Reviews from

in the past

It's been a while since I played Jotun. However, there are still a few things I remember quite well. Firstly, as anyone who has seen a single screenshot of the game will have noticed, Jotun is really beautiful. The painterly style of the game really impressed me at the time. The aesthetics of the game also reflect the Nordic mythological setting very well. Typical figures and creatures of the Viking world are presented very vividly and really come to life thanks to the elaborate animations. The same applies to the music, which is convincing with both melancholic sounds and more intense combat music.

In terms of gameplay, I had an all-round fun time for the short duration of Jotun (approx. 5.5 hours). I remember that the combat system was quite simple and not really complex or deep. Anyone expecting to delve deep into combat tactics will probably be disappointed. This didn't bother me much at the time, although a certain monotony did set in towards the end of the game. Another point of criticism I would add is that some of the boss battles use quite unfair mechanics, which you can only counter to a limited extent thanks to the rather clumsy controls. So it did happen to me that one boss kept shooting lightning bolts at me like crazy with me barely being able to move my sluggish character out of the way. That was pretty frustrating.

Apart from that, however, I have no regrets about playing Jotun. The narrative gripped me from start to finish, the setting was (at least at the time) still quite fresh, and the music and art style were first class. All in all I would recommend to give Jotun a try :)

1) Mimir renova seu espírito
2) lindo
3) lutas difíceis, especialmente a do último boss (tem que ter paciência pra fechar esse)

A arte, animações e musicas desse jogo são maravilhosas, na verdade dediquei meu feriado para ele por causa disso, porque realmente é uma obra prima, mas as mecanicas e a construção de mundo por tras tem muitas falhas, o que condiz com um estudio que ainda esta aprendendo a desenvolver e que não tenha um otimo game developer, parece que so tacaram a imagem por baixo e colocaram os objetos para você andar, é como se eu não fosse parte daquele universo, é tudo muito incompativel

Eu quero zerar ele ainda, mas acabou me frustrando muito, e eu tenho um toque fodido por aperfeiçoamento, e acaba que toda vez que vejo algum game ou software com potencial desperdiçado por uma programação fraca eu fico triste, eu não sou o melhor programador do mundo mas sinto que conseguiria melhorar bastante essa parte de game developer, tipo tem alguns momentos que o jogo te fala que a hit box ta maior do que deveria, então sla, fiquei mais mal jogando do que relaxado

O jogo é bom, mas podia ser melhor, em resumo tem ótimos artistas e um game developer iniciante ou preguiçoso

E isso tudo se prova quando olharem spiritfarer que é da mesma developer, porra que jogo lindo e sensacional, eu amo aquele jogo, mas ao analisarmos tecnicamente, é a mesma coisa, os codigos e a construção por tras não é algo de outro mundo, o que é um beneficio, porque o time soube perceber suas fraquezas e contornar isso com um projeto sensacional que ele é, e spiritfarer tem a melhor animação 2d que eu ja vi nos jogos, jotun é a primeira obra de arte de um time iniciante, vai ter seus pontos de melhoria, spiritfarer é a obra prima desse time.

Painfully average, though that is to be expected from a mobile port. The story is simple, the combat is braindead easy, until the end where it gets very difficult, and not very long at all. I will say the art is stunning, as is all Thunder Lotus games. If you find it on sale with a deep discount, maybe check it out, otherwise, this is a skip.

De longe o jogo que mais passei raiva pra platinar, inclusive não recomendo platinar.

Jogo bonito, mas não consegui sai do lugar! Mas a temática viking eu acho interessante, recomendo para os amantes de guerreiros, baixem

Gave it a shot bc the art style looked cool, and enjoyed the boss fights, but the map exploration was somewhat sparse and didn't justify the walking to get to the boss fights.

Completing one last game in 2020, I picked another indie game from the PC pile that I've been meaning to get to for ages. This came out around the same time as Titan Souls did, and they have similar perspectives and gameplay styles, so I often confuse them ^^;. But now after 4 or so hours with it, I've beaten this game too, so I need not confuse them any more XD.

