Reviews from

in the past

Well, the original release of the game had a man raping the lesbian protagonist and her deciding she enjoyed it, and when I tried to play the patched version Without that scene I found out it still has the lesbian enjoying sex with a man (but consensually this time).

So there's that.

Really interesting dialogue mechanics but I rarely felt that I was wanting for either of the main resource you bargain with which results in it being somewhat neutered and I have trouble remembering most of the characters besides the mc and the two main love interests.

Probably gonna get roasted for playing a porn game but but but I genuinely think this has some of the best conversation mechanics in games. Every conversation is a tight-rope walk where you have to juggle various interests (including potentially porn-y ones!) to get the result you want and this is maybe the only game I've ever played that has properly validated rude and catty dialogue options, never mind made them fun. Moment-to-moment this is Love's best, funniest, most well-observed writing (though admittedly I should probably replay Analogue, and I never played Hate Plus).

And in the interest of not making it seem like i'm reading playboy for the articles, the sex parts are also pretty good, i dunno what to tell ya.