Reviews from

in the past

Not as revolutionary as Leifthrasir was for Odin Sphere or additive as Rebirth for Muramasa, and frankly if there was a game Vanillaware should have gambled on breaking into the PC market with, it should have probably been this one. It feels a lil bit like Dragon Crowns Pro was sent out to pasture as the PS4 was on its way out - and thats a shame, cuz computer nerds wouldve died for Amazon. They would have jumped out of 6 story buildings just for the opportunity to be her doormat.

I would've enjoyed it a lot more if I was an adolescent boy again but in all seriousness the game does have great artwork that's about the only thing it excels at, everything else is mid tier.

Combat can get visually noisy resulting in mindless button mashing and having no fucking clue what's going on on the screen, the 2.5D perspective here makes your character movements a bit stiff and feeling restrictive. I don't know whos genius idea was to have guard and sprint bound to holding your primary attack button when there's free real estate on like half of your controller buttons this also can't be remapped. The side quest are a chore to do at least the rewards are worth it. Getting to the credits was also a bit of a grind.

You do get a good few classes to choose from and they do seem to play a bit different from one another which is cool, the dungeon select music and map art are a chefs kiss, it would be a decent game to have on like a hand held device to kill some time but that's about it honestly you could shelve it 2-3hrs in and you wouldn't miss anything.

I don't like this game very much. The voice work and art are very pretty but as a game... It's a boring slog where you can barely tell what's going on half the time. The rune system is maddeningly awful to control as-is. Using a simulated cursor is a cute gimmick but rubbing the walls down for loot or clicking on doors just feels terrible. The camera zooms and pans all over the place while you're trying to click on stuff.

like if shadows over mystara was unbelievably sick. getting the wallbounce off the dwarfs throw is str8 ropes every time

Only the host actually gets the ending. Dumb game design.

i love vanillaware we really stretched the human anatomy with this one

Un excelente beat em up, con un arte genial y gran rejugabilidad.

Only played this for amazon. its just repetitive and boring and I wish i had gotten a refund. too much screen clutter, and the cursor is a pain to navigate.
the art style didn't impress me much and the rpg elements didn't grab me either. this one is too repetitive to get into nowadays. hard pass, there's much better beat em ups

An extremely unique, if not occasionally obtuse, adventure that made for a fun and memorable 2 player co-op experience (we left the AIs disabled throughout the playthrough). While I'm usually not a fan of ARPG-style loot-based progression, it was always exciting to get a new highly-ranked drop, especially when it was loaded with interesting passives that encouraged trying out a new playstyle. There was also a ton of freedom when it came to building your character through the skill point system, which I thoroughly enjoyed. I personally played as the Wizard and tearing through hordes of enemies with various lightning bolts, ice storms, and fire balls consistently felt great. I eventually had multiple loadouts each with different selections of spells equipped; it was a blast swapping between them and really forcing myself to manage my resources effectively during some of the longer excursions.

As far as my gripes with Dragon's Crown go, I'd say my primary complaints would be with the often obtuse rune system that always felt a bit too difficult to use in the heat of the moment (skill issue perhaps), a lack of meaningful interactivity in some of the boss fights, and the relatively uninteresting story which culminated in what I felt was an underwhelming ending (though I understand the post-game is quite extensive). The local co-op also often felt like multiple single player games stacked on top of each other rather than a seamless multiplayer experience as only one player can adjust their equipment and accept quests at a time; they definitely could've put more effort into streamlining this. There's also the obvious elephant in the room, which are some of the pretty excessive female character designs; luckily, the art style present throughout the rest of this game is absolutely gorgeous, as we have all grown to expect from Vanillaware at this point.

Essa versão é uma resmaterização do jogo base originalmente lançado em 2013, sendo um side scrolling, beat 'em up com elementos de RPGs.

A história é praticamente inexistente sendo algo bem chocante vinda da Vanillaware, ela possui NPCs com diálogos objetivos e uma narrativa extremamente rasa, fazendo você perceber logo de cara que esse jogo é mais gameplay do que justamente roteirização e personagens, uma parada que me quebrou completamente, já que sou marinheiro de terceira viagem da empresa depois de ter experienciado 13 Sentinels: Aegis Rim e Odin Sphere: Leifthrasir.

De qualquer forma vamos lá, a gameplay do game segue por fases e cada fase representa uma dungeon, nelas, podemos jogar solo ou com uma party formada, seja online ou offline, no final de cada aventura ganhamos dinheiro e equipamentos para melhorar o nosso personagem, depois disso voltamos pra cidade, realizamos preparações, aceitamos quests e partimos pra uma nova dungeon; formato que se repete do começo até o final do endgame, totalmente repetitivo e cansativo de se jogar. Temos ainda alguns sistemas minimamente interessantes como as preparações de comidas com diversas camadas de aprendizagem e caminhos variáveis por fases, mas ainda assim.. se você jogar isso aqui solo como foi o meu caso, sua experiência vai ser um porre.

A "itentificação" (termo que se refere ao gerador de itens dentro do jogo) é bastante competente, lembrando fortemente franquias como Diablo e Borderlands; ela consegue estimular o jogador o suficiente a continuar jogando, graças a quantidade considerável de itens que é tacado na nossa cara logo quando finalizamos uma aventura.

A direção de arte é bem dahora, isso eu tenho que admitir, na época rolou uma polêmica envolvendo a Amazon e a Sorceress por conta dos seus visuais extravagantes e tals, mas depois geral percebeu que na realidade todo mundo daquele universo era esquisito mesmo.

A trilha sonora entra naquela mesmice, pra mim ela não teve nenhum destaque.

Pra concluir, eu me decepcionei com esse jogo, mas gostei dele apesar das ressalvas, o lance é que Dragon's Crown simplesmente não é pra mim, mas ainda assim joguei o suficiente, zerei no hard e brinquei com outros personagens, então fica ai meu ponto.

The men in this game make me go AWOOGA

The kind of game that makes you wish you were 21 again and had more friends with whom you could play co-op without making plans 2 weeks in advance and only playing for an hour.

My only Vanillaware game to date and the art style deserves its reputation, for better and for worse.

Fun, Chaotic, Challenging, Great. But this gets 4 stars just because of the mermaid art, respectfully.

Like 95% of beat 'em ups, it's fine? I would only come back to finish it as a MP experience.

I don't have too much to say, the game looks great, sounds great. Gameplay def gets repetitive when you don't have your pals. Story is literally just DND.

Honestly as a single player game, 6/10. With friends, 8/10. So final score, 7/10.

this game would be so much better if you got to keep a set of party members and switch who you play as between levels, which is so extremely obvious that I have to assume its the way it is just to push multiplayer. play up until it starts asking you to replay stages and then drop it