargo decido comenzar mencionando este homenaje porque toda su propuesta se basa en ello, el juego como jrpg no tiene nada nuevo que presentar. En esta aventura nos espera una historia llena de personajes genericos, giros argumentales (algunos mejores que otros, ninguno sorprendente) y un estilo artistico precioso pero que peca de falta de originalidad. Todos conocemos a Akira Toriyama y sabemos que es un conformista de lo peorsito, es gracioso que alguien así trabaje en una franquicia tan continuista que la única diferencia que hay entre entregas son los gráficos. Hablando de los diseños, en el momento en que se llega al final del post-game en la lucha contra Khalasmos este ser es una mezcla de Jiren y Cell en versión gigante de una manera tan descarada que no se puede creer.
Cuando se habla de rpg se sobreentiende que va a haber farmeo, no tengo ningún problema con el farmeo, amo la saga Persona y cualquiera que la conozca lo entenderá. El problema es que el farming de Dragon Quest XI, principalmente durante el post-game, es tan vago y excesivo que me hizo replantear mi vida luego de perder sesiones enteras matando a los mismos bichos para llegar contra un bicho grande que solo pedia el maximo nivel y que, cabe resaltar, es un boss reciclado. Todo es tan absurdamente repetitivo que no se como llegue al punto de "platinarlo" pero acá estoy, habiendo dedicado unas 88 horas a completar 100% el juego para poder decirte a vos, que estas leyendo esto, que no. No juegues Dragon Quest. Su historia no tiene nada nuevo que ofrecer, es el típico elegido en una aventura para derrotar al malvado de turno. Los personajes son cliché como cabria esperar. El post-game es reciclaje puro y contiene meramente fanservice, incluye un viaje en el tiempo que genera tantísimas incoherencias como desgana a la hora de jugarlo. Su diseño artístico es bellisimo, si, pero es algo que se puede apreciar en youtube as como dentro del juego, no habría diferencia. Las misiones secundarias no tienen atractivo alguno y muchas de ellas contienen descripciones tan confusas que obligan a uno a recurrir a una guía. La mecánica de monturas no tiene nada que ofrecer, está todo completamente scripteado que el juego seria el mismo sin estas. El desarrollo de personajes es tan volatil en cuanto timing y está manejado de manera vaga.
Sinceramente tengo muy pocas cosas buenas para decir sobre este juego. No podría recomendarselo a nadie mas que a un loco del farmeo y el completismo, aunque al final del día este se daría cuenta que no sirvió para nada, las recompensas son nulas para todo el tiempo invertido.
Jugué hasta el segundo arco en stream via Twitch, el post-game preferí jugarlo fuera del stream porque era algo tedioso y que, si hasta para mi era insoportable, no quiero pensar lo que seria para el espectador.

El sexismo en este juego es horripilante, los japoneses deberían replantearse su cultura en algún momento.

Fine for what it was. There's a lot here that I miss from older games in the genre, but there wasn't enough for it to truly stand out either. Half the time, an idea it has, I can think of another game that executes it better. Final Fantasy VI is one such example.

On a side note, I thought the music was handled in a very misguided way; a prime example of this is when the battle theme is used during a stealth sequence.

Really fun game with a lot of enjoyable playtime. And that's despite me not having completed it entirely, as the final boss suddenly increases so much in difficulty compared to all the bosses before that you need to start grinding levels

Having a very lovely time with this, just need to not get distracted with the gagillion other games I'm constantly playing

Took me forever to beat the game, and then I considered it done after the credits.

Not a fan of "act 3" and it felt a bit weird without going into spoilers. In my opinion, act 2 is the ending I was most comfortable with, despite being bittersweet.

Another DQ game I abandoned because these games are way too long.

nostalgic and heart-warming <3

it lost me when you turned aquatic.

No overwrought metaphors, just the right amount of melodrama, and endearing characters. The vignette storytelling that Dragon Quest has refined over the series helps keep the story nice and snappy. Basically perfect for a jrpg.

Its ok, if it wouldn't have a homo character I'd keep for kids to play. Story bit boring. Tree skill not great.

i wanted to like this so bad but its just so jrpg

When I was first searching for some JRPGs to play, I was recommended Dragon Quest XI. People told me, “You have to try it, it’s really good!” Booting it up, I was excited. I had never played a Dragon Quest game before, but I knew how many copies it sold in Japan and that it's one of the foundations for modern JRPGs. Many games can trace their lineage to this very series. But oh boy, Dragon Quest XI just didn't hit the mark for me. It felt too simple and dull, making it hard to stay engaged or feel motivated to continue with the story.

The characters were pretty forgettable and seemed to fit every trope possible, with no substance beyond that. The mute protagonist was especially frustrating, which I normally don’t have a problem with. It seemed like he wanted to say something but couldn't, reducing him to a blank slate meant for your self-insert wishes, which didn't work for me.

