Reviews from

in the past

one of the best to ever do it. the perfect combination of early-mid 2000s edge with shooting mechanics that still hold up today. "reclaimer" is one of the hardest songs ever composed for any piece of media ever. story is full of camp but unfortunately ends on a massive cliffhanger, but whatever few cons exist are overshadowed by the fact that it's halo god damn 2

also I don't care what anyone says the handgun slaps

Very good shooter. The quality of the game steps up from the first. The remastered graphics are good in this as well.

The sandbox was improved from the first game. The weapons are much more balanced and useable.

The downside is legendary. Halo 2 is regarded as one of the harder games to play on the hardest difficulty. Much of it is extremely unbalanced and completely limits the sandbox's potential.

Still as much of a slog as the other one but it only became boring half-way through instead of a few missions in. I also had the benefit of going in and not knowing what the fuck the arbiter was and actually being intrigued by what's going on with him. It was a real breath of fresh air especially since mister chief himself is still doing the same boring shit.

The battle rifle is such an improvement in terms of raw feel and feedback that it makes you forgot every other weapon is like shooting the nerf guns they resemble.

Triumphantly cements Halo as a monolith of pop culture and video games as a whole. Improves the original an indescribable amount by fixing all of that game's quirks and delivering something iconic. Iconic locales, characters, weapons, enemies, dialogue and moments. One of the capital 'V' VIDEO GAMES.

Probably the best first person shooter ever made. The peak of the franchise's storytelling, fluid gameplay that holds up almost 20 years later, a phenomenal soundtrack.

Multiplayer revolutionized online network play and the FPS competitive scene. Incredible map design and variety.

builds from the first one in almost every way. while still somewhat uneven in terms of it's difficulty and level design, and lacking a lot of the more freeform nature the larger areas in CE have, halo 2 manages to improve on the variety of gameplay, narrative structure, and all around pacing of the series.

i'll start first by addressing the gameplay and level design as i feel like this is perhaps the biggest improvement (while also having some sacrifices i'm sad to see go). halo 2 has a much more linear structure than it's predecessor, streamlining the experience by having almost everything laid out in front of the player and having a much more natural flow to its level progression. while this somewhat robs the game of the more open areas that are present in CE, such as "the silent cartographer", and as such limits the freedom of choice the player is able to bring to combat encounters, this also dramatically fixes my biggest problem with the first game which is the fact that i would constantly get lost within the incredibly similar looking hallways that populated that game. the gunplay remains mostly the same (which is to say absolutely excellent) but the addition of being able to dual wield smaller weapons while sacrificing melee and grenade quickness gives a nice extra layer of strategy to weapon choice and deciding whether the trade off is worth the increase in rapid fire capability. the game also manages to break things up nicely with a lot more vehicle sections than the previous game which were at times incredibly challenging (for some reason had a lot of trouble with that first banshee sequence) but also very rewarding in allowing the player to choose whether to slowly and methodically work through a level with a tank or to speed through it quickly with a ghost or warthog ignoring most enemies but being able to take way less damage. my only recurring gameplay problem from the previous entry is that the game will still just throw mobs of enemies at you and expect you to fight through them no matter what your supplies may be at the time, though i feel as though the ammo pickups were more plentiful here and the addition of more factions constantly jockeying for power allows the player to wait until they thin out each other's ranks before swooping in to mop up the stragglers, or simply sneak by while two different types or enemies are engaged with each other.

this is also a major step up in terms of narrative from the previous entry. functionally halo 2 operates through two main plots, that of master chief and that of the arbiter, constantly swapping between the two viewpoints before meeting in the middle for the final stretch. i do love all of the arbiter stuff here, getting a closer look at the covenant power structures and the way that faith can be exploited to help further entrench powerful people within their own positions of power. chief's storyline feels somewhat like a rhyme of the original game, but without ever really feeling stale mainly because of the new abstract locations and additions of both johnson and miranda keyes to help create new dynamics within the human characters. i played with the original graphics rather than the remastered ones but was still incredibly surprised to see how much more cinematic this one felt than the first one, cutscenes using angles never shown before and setpieces just feeling larger and more impactful than anything CE was able to pull off. at the same time, i do wish that the story was able to let itself breathe more and explore the world a little more in depth, but i also didn't find a terminal until the 11th mission and it's clear that finding these would have given me a lot more of the kind of stuff i was looking for here. with all that said i actually did really like the infamous cliffhanger ending and it made me beyond excited to see how this fight is finished, although i'm sure the feeling would have been different had i not had the third one immediately at my fingertips after finishing the second.

unfortunately have not had a chance to check out the classic multiplayer for this game, though it's hard for the master chief collection matchmaking to find anything that isn't a halo reach or halo 3 match (not that i'm complaining about how much halo 3 i've been playing recently)


literally the fighting game of fps. idgaf if it makes online a pain in the ass ITS SO COOL

unmeasurable nostalgia here. I somehow ended up with three copies of this game. this game was THE game that made me the gamer I am today. I thirsted to be the best I could. I played until 1am on school nights. I was in a clan and took it seriously 😆 I made so many friends on this game. it's so weird going back to and it feeling nothing like I remember, but that's part of what's cool about it right, that it lives on in another part of my brain. I played the campaign several times. I would play custom glitch matches for hours just getting out of maps and doing the same super bounces over and over again. man it's all flooding back. I can never go back.

I get the hype now.

I think every problem I had with Halo: CE was fixed with 2. In fact I would say everything about this game besides the ending is perfect. Particularly I want to praise the level design (which is a SERIOUS upgrade from CE) and the two perspectives between Chief and Arbiter through out the campaign. I haven't had this much excitement to get into the next entry in a series since Marathon... I should probably replay all the Marathon games after I get through the Bungie Halo games.

Anyway yeah, this game kicks ass. Go play it.

The best story in the series, by a long shot, alongside the most interesting locations. But the level design and AI feel strange, being either too hard or too easy.

i think halo games are just too corridor shooty for me, i fuck with the lore but i just end up gettin bored, maybe just hard to go back to these early shooter games without the nostalgia factor. also i wish there was a quest marker or some shit because i just end up gettin lost and everything looks the same.

De los mejores Halo, pero jamas te metas en la campaña en legendario, hazme caso

Improves not only the gameplay loop but the story, characters, worldbuilding, etc. masterfully! A great step up from its predecessor! Also, Keith David. Adding Keith David to anything will automatically make it great.

You can run past 85% of the enemies which is awesome.

2 weapons better than 1 thats what the 2 stands for

(My Top 5) My first Halo game. It changed my perspective on gaming. The story was thrilling, the combat immensely satisfying, and the multiplayer unrivaled. To this day, no FPS can match it.

i got halfway through the campaign then i switched to anniversary and my laptop immediately crashed and now the game wont work.
shits fire tho

Halo 2 was the title that made me what I am today. I remember going back to school and playing this thing over and over again on my crappy overheating laptop because it was 10 times more fun than Combat Evolved. The music selection it's just, perfect, everything about this game is. Play it now.

Don't have the nostalgia exactly, but cannot deny the goat.

halo with some of its most satisfying early 2000s gunplay. love it

Had fun playing this with my boyfriend :)
I only blew up a couple of times