Jotun is the story of Thora, a viking who died a dishonorable death (i.e. not one in combat) when her boat wrecked at sea. Instead of the cold abyss she thinks awaits her, though, she wakes up in a space between worlds. The gods, impressed by her life of struggle, honor, and battle, have seen it fit to give her one more opportunity into Valhalla. If she can impress them by defeating them in battle, she will earn her place in paradise. The story is largely a stylistic thing more than anything else, as we learn a bit about Norse mythology and Thora's past, but it fits the atmosphere really well for what is, at its core, an action game.

Jotun is a fair bit like Titan Souls, in how you're a little character in a Zelda-like perspective who needs to defeat a bunch of big bosses to complete their quest, but past that the similarities are far more scant. In Jotun, your main attacks are your light and heavy attacks you have with your axe, and your main method of dodging is a dodge roll. You can also find magic to be used in charges as you explore around the different circles of the afterlife. That's right, "explore", because this game has exploration elements!

There is an intro level to the game with two relatively easy bosses in it, and then there are 8 more levels (2 per boss) with four bosses between them and then one final boss after that. The bosses are quite tough (even the first ones), and unlike Titan Souls they (and you) have health bars you'll need to deplete as they go through several battle phases. The bosses always felt like a fair challenge, and getting to one was always exciting and fun.

The levels you explore are quite different in their design, and they are often just as much about exploration to find where to go as they are solving puzzles and fighting small mobs. There's a really good diversity between the stages for what obstacles you'll face and what dangers you'll face in each stage. You can approach the 8 levels in any order you want, and can even save all four bosses until you've beaten all 8 levels. Each level has a max health increase and a new spell hidden in it somewhere, so it can be well worth saving those bosses for later if you're having trouble. The levels have mini maps that show your end goal as well as where the new spells is, but they don't show where you are on that map, so trying to judge where you are to try and find your goals as well as the hidden health increase is important to your success.

The worlds are also beautifully crafted in a hand-drawn style. The animations are wonderful as well, and the VA being all in Swedish gives it that extra flare of being taken to another world. The music is good atmospheric tone-setting as well as intense for the boss music. Finding little tidbits around the world just to see how well they're drawn and animated was one of the most fun parts about exploring~.

Verdict: Highly Recommended. Where Titan Souls felt a little lacking in content to justify its price, Jotun's exploration and strong myth-based presentation make it feel like a much more complete package. With strong level and puzzle design and great bosses, this is a fantastic indie game to spend an afternoon/evening with.

Não terminei o jogo, mas me parece ter um potencial incrível, é muito lindo o jogo e eu pretendo terminar ele um dia, com lutas difíceis e bem legais, me lembrou shadow of colossus.

Pas mal la direction artistique mais un peu vide et m'a pas marqué tant que ça.

Bad walking simulator with lackluster combat. The hand-drawn graphics and backgrounds were pretty, but spending most of your time walking through completely empty hallways hoping to find something if anything to interact with was terrible. Your character is also very slow and the map in the pause menu doesn't show your current location let alone what each symbol in it means, so that didn't help at all.

Dwarves would either get stuck on walls or simply walk over them completely ignoring the level's boundaries and verticality as if they were floating. That was so jarring, felt like the game was in an alpha stage with bugs like those. Took me out from being immersed entirely.

I didn't recognize a clear end goal or objective to explore maps or beat the game 1 hour into it, despite that fact that there was a narrator and character monologues. I only found out you were trying to enter Valhalla after drying by reading the game description here on Backloggd (Did they really forget to put that into the game itself?)

A let down overall. Not recommended.

O shadow of colossus 2d desenhado a mão com temática viking. Joguem, é menos legal do que eu fiz parecer, mas é um puta jogo foda

I don't think it's a bad game per se, just not to my tastes

Jeu très sympa les mécaniques sont varié et le jeu n'est pas trop dur. Les graphismes sont très cool avec de belles animations et des mouvement de camera intéressant (pour reveler des zones ou des artwork).
Le lore est sympa même si ce n'est pas le cœur du jeu.
La façon d'introduire les mécaniques du boss dans les petits niveau à explorer pour récupérer plus de vie et des pouvoirs avant de pouvoir avoir accès à la salle du boss est sympa.

