Reviews from

in the past

You mindlessly wander around trying to find out what to do. What riveting gameplay.

Game Review - originally written by Spinner 8

Let’s just get this out of the way here: Goemon kicks ass. Ass. Do you hear. Okay. You may remember this fellow from a few games (three I think) called Mystical Ninja. But there were a whole HELL of a lot more in Japan. Yup. This is the first one. It’s pretty simple, but it’s fun, so yay. You run around and smack people (but not the ladies, please) and collect three passes to move on. I guess Goemon’s this hero fellow who gives to the poor and stuff, but it’s hard to tell. You can upgrade your shoes to run faster, and you get a slingshot, and a candle so you can see hidden stairways, and a whole hell of a lot of items that I don’t know WHAT they’re used for, and this sentence doesn’t make much sense. Just play the game dammit. Geez.

it seems alright so far idk. it took me a couple minutes to understand what to do but it was alright. you jump and upgrade your weapons n stuff. you have to find 3 passes throughout the area to progress to the next level. i got to level 3 today.

The very first Goemon game. I've had a very keen interest in the Goemon franchise for a very long time but never got around to playing any game. I finally started with the first in the series and I don't really like to be too harsh to NES games, but there really are much better NES games. Having said that, Goemon 1 plays like a run and gun Zelda game without any of the puzzles or creativity. There's no map and every level feels the same - randomly generated. It's honest to God repetitive. Thank God for the internet otherwise I wouldn't bare this one. I know the series gets good from the SNES games but I'm still willing to give Goemon 2 a try to see if there are any improvements. Wouldn't really recommend this one unless you're curious to see how the Goemon franchise began.

The first Goemon game on home consoles. It borrows a bit from The Legend of Zelda, especially with that top-down view, in that there are secret passages here and there. But the core of the gameplay is still a bit too basic to really still be interesting forty years later : all you have to do is kill enemies and find hidden keys to exit the levels. And that's it.
Not really worth anyone's time besides the historical aspect.

First game better and that's not saying much. When I saw that it had a more grounded approach to the level design and structure I felt like it would be an improvement over the ok arcade game that came before, but it was even more convoluted. Ending was nice at least