Reviews from

in the past

What a cash grabbing hollow train-wreck this was.

As someone who loved the Dragon Quest Adventure of Dai anime, this was a massive letdown.

Aside the charming artstyle, the game feels like a throwaway low budget hack and slash game that you find in 7th gen, that somehow cost £50.

Very repetitive gameplay, a story doesn't even adapt the full story, let alone tell it properly.

Just save your hard earned cash and play something else instead.

Truly a soulless embarrassment.

there are free mobile games better than this thing, this is a terrible DQ game. disappointment is the word.

Infinity's Trash and I don't know what I expected.

A painfully bad action RPG that walls story and gameplay off in two seperate worlds. Infinity Strash retells the story of a Dragon Quest anime in the worst way possible- by turning what is no doubt a well animated show into a Microsoft Powerpoint, and splicing in one of two types of combat missions. You either walk through a series of linear rooms filled with slimes and drackies that can't fight back, or fight one of a few bosses that repeat over and over.

There's nothing 1.5 star about the tedious mission design and terrible approach to telling the anime story alone though, this is one of the stiffest, least responsive action RPGs I've played in years. It has been outshone by Valkyrie Fucking Elysium's thoughtless button mashing and particle effects. Dodging is delayed. Parrying gives no time to punish, and regular attacks hit like a paraplegic first grader. So instead of pulling out sick combos like DMC or even a mediocre anime 3D brawler, you just wait. Wait for your specials to slowly chip away at a health bar. Then you win because enemies don't have any dangerous attacks.

Your reward? Some generic 8% mana boost cards and another slideshow of an anime filler episode. It feels like a mobile game, and instead of having cooldown timers, you have to grind cards in the Genshin Impact tower so you can beat the boss in less than a 20 minute war of attrition.

For 60 dollars, is it too much to ask for something akin to DBZ Kakarot or One Piece Odyssey? Or hell, something with online like that Demon Slayer thing? After 10 hours of boring fights and cutscenes worse than the driest lectures, I'm not afraid to call Infinity Strash what it is.

The modern DBZ Sagas.

Una estafa piramidal de Square Enix, posiblemente. El final de la historia vendrá en un DLC de 30 euros

No es un Dragon Quest, es el típico juego de lucha 3D japonés estilo Cyberconnect pero peor, dónde la historia está explicada con un 10% en cinemáticas y un 90% en diapositivas estáticas (que es terrible porque duran mucho y son un coñazo). No recordaba el anime de los 90 y que cosa mas mala que es la historia, típico shonen de los 90 dónde luchan con el poder de la amistad, viva la justicia, eres débil y no puedes ganar hasta que de repente eres súper fuerte, los malos te cuentan como funcionan sus ataques y te cuentan su vida... Encima la historia no está terminada, a partir de cierto punto, cortan, créditos y a tomar por culo. Terrible, la decepción del año. [5/10]

Fun combat and a relaxing time for me as a huge Dai anime fan but it really should've covered the entire anime, had more playable characters like Crocodine, and had more real cutscenes instead of anime stills.

YouTube let's play:

Shitty game based on an anime, who would have guessed?

On top of the cutscenes being shitty slideshows, the gameplay itself is so lame, how is DQ Heroes 2 1000 times better when it came out like 8 years ago?

Worst game I've played that has Dragon Quest in the name.

Thinking about it now I probably set my expectations too high. I know I shouldn't be that shocked that the video game adaptation of an anime turned out to be Just Alright, but it's still a little disappointing. I thought it would play as nice as it looks but it sadly doesn't. The combat is stiff and barebones which is a shame because there's this rougelike mode that's actually pretty neat, but with how the game felt I didn't want to keep going through it. Other than that another highlight for me was the cutscenes, and I don't mean the slideshow ones that take up more than half of the game, I'm talking about the ones that recreate iconic scenes from the anime. All this for 60 dollars too is crazy, it felt like I was playing a mobile game at times with how it's structured. Although I wouldn't have watched the anime if I never saw the trailers for this so it wasn't all too bad but still, a series as cool as Dai deserves something better than this.

For what it's worth, I did enjoy the gameplay... when there was any. Most of this game revolves around completing the story, which is told in dozens of slideshow cutscenes, with the occasional pre-rendered cutscene. This by far is the worst aspect since the slide shows can take up to 20 minutes to complete! The pre-rendered cutscenes do look nice, but if you don't care for the story, which is a very classic shonen battle plot, then I highly recommend avoiding this game.

As for the gameplay and combat, while it is simplistic it is also mindlessly fun, in a mobile game kind of way. The game also offers a rouge-like dungeon to explore and play around with the combat a bit which I found the most enjoyable aspect. Overall I had a good amount of fun with this game, but please wait for a sale! I wouldn't pay more than 20$ for this game.

As someone who liked the anime this game was disappointing, I'll start with the "good" before we get into criticisms.

The combat I do actually find fun, I see other reviews saying the combat sucks, and it's just spam specials and then run away I do not agree with that. Sure the combat is far from flawless but I wouldn't say it is that barebones. I also like that there are 6 (kind of) playable characters, though that also isn't quite as fleshed out as I'd have liked. I also like the in-engine cutscenes they have though it's a shame they're only like ¼ of the cutscenes at most.

Now for the criticisms, the most agregregous in my opinion are the cutscenes and the games length. Whoever made the decision to put slideshow cutscenes of anime stills should be fired, no I don't expect every single moment to be recreated in engine but I certainly expect more than what we got, and why the hell don't they just play the clips of the anime over using stills? This is so stupidly baffling that I can't comprehend why this idea was even fathomed yet alone approved. Next, the length, this game cover roughly half the anime (a little under actually, totalling at 7 chapters) for the price they ask for this game that's a joke. If something like DBZ Kakarot can cover the whole of its anime (a longer series mind you) for the same price there's no excuse here, this game should have had a full 15 chapters going to the end of the anime (plus Leona and Avan should have been playable too) Not sure if they plan to make DLC, not sure if they plan to make a sequel but either way I won't be paying if they expect to put a high pricetag on what should have already been a part of this game.

Overall I was somewhat excited for this game, I didn't expect it to be amazing but I definitely expect more than what we got.

To be quite honest, I even liked the game, it has its positive points, but also many negatives. Like its extreme linearity, gameplay with good ideas but little variety and is repetitive, the story is also good because it is the same as the anime but the way it is told is strange, but the only thing I can say that is truly good, It's the graphics and the animation... but overall, it might be worth playing if you're a big fan of the anime.

Played time: 10hrs

Couldn’t get past the beginning. The abrupt senseless story telling really killed the vibe. The camera movement in battles is dumbz

This game does both Dai and Dragon Quest Series dirty