Reviews from

in the past

I played this for way too fucking long because I saw the How Long To Beat was like 3 hours. I thought I could just truck through the bullshit and get through it, but I just can't dude. It's way too fucking bad and painfully unfun to play and the story is so nothing that it couldn't even keep me going through the experience.

While this isn't the worst game I've ever played on the PS Plus service, this certainly was the most miserable game to Platinum. I love any game that hands me a gun and tells me it's an ~advanced futuristic gun~ only for you enter combat and it takes ten bullets to kill the lowliest grunt. I also love completely linear games that somehow try to work in a bullshit collectible system so the game punishes you for triggering story events before you checked every single corner in every single room. Love it. Perfect.

Cool art direction though, even if it's in service to one of the most barebones cyberpunk settings I've ever seen. It almost made the second playthrough worth it. Almost. (also shout-out to the Brazillian guy who wrote the only 100% guide for this game on Steam, you're a real one)

"Foreclosed is not all bad, visually and mechanically it has some good or at least interesting ideas, but it does not execute them well. The setting is somewhat generic and uninteresting, but the visual style helps you go along with it. When it comes down to it, it truly is the gameplay that lets you down and any investment you could have is taken out. Janky mechanics that feel stiff and unenjoyable clash heavily with concepts that should simply be fun, sadly it's not the case. One of those situations where there's probably a similar game out there that has a lot of the same ideas with a much better execution."

Honestly replaying this title to get the PLAT made me rate it down worse. The way the cross hair and recoil takes forever to cool down when you have 10 enemies in front of you. Just wish enemies were less scripted. Like they fire at you when you are behind a brick wall. IF you cleared a whole area in stealth, too bad. The next scripted enemy wave just knows were you are. It just becomes frustrating towards the end but at the start it is interesting and fun. Love the whole comic book style to this game!

I have a feeling aesthetic came before gameplay in the conception of this one. Tried to power thru before it left PS Plus, but ... nah.

The art direction is really cool, that side of the team nailed it. Unfortunately, everything else is mid or terrible. I was so frustrated playing it, I listed stuff I hated as I went along:

Aiming is dogwater, it's either super slippery or super stiff

Dialogue is corny and if you want to skip the dialogue choices you have to be careful you don't accidentally start the dialogue over again

You get locked out of areas quickly, so if you're looking for collectibles and take the wrong path and then go to backtrack, too bad

If you fail the hacking minigame you have to just stand there for 10 seconds while it resets

No cover mechanic, making all combat awkward, you just sort of half stand behind a wall trying to aim at heads and dipping behind when you take too much damage, and you take damage quick so you spend a lot of time standing behind a wall

Can't swap shoulders for aiming, meaning some angles are hard to see

No health bar, you just have to gauge it based on how grey the screen is, considering how quickly an enemy can take you out, this is crazy

During one level enemies could shoot through pillars, removing the already limited cover

Cutscenes and dialogue repeat themselves when you die

So much of this game seems impossible to figure out, so many doors that look painted on are actually usable you just need to rub up against them. During a scene where a guy has a gun to you from behind, you get the option to fry his brain, you're supposed to figure out to just keep the bar in the middle and walk towards him with 0 indication and 0 encounters before this leading you to believe that's even possible.

Overall I regret playing the game, hopefully, they're able to tie in their great art style with some more modern and polished game mechanics in the future.

O jogo tem algumas mecânicas interessantes, porém peca muito no quesito jogabilidade e personagens caricatos. além de tudo bugou pra mim e não consegui ver o final verdadeiro, fiquei com preguiça de fechar de novo.

Grafikler sadece iyi olan şey.

Ne kamera,yapay zeka,bölüm tarsarımları.

Hepsi sınıfta kalıyor.Amq bu oyunu

couldn't deal with the camera movement in first person, bummed because the art/direction was really cool

miserable. art direction is fine, but buggy, frustrating, and just annoying to play through. waste of art and creativity, as that aspect is amazing.

This is probably the worst game that isn't shovel-ware that I've played and finished. Terrible shooting. Bad voice acting. Bland story. It does have a nice comic-book like art style though.