Reviews from

in the past

Fuck NetherRealm for making all the DC games evil Superman B.S when what people who actually understand these characters want is a game adaptation of the storyline where Batman and Superman cry tears of joy over alien slugs having sex

História bacana, exceto pelas partes onde os heróis se degladiam para provar que estão certos haahah mais facilidade em fazer os golpes, dublagem clássica brasileira sensacional. O final tem uma dificuldade muito desbalanceada.

O primeiro Injustice é um jogo mt bom, a historia é bem legal além de q me surpreendi pq achei q apenas o segundo fosse dublado.

>> Prós
• HISTÓRIA : Foda d+, baseada na hq q tbm é mt foda.
• PERSONAGENS : Tem uma ótima galeria de personagens da DC, além da dlc q adiciona o Lobo e o Scorpion.

>> Contras
• MAIS PERSONAGENS : Acho q dava pra ter mais alguns.

>> Perso Favorito = Flash e Shazam.

a história de injustice ser tão exaltada por algumas pessoas só prova o tanto que uma narrativa de anti-heróis e guerras entre o lado do "bem" entretém o público médio, uma vez que ela é bem mais ou menos, mais próxima do menos do que do mais.
A gameplay é algo a ser destacado também, o fato de os itens interativos de cenários serem tão quebrados, com uma lata de lixo dando mais de 15% de dano, acertando no eixo y inteiro da tela e sem dar frames de invencibilidade ao atingido é, de fato, algo.

I've decided that fighting games aren't for me. I just wanted to see how the story played out.

só sei combar de batman😓

nao lembro muito bem do jogo pq joguei faz tempo, mas me recordo de me divertir muito jogando ele no 360

This game has one of my favorite stories and started my fav comic series

10 year old me was too dumb to understand the story but on replay this game is amazing. The Netherrealm engine lends beautifully to it, bunch of fun playing against friends, one of the more underrated fighting games I've seen.

a capa do jogo tem o rolas grandes rolas saborosas google buscar, e a ult do lanterna verde tem uns png feião

não lembro se zerei, mas lembro que era legal.

It was my first fighting game, and despite having good gameplay, the story is definitely the highlight. It's amazing, even though it has become cliché by today's standards.

Nostálgico por conta da maravilhosa dublagem que é a mesma da série animada de 2001.

Muito bom! A sequência melhorou em todos os aspectos, mas o primeiro joera um jogo muito divertido.

its cool but god is this game ugly

This game (to me) marks the beginning of people entirely missing the point of what Superman is (traditionally) supposed to be.

Fun to just 1v1 with your friends. Heard the story mode is not good so I won't waste my time on that. Strictly a multiplayer game! I have this game on console, so it's definitely more accessible for living room play.

I only play the story mode in these fighting games and this has a good story mode so I liked it.

Enjoyable story with great fighting mechanics. really good character selection

It’s fun, fighters were never really my kinda game and the story’s alright, but its fun


Decently solid fighting game, but docking it half a point for how it's aged and how it compares to the sequel

Since I played this game in 2023, I'm really just playing the story. Only thing I know of the multiplayer is the demo I played in college which was a fun time as my roommate showed me this and I showed him P4 Arena, and watching that one embarrassing EVO grand final where Superman just zoned the other guy out most of the time and the crowd booing him.

As for the story itself, it's your standard "Superman but what if evil" plot that doesn't do anything too out there and mainly serves to give you a taste of the characters. Unfortunately it only lets you play as 10 characters out of the many in the game and it insists you play as Batman in 3 chapters. So it doesn't do a good job of that either.

it's decently made but doesn't feel decent to play compared to other fighters at the time like Street Fighter IV and Persona 4 Arena.

Uma história absurda, literalmente um dos multiversos mais picas que a DC possui.

por causa desse jogo saiu um monte de superman malvada na mídia, minha reclamação é mais pela gameplay q o sistema de defesa é meio bugado