Reviews from

in the past

Using the term Eurojank makes you look gayer than actual Europeans

Was a bit too slow for me so I packed it in after 3 hours. The lack of fast travel and a lot of bs k and forth was a big factor. Unless you play the original game a lot of references will pass you by, I didn't play the original game.

Still though if you enjoyed the first game then I'm sure there's a lot here for you to enjoy.

I recently read an older Polygon article referring to Death Stranding's Monster Energy product placement as vandalism and frankly, no, vandalism is putting an inexplicable Billy Idol concert a half hour into the critical path of your game set on an alien world in a far-future post-apocalypse.

Extremely strange inclusions aside, this game is janky but interesting. I'm not sure it's going to hold my attention for the whole run; frankly opening on a pair of bald men kind of set the stage for me to be like okay can you even render hair in this engine (answer: not really), but I am intrigued so far.

Second game that should never have been made. Developers pushed their luck and lost the gamers they gained from the first game by making this game. First game was already very bad and didn't appeal to everyone, but somehow they managed to make it even worse.

Piranha Bytes should stop making games. They are trying to make outdated games that are trying to appeal to gamers who are probably 40-50 years old now.

They've never been open to improvement and innovation, and when they've tried, they've failed, like with ELEX 2. This company needs to shut down and step aside.

Like their games, they should be relegated to the dusty shelves of history. It's just laughable that they are trying to survive in this industry like this.

I wonder when they will stop making failed games and even more failed series. They will probably continue to fail in the same way for another 20 years if they get the chance.

В это невозможно играть на релизе, но если, как настоящий фанат Пираний, забить на геймплей и держаться только за квесты и мир, то норм.

This game is currently in the Humble Choice for December 2023, and this is part of my coverage of the bundle. If you are interested in the game and it's before January 2nd, 2023, consider picking up the game as part of the current monthly bundle.

A sequel to a game I’ve forgotten.

Elex 2 is going to appeal to a certain type of person, and that person probably already has it. This is from the same company that made Gothic and Risen. The player loves the studio and their characters, convoluted story, and gameplay that’s not made to be accessible.

However, this feels like a hard game to love, as do most of the studio's titles. Risen felt like a series that arrived about 5 years too late, and just was a dated relic and Elex 2 has that same feeling. For an action RPG, there are interesting ideas but this isn’t going to compete with Starfield or Cyberpunk 2077, and feels more like a niche game even in the action RPG genre. It’s hard to say what new fans the studio will pick up in 2023 who haven't played one of these titles before.

But worse the story here feels obtuse, in that it expects the players to already have played and studied the first game's story. If you haven’t, the game will name-drop a lot and while you might be able to pick things up through context, this is a continuation of the story, not intending for new players to be able to integrate into the tale. Also, there are bizarre things like a Billy Idol concert with him singing Whiskey and Pills for no reason. That still boggles me, though since that got me muted on Twitch, I’m not even going to attempt to show that here.

Pick this up if you liked Elex, it was in a Humble Choice a while back so some fans will be here, but this is for fans of that title already, especially those that remember the story. I barely remember playing it so it’s probably not for me.

If you enjoyed this review or want to know what I think of other games in the bundle, check out the full review on or subscribe to my Youtube channel:

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Where other eurojanks shine because you can feel love put into making something bigger than themselves, this game stays in the dark. There is little that is interesting in the setting or the story.