Reviews from

in the past

Yipee yaaay, there's no wedding bells for todaaay.
One of the best Western RPGs ever produced, despite it's flaws. Obsidian had 18 months and cooked HARD.

Some of the DLC can be a mixed bag (I had to restart the entire Sierra Madre Casino DLC due to one stupid bug where the collar kept beeping no matter what I did) but it gives the game even more replay value.

Undoubtedly one of the the all time greats

In the deserts of waste land what keeps you going is not hope , its "noka cola" , fresh and cool , like what it used to be , new flavor coming soon ...

Have you ever wanted to something in a game, but couldn't because the developers decided its detrimental to the story that you don't?

Developers at Obsidian took that concept, and dumped it into the garbage with Bethesda's Gamebryo engine.

The amount of player freedom would take hours to tally, the numerous quests and dialogue intertwined with the leveling system of unique traits and skills depending on what you chose from the very beginning of the game is a fantastic feeling. Its a really good game. A varied amount of weapons that act like their real life counterpart, Interesting and likeable companions, and an amazing DLC selection.

The mods are also amazing, the community is pretty great.

Game is perfect except for dead money which is a 0/10

I've played this game for 350 hours so far and have all the achievements. I would consider it the greatest Fallout game because of its story, choices, and mods. It's also very cheap.

Simplesmente uma das maiores artes feita pelo homem.
Absolutely cinema.

This shit makes me wish for a nuclear winter

obviously new vegas is a legendary game, i'm gonna log my thoughts on the dlc here

Old World Blues: I loved this when i was younger, nowadays I think its a fine DLC that kinda loves the smell of its own farts too much
Honest Hearts: Pretty solid, I enjoy Joshua grahams character and the story overall, I remember it being pretty short though.
Lonesome Road: Ulysses is the most annoying fucking character i've ever heard in my life. The exploration also sucked.
Dead Money: Younger me hated this, but nowadays its by far my favorite new vegas DLC. Great gameplay, incredible characters and a fun storyline. Probably the best fallout DLC, at least that i've played.

Uma joia bruta cravada no deserto radioativo

De fato, meu jogo favorito, de tempos em tempos volto para jogar ele e experimentar de diferentes formas de jogar, recomendo para aqueles que gostam de RPG, esse foi titulo que mais joguei de toda a franquia, único ponto fraco é que é muito datado, mas fora isso, com alguns ajustes dá para jogar tranquilo.

Dated somewhat but the story and world keep me coming back for more time after time.

It only took me three attempts to get into this before it clicked that this was one of, if not the greatest RPG of all time.

Really great game I loved the companion feature but the only problems is that u have to talk to them in order to follow u I thought they died because for some reason my companion didn't follow me so they were sitting at the casino where Mr house is located at

L'un des plus grand jeu de tout les temps

The idea that there's like 10 branching paths for the ending is great! Unfortunately that idea also made me very overwhelmed and I have yet to come back to this game to do the rest of the endings because of just how much stuff there is to do 😭😭😭

people weren't lying when they said this game is good
it is GOOD

muy bueno le pondria un 5 pero se me cerro 3012381928391283 veces que con un 4 alcanza y sobra

A game so good it makes its enormous amounts of bugs yet another charming feature to adore. The best world building, character writing, and quest design for an open world game I've ever experienced. We may never get another game as special as this again.

INSANELY good. Meaningful, rich choices, well-written and well-voiced dialogue... 10/10.

I played it quite late in my life, struggled solid 5 hours with installing mods in order to even play it.
But once you start it I don't think there is possibility to not finish it.
It's addictive and you see why it's praised everywhere.

One of the best games ever made. It's clear from the start what makes this the best Fallout game by far. Role playing has a true purpose, it's not just a Bethesda gimmick. Obsidian is a brilliant studio and the love they gave to this game is very apparent. Truly the most immersive game you could ever play. The map sucks very much but the exploration still feels rewarding and the desert sets a great tone for the many adventures you will have.

Mix a franchise with a great setting and worldbuilding with a studio full of unmatched writers and you get one of the greatest RPG's ever. While it has crash/bug issues, was rushed in development, and contains many bugs, the writing is so great I would love it even if my computer blows up from playing it.

One of the best RPG ever made
Absolutely incredible world

Too bad it is full of bug and needs modding to be playable

An amazing experience, that inspires nostalgia, despite only playing it around a year ago. The DLC's (the ones I've played) are also great. Everyone needs to play this. New Vegas is fucking awesome.

This game is truly a gem of its time. It has a ton of bugs that sometimes enhance the experience but can also cause it to become a massive mess. But, despite all this, the game persists in my mind to be one of my favorite fallout experiences out there. Seeing the Mojave while trying to track down the man who attempted to kill you and blasting old country music hits so different that it's really hard to describe. Take all of those experiences and then add the possibility of mods, you got yourself a good amount of content for a long time. Would definitely recommend the game.

Like with Fallout 3, this game benefits with mods to at least fix the constant crashing on modern systems, but other than that, the highlight of this game is the writing and characters. The gameplay sometimes might be a bit jank, but the amounts of builds you can do, and different approaches to quests makes up for it.

PC version is so ass without mods crashes constantly and made such a good game slightly unejoyable at times. overall 4/5 because best western rpg ever but pc port sucks

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