Reviews from

in the past

Как будто Quake трахнул You are empty, но получилось очень хорошо. После прохождение игры, я понял, что чехи не только могут делать прикольные игры, но и то что они - ебанутые и это хорошо.
Финальный босс - моё почтение.
Игра пугала и смешила до самого конца.

If it werent for all the gimmicks, humor, and interactive things in this game I would have just chalked it up to it being an ok shooter but all the little things really make it enjoyable and pushes you to play more. Wonderful choice of colors too love this games look.

Slav Quake.

A boomer shooter with an unsettling atmosphere. Though I wouldn’t say the weapons are anything to write home about, the enemy variety’s on point, and it’s a really digestible length (my second playthrough, I beat it in two 2 1/2-hour sittings). Not too far off some of my favourites of the genre, like DUSK and Blood.

my eyes hurt because the entire game is brown + 2 thousand particle effects -- still fun! nothing special though

I think Hrot is my favorite out of what I've played of the recent wave of 90's styled FPS.

I like the visual style and the overall joking mood but the gameplay turned out to be too repetitive, TOO much classic doom like, anyways it's still a good boomer shooter, recommended

it's a fun time but it doesn't really stand out that much gameplay wise.

HROT is another boomer shooter in the recent wave of games in this genre. It’s set in Czechoslovakia during the 80s, and that can be seen all throughout the game. All the signs are in Czech, the level design takes a lot of inspiration from soviet architecture and the colour palette is entirely brown. The setting is very well contextualized, but the player character goals and his enemies are left blank. You go through a level, killing some foes, and then go to the next one without any idea where you are going or who you are fighting. Overall if you have played and enjoyed the likes of DUSK and quake and don’t mind the issue, I presented than you will probably enjoy this one.

HROT left me confused. It's rare for a game to give so little reason for your actions (in this case, to beat the levels). What kept me going was mostly curiosity. The game constantly throws at your bizarre enemies, although they always fit the aesthetic. It has a charm and personality but no singular vision.

HROT has pretty simple boomer shooter gameplay without any new fancy additions. You are faster than most enemies you will face and have an arsenal of 11 weapons. They are fun to use, but aren’t anything new. There isn’t even an alt fire. Enemy variety is pretty good. You never get stuck fighting the same enemies. I can say the same about the level design. Even the sewers were interesting. Although that could be because they are the same colour. There is also a lot of interactivity in the levels. For instance, you can flush a toilet or ring a doorbell of a flat and hear a dog bark on the other side. It adds to the charm of the game. There is even a section where you ride a bike. It should be noted that the levels are based on real locations.

𝐆𝐫𝐚𝐩𝐡𝐢𝐜𝐬 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐬𝐭𝐲𝐥𝐞
As can be expected from a boomer shooter, it's low-poly and retro. It also has a specific colour palate that is consistent through the whole game. Everything is washed out and brown. Given the 80s socialist country aesthetic, I think this is to be expected.

The feeling I got from playing HROT was of confusion and slight paranoia. No idea where you are going or who you are fighting and whether you should be fighting. Of course, you should. After all, you have to protect the state, but on that note, why are you fighting alone.

A dark ambiance ost that fits well enough with the rest of the game.

𝐅𝐢𝐧𝐚𝐥 𝐓𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐬

Not suitable for youth under the age of 30 by decision of the committee.

Dusk for poor Russians
I applaud it for being so committed to its Eastern Euro roots, it makes for a decent shooter, if uninspired and with anus-tearing enemy placement

oyunun atmosferi teması güzel olup ilgimi çekse de oynanış döngüsü çok hızlı tekrara düşüyor kendini yenilemiyor. bölüm design'ları çok sık yaşanmasa da ara ara insanı kanser edebiliyor nereye gitceğinizi bulamayabiliyorsunuz. ilk episode'u bitirip 2. episode'dan da iki level geçtikten sonra oyunun açılmayacağını fark edip oyunu yarım bırakmaya karar verdim. keşke daha kısa ve daha dolu yapsalarmış. incelemelerinin bu kadar yüksek olmasının nedeni de milletin fetişine oynayan bir oyun olması

Dentro da Hilux
Ela movimenta no beat do tuts, tuts
Vidro embaçando, ela roçando na fivela
O pau torando e eu pegando ela
O pau torando

It's yet another boomer shooter. Not bad, the designs, level design and setpieces are pretty good as a whole but the palette is very repetitive and the weapons don't really impress me. It also feels kinda long but that might be because of the long time it has been on early access getting content. The final boss is pretty good lol.

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4 phase putin boss fight 👍🏻

Um clone de Quake ok, que realmente brilha nos momentos em que mostra sua individualidade.

O jogo é dividido em 3 capítulos ou episódios ou sei lá, assim como Quake, e o primeiro episódio é literalmente Quake com skin de união soviética, o que foi legal, porém vai enjoando, já no segundo episódio você vai pra um castelo insano, tem fantasmas, sessões de terror insanas, e esse é o melhor episódio do jogo, e o terceiro segue mais a linha de Quake de novo só que com animais insanos saindo da agua, o q é foda.

Eu acho que se o jogo focasse mais nesses momentos únicos, como a sessão de terror, ou a sessão de moto, ou a sessão contra morcas assassinas, esse jogo seria muito mais foda. O problema é que sempre depois de uma sessão foda tem alguma missão genérica onde é preciso matar os mesmos 5 inimigos várias vezes enquanto eles vem em ondas. Uma das maiores qualidades de Quake era o posicionamento de inimigos, nesse jogo eles spawnam do nada em hordas, isso é merda pura.

Darei a mesma nota que dei pra Quake, por que os visuais são fodas, os inimigos são legais, e as sessões onde são adicinadas novas mecânicas são muito iradas. A piadinha da receita no final de cada episódio é boa também.

Recomendo pra fãs de Quake, e também pra quem não é fã de Quake mas quer um jogo linear de tiro com uma ambientação diferenciada e bizarra.

what if you took quake and took it from somewhere boring (west european castles and lovecraftian mythology - boring and dumb) and took it to somewhere amazing (czechoslovakia after chernobyl during the height of the ussr complete with the bleak and brutalist buildings - fucking awesome)

Finished episode 3 and this really goes places. After a couple of relatively formulaic retro FPS episodes with a lot of 80s Eastern Bloc flavour and some surprising enemies, the game really leans into its setting for Episode 3 with some really entertaining levels and ideas which give the game such a great sense of place while also being a technically solid shooter.

Well worth playing. But not on Steam Deck - there’s something with the engine which means it tops out at maybe 20fps.

Extremely good. Occasionally maybe a bit too esoteric, but overall an extremely well-made Quake-like.

I understand the intentional drab and draining aesthetic was on purpose but the way it was done makes the game feel dead in a bad way. Also later levels and ending felt very random and just out of nowhere?

The fat American cows could never understand such simple pleasures

Moody, and very brown. A great take on the boomer shooter revival.

Fun quake like, really cool artstyle with a lot of personnality and good level design

Basically turns Quake into "Hrot at home"