Pas envie de faire le mode Valhalla et je ne vais pas faire tout les achievements mais si on aime ce genre de défi je pense que c'est challengeant sans être impossible.

Trop de backseat par le narrateur ou le perso qui parle seul

Eu tenho uma relação estranha com esse jogo... Foi um dos primeiros que a Epic deu de graça junto com a Trilogia Arkham, terminei Arkham Asylum em março de 2020 e esse em março de 2024. Já fiquei anos sem jogar ele, não porquê é chato, mas sim pq falta algo nele, mesmo as Boss Fights (o foco dele) sendo boas, sinto que falta uma coisa a mais na gameplay, deve ser por isso que enrolei pra zerar. O jogo é super bonito, tanto que por anos foi wallpaper do meu notebook.

Pretty good game with beautiful hand-drawn animation and great music. Really loved the boss fights, it's a shame there isn't much else to the game. A guilty pleasure for sure.

esta bien, recomiendo probar ya que no es largo, se puede completar el juego en un fin de semana

na época mesmo eu tinha jogado esse jogo e a minha opinião continua a mesma: desperdício :/

era só fazer uma gameplay melhor cara, não era tão difícil... tudo nesse jogo é tão incrível, menos jogar ele. e essa é uma das constantes mais tristes que eu vejo em videogame.

espero que com o sucesso de spiritfarer algum dia lancem uma sequência ou, quem sabe, uma director's cut🙏

Beautiful art that carries the overused concept. Way harder than I was expecting which wouldn't necessarily be bad but the biggest source of difficulty is how clunky and slow you move and attack.

Its a very pretty game and I did enjoy playing it but it is stupidly short and yet most of it is filler. Its a good thing they added in a boss rush mode afterwards because its really the only bit worth playing.

For me, if the whole game was the first chapter of maybe 3 or so, I would feel better about the game. Its length is so short that I've just clocked it in 1 sitting and that is a shame considering you unlock your last ability and go straight into the final fight.

Combat is very basic, but that isn't necessarily a bad thing. It's more simple in a deliberate way that makes you worry about your timing of attacks etc.

The biggest criticism of this game is that a lot of it is just empty space and walking towards your next objective. The levels where you collect the runes are so sparse and devoid of stuff to do it.

Only one level really bucks this trend and its because you are swarmed with enemies. Going forward I was expecting each new biome to contain more enemies to fight in a similar fashion but they were just mostly empty.

The secrets are merely chop something to find an entrance, or walk through a hidden tunnel and that is kind of ok for a isometric camera angle but it feels thoroughly underwhelming.

Contrary to others, I like that the map is so obtuse and won't tell you where you are. You need to work out the landmarks and where you are in relation to them. I can see why everyone else hates this system though.

Also of note is the tree level. The map is actually useless due to no real landmarks to reference. Everyone's complaints boil down to "You go exploring with this map that isn't really that helpful and then find nothing" and they are 100% right.

Really disappointing to say the least.

For free, its an afternoon of fun. If paying, I think this is reserved for sales at about £6 but about £3/4 would be the sweet spot.

Played for the first chunk and it was so unbelivably boring and simple and vikings are so boring and simple and vanilla that I just dropped it.

Ainda não decidi se vou voltar a jogar esse jogo.
É provavelmente um dos mais lindos que já vi, mas de certa forma, a grandiosidade que ele impõe me deu preguiça.

A beatifully looking boss-rush game with a unique setting. While I enjoyed the boss design, I found the exploration uneccessary and would have preferred a direct path to each encounter (similar to what you have in Valhalla mode).

The isometric perspective sometimes gets in your way, as you can easily misjudge your position relative to the boss, resulting in missed attacks or taking damage. This made some encounters a bit frustrating, especially longer ones like Valhalla fights against Odin or Kaunan without using God Powers.

its pretty and i love it but... its all

I have a lot of achievements for doing the bosses without healing because I didn't even know you could

Jogo nórdico de matar bosses muito bonito