Reviews from

in the past

this game has elysia. it is everything.

This game genuinely saved my life. It has a beautiful story about growing to recognize and live with one's faults and almost all of the characters are fleshed out and likeable. Thank you, Mihoyo.

The absolute best of Mihoyo games. If it wasn't my gacha addiction, I would keep playing this one. The combat is extremely satisfying.

control scheme's definitely made for mobile because playing this on a pc was uncomfortable

The story is great, but it's impossible to be competitive in ranked modes while F2P. Got burned out after a while. Anyways I hope Mei goes to the moon and kisses Kiana.

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man. ive been playing this game for 3 years. I loved every bit of it. especially the story the main protagonist Kiana, had a positive impact on me . the story is very amazing and I stopped playing often ever since the end of part 1 and Kianas destination. its a really good story except the graphics need some rework. there's a lot of stuff they should fix but story wise its awesome but after awhile it gets repetitive. I would definitely reccomend tho.

J'ai apprécié les premières minutes sur ce jeu, mais après quelques dialogues et quelques combats on voit vite que ce jeu n'a était crée que pour rapporter de l'argent au studio est rien d'autres fin bref le gameplay est nul et redondant après quelques minutes

i cant stress enough how much i love this game, ignoring the gacha it has a good story with very good characters

Amazing story but boring and repetitive gameplay, couldn't finish the game because of it.

elysia & lesbians

what more could i want in a game

As much as I hate gacha as much as the next guy, there's no denying the beauty this game has within its story. Seriously, I remember playing this game for the first time and being absolutely hooked on the story for the most part. The characters are very likeable, memorable and grow and change alot throughout the events that take place in the story. You really feel for them and want to see them overcome this or that obstacle. It's also presented well. It's visual novel style but with the 3D models there moving complete with voice acting, Images/animated images and Animated videos which are the absolute peak of this game. Really boggles my mind how Hoyoverse can make such a great story and then proceed to fumble it with Genshin and Star Rail. Sure they have different teams, but it's still insane. Though unfortunately as of late the writing has fallen off for a bit now, hoping part 2 can fix that. The combat is also the best of the 3 games. It is a hack and slash type game which obviously focuses on mostly the combat. The animations are great and fighting is fun. There's tons of content, even too much at times which is a good and downside. This game needs a ton of time invested if you want to keep up so realistically if you plan to play this game seriously, then you better hope you aren't on any other gachas cause this game will take alot of your time. Really the biggest thing drawing it back is the gacha. Gacha sucks.

that welts guy looks like the one form honkai star rail i hope they sue

Cool graphics, cute characters, and an awesome story to go with it. My phone couldn't run the game very well though, and the PC version took ages to load in for me, so I couldn't play it any more.

Played briefly on PC to see if it was better than I remembered it being on mobile. It was not. A mediocre game on mobile, it transitions to being borderline trash on PC. No reason to play this when you can play literally any other hack-n-slash game.

Overall good game, but not my cup of tea.

Carried by otto and fu hua

This game is a like a 9/10 even a 10/10 in a lot of ways, but it's probably one of the worst games when you're starting out, it teaches you nothing, and there's so many ways you can basically fuck over your account entirely by doing something so simple that would be considered a tiny mistake in another game.

If you get past that and manage to not fuck up your account, this game is INCREDIBLE. Peak story, peak gameplay, peak waifus, peak art, and the new Part 2 update makes it all the better. Depression Impact strikes again

I'm so glad I had friends to coach me through the beginning, this one was real rough at the start
It became worth it though, story hasn't hit me this hard in a while
I also appreciate the forced trial characters, I would get bored if I had to use my characters every single time in the story

I started playing Genshin first and played it for almost 2 years, thousands and thousands of hours invested, easily.

But Honkai? Honkai is a whole other level, my mind is blown by the quality of this game. I've been missing a lot!

Story-wise, holy ♥♥♥♥, honestly, prepare your tissues because you're gonna cry A LOT! MiHoYo is much more daring here than they are in Genshin, trust me. The soundtrack? On point, especially on the cinematics. Speaking of cinematics, TOP QUALITY! Anime style with great animation! The character designs are amazing, I love their armour! When it comes to gameplay, some characters naturally feel better to play than others. Another thing, the sapphic romance here is not hidden, it's not even subtle! Meanwhile, in Genshin, they only show it subtly (like that Beidou and Ningguang scene in the 2nd Lantern Rite event).

Other than all of this, the game is your traditional gacha game, but this is a point I'm not even focusing on.

I'm reviewing this game as a free-to-play non-competitive person, who's just here to enjoy the stories, so yes, I highly recommend this one if you're thinking about playing it for the same reason!

tudo nesse jogo é muito ruim

um dos melhores gacha pra f2p e tem botão de skip, mas além da sentience (yatta), nenhuma personagem me interessou o suficiente

A gameplay de honkai impact é mediana e com muitos defeitos (contém muitos bugs que obrigam o player a reiniciar uma missão).
Como todo jogo "gacha" ele utiliza um sistema que obriga o player ficar horas e horas farmando e gastando a sua sanidade mental em rodar e tentar pegar a sua waifu, por isso não recomendo a ninguém que jogue esse jogo so pela história.
O que posso recomendar em relação a honkai impact 3rd é achar videos relacionados a história do game, porque a única coisa que tem potencial neste jogo é a história que é a mais complexa e incrivel, comparando com o genshin impact.