The plot unfolds in a predictable manner: there's a bad dark lord doing bad things, and you need to stop him. The use of a traditional medieval fantasy setting didn’t help either to differentiate it from other JRPGs, whether modern or old. All in all, the plot felt standard, and whether it is comforting and safe or generic and cliche-ridden is up to the player to decide. What I can say is going to town, finding a problem, going out and fighting a monster, and then rinsing and repeating the process gets stale quite fast.

If you're looking for something with more depth and a bit more mature themes, this one might not be for you, so move along.

They literally remove half of the content

Has a lot of what I loved from the golden era of RPGs, but the characters and writing don't quite reach that level. The soundtrack also ranges from bland to outright insufferable.

Act 1 & Act 2 are loaded with memories I won’t forget. Sylvando is an all timer, immaculate turn based system and always fun to play with new skill trees. It’s charm galore.

Eu tava empolgado pra jogar esse jogo, mas achei extrememente infantil e tudo muito lento. Quando um personagem novo entrou no time e a animação ficou uns 5 segundos parada, eu enlouqueci.. Quem sabe no futuro eu tento novamente, mas por enquanto não deu.

Un Dragon Quest precioso pero con una de las tramas más flojas para mi gusto, y a pesar de ser conocidos por ser juegos repletos de exploración, este último título de la saga me pareció algo repetitivo, aunque eso sí, muy entretenido.

A really, really long game but I drank it to the last drop.

If you want to play a traditional turn-based JRPG, this is the game for you. In a sea of action JRPGs, this game is unashamedly rooted in tradition, creating a nostalgic experience reminiscent of the JRPGs of old. Tie that in with great music (though an orchestral track would've been much nicer imo) and an exciting story, and you've got the recipe for a great time.

This review contains spoilers

Really solid game with an emotional second act, however, all that work falls apart with a third act that did not feel necessary.

Good characters and character design, enjoyable story and didn't feel ridiculously grindy (for the main game) and long which is one of my main gripes with JRPGs. Each character was interesting enough and didn't dislike any of them. Their own arcs are fitted pretty well into the story. The turn-based combat is solid enough and I mostly just let the AI take over the other characters apart from a couple of boss fights towards the end.

Main issues I had though was the side quests which were mostly fetch quests and not interesting at all for the most part. I also couldn't be bothered finishing the post-game because what really frustrated me was that you spent most of the game going through a story and leveling up fairly naturally without needing to grind levels out that much, but right at the end where there's an post-game story and boss I need to beat, I have to mindlessly grind at least 10 levels to at least have a chance of beating the final boss post-game. Sure I can use the speed-leveling strats which are online, but I found it a disappointing end design to an otherwise good game overall. I was expecting more of a story in between where I could level up naturally like the main story and I didn't want to be there for hours just fighting monsters - that sort of stuff should be reserved for once you've done everything and want to max everything out.

Overall, I enjoyed the time I played but for the post-game stuff I'll just end up watching the fight and cutscenes on YouTube or else I feel like I'd be more fed up with the game if I played it through to the end myself.

Absolutely on of the best RPGs on the ps4, or any console it touches really. A great game with a very solid gameplay foundation and story, incredible music and a fascinating world. If you want to get started on DQ definitely check this one out.

This game tries to be like Dragon quest VIII and it kinda succeeds but it's not as good. Overall it is a great game and of course it has much better graphics.

Ver a versão nova me fez lembrar que zerei esse jogo em live e merece uma Review!

Esse jogo mostra que formulas clássicas ainda são extremamente bem vindas! Um RPG de turno raiz (sem ser ATB) com a historia "clichê" do personagem ser um escolhido divino que ira tirar o mundo das trevas, mas... como isso é executado é tão incrível!

Dragon Quest é uma serie que não erra mesmo usando coisas que hoje em dia são consideradas "batidas", fazendo o simples e inovando sempre.

Falando um pouco da historia, as reviravoltas que a historia dá as vezes são tão inesperadas que você até fica sem acreditar que isso aconteceu, por exemplo uma perda grande que gera uma mudança muito grande no clima do jogo e isso é motivo pra uma outra reviravolta no futuro...

O sistema de batalha é o de sempre, mas um pouco mudado: A diferença é que você pode, pra "fingir" um dinamismo, movimentar seu personagem pelo campo de batalha (porém isso é puro estético, não muda nada) porém as habilidades de classe podem mudar muito o rumo! Eu mesmo zerei o jogo com todos os personagens no nível máximo depois de descobrir um método de farm "fácil" (porem chatinho e demorado).

Dragon Quest XI é um MUST HAVE para pessoas que amam RPG, principalmente de turno ou querem experimentar esse mundo.

While it starts off rather slow, Dragon Quest 11 shines through with an engaging story, a loveable cast, and a fun combat system to keep you going for the near 60-hours of playtime. Just hope that you don't get tired of hearing the same five music tracks over and over.